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Everything posted by LuvToRead

  1. My girls gets tons of candy from extended family, so we generally buy them small gifts. In the past they have gotten Bibles, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, butterfly nets, etc. This year they are getting some 3 in 1 yard game set.
  2. I can check out 30 items per card, with a limit of 10 ILL items. We are limited by card, not family, so with 3 cards I can check our 90 items.
  3. No. My local library has no books on homeschooling.
  4. But can't you say the same thing about a restaurant? If I order a $10 burger, vs. a $30 steak, has the waitress worked any harder bringing me the steak? When you tip in a restaurant, it is usually based on the total bill, not the actual number of items the waitress brings out. We live too far out of town for pizza delivery, but I would tip at least 20% just for the convenience.
  5. I use pocket folders for covers. I cut them down the middle and I usually have to trim a bit off the top. Works great for us, but if you want something sturdier than cardstock, it may not work for you.
  6. I use the one on the back of the Hersey's cocoa box. So far, it's my favorite.
  7. If homeschooling isn't real, I've been doing it wrong! :laugh:
  8. You didn't tell us he was 12 in your original post. For all I knew, your nephew was 4. I would still would pay for the bike, but I would never ask someone to pay for my daughter"s bike. Yes, a 12 year should know to put up a bike, but an adult should know to look before backing up. Who should be held to a higher level of accountability, a 12 year or an adult?
  9. I believe the driver should pay. It is the driver's responsibility to ensure it is clear before backing out. I always look behind my vehicle before backing out, especially if I am at the home where there are young children. Kids do silly things sometimes.
  10. We always grill pork steaks. Pork steaks can be a bit grisly and fatty. We throw on the grill as is, no marinating, then coat with BBQ at the very end of grilling. I would pound the round steak before cooking it. It is pretty tough and this will help tenderize it. When we buy half a cow, we always ask the butcher to cube the round steaks.
  11. The library director at my local library does not have a masters degree, nor is he well read. The assistant librarian position requires no type of formal education. It's a very small library.
  12. I just added Texas Ranch house to my DVD Queue. It is in "Long Wait" status. It seems like it is available on disc now.
  13. I don't use foil, either. I just scrub them, poke holes, and throw them in. So easy. I usually cook mine in low for 10 hours. I put them on high if I start them after lunch.
  14. I didn't see any spoilers, either. I cried.
  15. Also, tampons have strings. We have an aeration system, and the strings can get wound around the motor. I think it would be OK just to place a note near the toilet that asks not to flush feminine products.
  16. I agree with this! My DH doesn't expect me to get up and make breakfast for him. He lived alone for several years, so he was used to it. But, I do make supper every night. I enjoy doing this for him because I love him, not because I consider it a "duty". He would much rather come home to a nice supper than get up to a nice breakfast.
  17. Put me in the bad wife category too! DH is usually up around 4, and I am not. I also don't fix him lunch because he eats out everyday. He's usually on the road, so his bosses pay. If he is at the shop during lunch, he just grabs something in town.
  18. Doc Martin. We only have an antenna, so my choices are pretty limited.
  19. Are you sure she wasn't going to call and ask for your permission if your son said yes? I had a BIL who used to do this. He would ask my niece if she wanted something, (i.e, candy, ice cream, or whatever) then he would ask her mom if it was OK. Sometimes people (especially 18 year olds with no children of their own) don't think to ask the parent's permission first. I would talk to her, not her parents. Is it possible your 5 year old got confused? It may just be a misunderstanding. I hate to think if you losing a wonderful babysitter over a misunderstanding.
  20. Our library is open 12-6 during the week, and 9-2 on Saturday. A couple of years ago, they didn't open to 1 pm.
  21. We go to my parents and eat ham and beans, cornbread, and fried potatoes. We usually play games after lunch. It's always a fun, but relaxing day.
  22. A lot of people in my church have switched to Page Plus. So far, I've not heard any complaints.
  23. :iagree: Plus, you have to take it apart just to fit it back into the box for storage. It's frustrating when you have to stop the game every few seconds to dig out a marble that is stuck in the hippo's mouth.
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