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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Hang in there:grouphug:. Many of us have had times when we simply went through the motions and only the ones that were absolutely necessary. Rough patches are often marked by easier ones. Your son sounds like a dear. Big cheers for him and you for doing all the hard work to get him where he is.:hurray:
  2. I don't love the freezer on the bottom; bending down is a pain in the back. We went with a side by side...and I love it. Check how low the dishwasher door is when it's opened. Bending is a pain. Measure all of your spaces. Appliance sizes vary a lot.
  3. neighbor yard(s) are a mess or junked two-story smelled bad
  4. :iagree: Unless your shoes are open-toed. (I hate the feelings of closed toed heels without stockings.)
  5. I'd tell her to get her own kid (in front of everyone)...rinse and repeat. You can laugh and be nice, but eventually she will get the message.
  6. I know someone who simply responds with a... "Well, there you go." I'm pretty sure it means what ever:tongue_smilie:, but it sounds nicer.
  7. Poor kids...(((Prayers for a full and speedy recoveries.)))
  8. You might even check you local library, but Kalanamak is right with the link. If you need to order, post and many of us have e-mail or catalog codes that will save you money.
  9. :iagree: And you dh's reaction will play a lot into their behavior.
  10. Those co-pays stink and I imagine sleeping there is more than a little difficult...but I wish you restful sleep at home very soon.
  11. :grouphug:I'll just support you, as I never want to be one of those negative people who question and second guess a parent, that is doing what they feel is best for their child. I’m glad you have peace in your heart too. It’s never easy making these big decisions for our growing children. Eight grade seems to be a pivotal year for many of us, when some big decisions (often changes) need to be made; and they’re never easy on a mommy-heart.:grouphug:
  12. :grouphug: Regular styling salons and Sally's Beauty supply have a shampoo/conditioner set with another treatment available...Nioxin. Of course you should check with your dr. I'm not sure if the two can be used together.
  13. Yes, We have the 2nd edition (It was pretty much a free upgrade with our last order btw.) I'm hoping to compare the two soon, and choose the best one for ds to watch.
  14. I couldn't read or watch...My mil loved, loved both of them; I should have known.:tongue_smilie:
  15. We love the method. Dd uses it along with SuperStar Student colored pen system. Ebay has free shipping on $8 spiral bound notebooks.
  16. I hope your package actually arrives...soon.
  17. flylady...I'm a broken record, but her baby-steps can empower many of us to gain control and a general peace of mind. (Most days...I still need to get going of the books from last year before next year's arrive.)
  18. :grouphug:Vent away... But please, don't let that person have your peace of mind.
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