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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. :iagree:Although I would have to substitute alligator and rattlesnake for the crocodile.
  2. I had not associated orange with St. Patrick's day until last year when I was picking up some small items to wear on St. Patrick's day and noticed that most of the items offered had both orange and green on them. I guess those items are kind of offensive to both groups then? :confused: By the way, if I remember correctly they were sold at one of the big box stores so a very mainstream location.
  3. We have close to 19 acres and I love it! Most of our land is wooded but the area arond our house and a small orchard are cleared. It does require upkeep and I would definitely recommend that you take care not to bit off more than you can chew so to speak. Clear gradually and add gardening and/or livestock projects at a manageable rate.
  4. :iagree:That was my impression as well and it would also explain the reluctance to homeschool. Also, my dd goes to Kumon and many of the other students at the center are children of Asian immigrants.
  5. :lurk5:Dh would like to set one up for dd7 who can manage to make pillows dangerous when she is in certain moods.
  6. I have not read the whole thread so this may be a repeat of other suggestions. Is it the girl in the wheelchair's family that wants the coop to start 1 1/2 hours later? If so I would start at the normal time and do the nature walk and movement first before she arrives. I think that I would definitely simplify the backup plans. Basically when you have to cover because someone else dropped the ball I would do a very simple activity. I would probably try to finish out the term but make it clear that something will have to change next term.
  7. Well, since I am allergic to numerous scents including some flowers and to chocolate and dh knows this he never brings either home for me.
  8. What about large musical notes? Or a large treble or bass clef?
  9. First, I would like to agree with most of the prior posts. I would also like to add the word "word" when used as an interjection. Example conversations: "You are late." "Word." "Are you ready to take your break?" "Word." These are examples of typical conversations with a former coworker.
  10. I have not had to field this particular question yet. However if I encountered it I might be tempted to note that after four years of private school as a child I was noticably ahead when I had to transfer to public school. My private school teachers were not certified.
  11. I explained to my very wiggly dd7 that she would have to stay still and quiet for most of the time. However what really convinced her she would prefer to be homeschooled was when I informed her that she could not take her dog with her to a regular school.
  12. If you do not provide a new address she will not be able to visit after the move. Seriously, I would probably do this.
  13. My dd7 and dh love spongebob but I have to admit that I am not particularly entralled either so I cannot explain the appeal. The humor is very slapstick. I do have to admit that I would probably find disney princesses or barbie even more annoying though.
  14. An upside down inexpensive styrofoam cooler over the tumbler is pretty effective for helping to deaden the noise.
  15. I would imagine that her little darling failed to tell her the whole story. She may have been very surprised to learn that he had been a particpant. Although how did it not occur to her to wonder how exactly he knew about the poison in the coffee.
  16. One of our large dogs likes to catch and slobber on a chicken if she can but she is part retriever and has never actually harmed one (Ialways rescue the bird fairly quickly also). The other large dog is very obedient and only had to be scolded once or twice. On the other hand our small dogs have learned that chickens peck. One of them is actively and blatantly afraid of the chickens. The other two mostly ignore the chickens because they know if they bother them they will get pecked and then scolded.
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