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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. At the risk of Murphy rubbing off, :grouphug:. I hope that you have a blessed day, in spite of circumstances!
  2. "Children, obey your parents in everything you do, for this pleases the Lord." Written as many times as it takes for the little eyes to roll back into the child's recalcitrant skull. After one such experience, when the attitude monster comes to call, ask "Do we need to write our Bible verse again?" Works here!
  3. FWIW, I charged possession of a marker a gazillion times. In CA, violation of the statute requires intent to use as graffiti tool. Generally, when we'd get these from schools, we'd get copies of the little darling's workpages covered with graffiti. Tends to show that s/he wasn't carrying it just for art class. I suspect that the law is the same in the case mentioned on the blog. But leaving that part out is certain to draw more hits. ETA: Just to clarify, we only got these cases sent over on gangsters and taggers. I spent about 4-5 years at juvenile and never saw a case where a kid was arrested when the doodling involved was on the order of "Johnny loves Sally."
  4. I medicate when my dd is feverish. For us, that means when she is displaying physical symptoms of fever-flushed cheeks, glassy eyes, "punky" behavior. For my little one, the number on the thermometer is frequently not helpful, i.e., her temp is 102.5 and she's okay vs. her temp. is 101 and she's classically feverish.
  5. Preach it, sister. Seventeen years in law enforcement (prosecutor)- I saw this all.the.time. Here's my favorite remembrance, from my years at the juvenile division. The public defender investigator had to share a snippet of his day with me (he liked to watch my head spin 'round and 'round and my eyes roll back in my head): He was doing an intake interview on a kid coming in for a new case (like most he was a repeat customer who had graduated from the social services side of the system to the criminal.) When the investigator got to the employment question (answer-the standard "Nah."), he finally couldn't help himself, and asked the question of the kid and grandma he'd been dying to ask for years, "Has anyone in your family EVER worked?" The two looked at each other and thought about it, then started laughing. They couldn't come up with a single person. Not one. :glare: QUOTE=Barry Goldwater;2275111]Since President Johnson declared a War on Poverty, we've spent $8 Trillion...guess what we got... $8Trillion dollars worth of poverty... :iagree:Exactly. Instead of eliminating poverty, we institutionalized it. Please, don't get me wrong. I was literally sickened by the lives the children with whom I dealt had to lead. What makes me crazy, however, is that the system IS the problem, creating generation after generation of wasted lives. IMHO. Or not so.;)
  6. Bad weather here, too...we'll probably have to watch it on YouTube later.
  7. My now eight year old loved all three at about the same age. No, they're not the classics, but they are very engaging for the short people. Her absolute favorite series was the fairy books by Daisy Meadow. They are simple, formulaic, and (according to me) vomitous. But the little person LOVED them. In fact, she still does. The child that devoured The Lost Hero in two days STILL goes first to the fairy books to see if there's anything new. :glare: Other big hits were Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew, the Magic Kitten/Puppy/Gerbil/insert animal books, and any series with ponies/unicorns/fairies. She's halfway through an unabridged copy of the Swiss Family Robinson, so I don't think they ruined her for literature!
  8. A Beaujolais Village tends to be a light red. I'd choose something richer with red meat-a Cab or a Zin or a blend of heavier reds. I'm in the "Julia rocks" club! :001_smile:
  9. :iagree: I could have written this, word for word. No worries, OP. You're kiddo is doing great!
  10. Asta brings up a good point for all parents to remember. Pedophiles love children-in a sick and perverted way-and they strongly desire their company. You will find them in all walks of life where they will interact with kids; they are teachers, priests/pastors/youth ministers, coaches, scout leaders, etc. As parents, we must be vigilant and monitor our children's relationships with adults who are not WELL known to us. If I sound paranoid, please don't flame. After well over a decade as a prosecutor, many of which were spent in the juvenile division dealing with the devastation wrought by adult molesters (molested children tend to act out), I AM totally paranoid.
  11. :iagree: with everyone who says that the fact/myth/story divisions are clearly marked. I'm another whose child loooves the story element. So much in fact that, over the last three days, my eight year old read the entire book. And she's about a third of the way through a second reading. :001_huh: I just try to remember that she's in third grade. My goal now is not for her to gain an encyclopedic knowledge of ancient history, but a general understanding of the flow of the history and a love of learning. So I have tried to stop obsessing on finding/developing the "perfect" curriculum. HTH.
  12. Thank you for the post. It was most timely. We had just changed the date on our whiteboard and I had told DD the significance of the date. Your post provided the full quote from FDR that I was about to look up. Thanks again.
  13. How sad for you all. My precious little one is being an absolute angel and working diligently. Every fifteen minutes I say, "Remember, we can't go get the Christmas tree and start decorating until you're done with school." Works like a charm. ;) Now, if someone could please give me some motivational advice for all the other days of the year, I'm all :bigear:!!
  14. :lol::lol::lol: It's in the air-we juuust finished up. The basics. Science- huh? Latin- is that, what, like a language, or something? If you find a buyer for yours, let me know. Maybe they'd like another!
  15. My DD is a third grader. We're doing both this year. FLL/WWE is our primary Language Arts and MCT is "fun grammar" (she named it:001_huh:). We are following one of the suggested schedules in the FLL book, have recently sped up WWE to two scheduled weeks in one actual week, and mix in MCT for enjoyment as the mood hits. We have the MCT basic Island package and use all the books. This portion of our homeschool adventure is going swimmingly. This is our first year, however, so I'd take my advice with a grain of salt. HTH. :001_smile:
  16. I haven't read all the responses, so I apologize if this is repetitious. Perhaps your daughter could write a letter to her friend acknowledging the friend's pain and expressing her love and regret? It sounds like the friend's family are the sort who would appreciate the effort. And a book or hand-held game for fun would go along nicely. FWIT, I have the "short child" that other children are ALWAYS picking up and hauling around. It happened when she went to private school and it still happens at church, at her charter school enrichment day, and in the neighborhood. And yes, she's been dropped (thankfully, never badly hurt.) And yes, I correct the behavior when I see it. My point, picking each other up is just a weird kid thing, IMHO.
  17. This is my first year homeschooling, so take what I say with a grain of salt... My third grader is doing FLL3 and WWE3. Daily we are doing two lessons each of FLL and WWE. It takes about an hour, depending upon the amount of diddlyfarting around.
  18. Yes. I'm careful about the volume, though, because she reads A LOT independently.
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