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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Poor kid. In my book...bullies suck...and I never use that word. Why do some people have to be so mean? My ds loves Minecraft and so does his 15 y/old ps cousin. My guy would love a t-shirt.
  2. Congratulations! I've never heard of on-line home autions. I may need to investigate;).
  3. :grouphug: I think for two months with summer light, it would be fine. That said, I'd try to squeeze a walk in during lunch or study outdoors at work to enjoy the fresh air. You could do this inside if the weather doesn't cooperate. (I whimp out in the winter darkness and need more sleep then.)
  4. What a waste of time and money. I can't imagine that many people not at least trying to pass the test...Crazy!
  5. I wouldn't pay that much just for fun, but if they were quality classes I would.
  6. :iagree: And a funny memory... Quiet child doesn't want to hug a relative... Mom gently pleads...he's shy...Sister, loudly pipes in...No, he just doesn't like you!;)
  7. :banghead: Geeze, and people wonder why children are bullied in school. (I can't believe how many educated adults feel it's a good thing.)
  8. You know, I think you should send her a little thank you package with similarly crazy contents. I have last year's calendar if you need one, and a turkey baster I'll never use:001_huh:.
  9. How heartbreaking; I'm sending prayers. We drove down to AZ through Colorado 2 weeks ago.
  10. Define "Good enough." Here, it does not meet our state req. testing requirements.
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