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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I'd contact the parents asap too; and you shouldn't feel weird about it either. I'd certainly want to know if my kid had you pay so I could pay you back.
  2. Invite who you want...I doubt the mom will mention it, but if she asks just be prepared with an answer ready. The answer could be anything from oh, I'm an air-head or simple oversight. You could even go with the ever popular and blame the mail man. I'm not recommending it, but it can work. Your dd is pretty young, and this is going to be a reoccurring issue as your dd gets older.
  3. I have wanted to vacation there since I was a teen...someday.
  4. Nightmare...I always used a stain stick and lots of bleach.
  5. I'll just be planning and ordering for my 10th grader next year, but we/he needs to finish up this year.
  6. My easiest recipe is simply toss a big jar of Salsa in with a bunch of chicken and let it cook. I serve it over rice and black beans with cheese and sour cream. The left overs make easy tacos or enchiladas. I love the recipes in Fix-It-and-Forget It- Lightly. (My library has a copy.)
  7. It's a shame , but so many people feel comfortable and even empowered to say hurtful things on-line; I think the loss of human contact face to face compels too many people to voice very ugly and hurtful things.
  8. Oh, wow...your poor thing. I'm going to suggest calling them all. The roofers will need to plug the access point if it was their fault, but you'll need critter removal services before you proceed with sealing off anything. The furnace people may be necessary to simply service the unit once the bird is out. I'm not sure removal is part of their service, but it might be.
  9. I'm just not crazy about conditional gifts, especially those that are long term and likely to fail. It sounds like she needs nagging; some kids just do. Your decision isn't going to be an easy one.
  10. The only way I don't feel guilty is by doing something like quilting while I sit that produces something. In all honesty, I love-love reading a good book and do, but I always feel the guilt. Flylady...not to bring up cleaning guilt, but her e-mails way back when that said it was time for a sit down water break helped me quite a bit. If I check things off my list, I'm more comfy sitting down and enjoying a chapter or two; and the breaks often leave me feeling recharged.
  11. It sounds like the entire day was just beautiful.
  12. I agree he is so close to finishing. I hope he can some how pull this off; his inability to envision a path past failing sounds pretty typical. Imo, fwiw...He sounds like so many students who are trying very, very hard but just missing the passing grade by very little due to his LD. I have to agree with him a little on the teacher(s) failing him; it sounds like they should find other accommodations to encourage and help him succeed. Would another type of test option be available? I encourage you as the parent to speak with the teachers, principle and guidance counselor to come up with a plan to help him succeed. E-mail, call, go in person are all paths I wouldn't hesitate to try at this point. Many, many times the squeaky wheel gets the grease or the fussy, wont go away parent gets some accommodations for her LD son. :grouphug: I hope this works out.
  13. You are very likely right about the super absorbency of disposable diapers and your ds is still very young and going very often. He will not being going as often sooner than you think.
  14. I would be sad, but it was her ring to do with as she wanted. However, I would have called the police if it was lost at the jeweler; I don't buy that story either. And I have to agree, it might not have had the sentimental value to her or a large retail value other than the gold.
  15. I ordered a brand new Breadman on Amazon last year; the total was under $50 and free shipping. It works very well for me. My favorite way to use it is on the dough setting. I make a big batch on the dough setting, then I pop it out and make a small raisin loaf and one regular loaf at the same time. It does bake the bread through a whole cycle just fine, but for some reason I prefer using the dough setting.
  16. :grouphug: I'm sorry and hope another test option is avaliable.
  17. BOUNDARIES, by Cloud and Townsend...Get the book from the library and read it asap. It will help you set reasonable boundaries that wont leave you feeling guilty. Having healthy boundaries will help your entire family deal with mil and hopefully those visits wont leave you feeling like a drained defeated doormat. In this instance, I think you can host them, but not cave in and cater to her every whim. Do what you need to support your family and expect her to act like a grown up. Oh, and you have my sympathy...My mil is a professional-passive-aggressive-pain in the rear.
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