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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Well, can you do recall training with a long lead and say... a pinch collar? I did recall training with my dog fully grown. I would just "quickly tug" the collar to let him know he was getting to the end of the lead as I called him back. Then I'd have him come back to me and do a sit stay in front of me when he came back. I also had my son stand across the "field" from me to call and have him "sit/stay" before I'd call him back to me. Small treats work for this, too :) Also, you can have her feed the dog, with a sit/stay before they eat. I'm not sure how long the "stay" should be for a pup. I did this with my dog sometimes. Even though my dog was grown, the training I did & sometimes refresh has worked well. If I was more consistent, he would be even better... But it's amazing how long it's held even with me NOT being consistent :)
  2. Wow, all of you who rescue tons of dogs... I'm amazed :) Have you tried exercising the heck out of him and then putting him in his crate for only a small bit... coming back in and letting him out with no expression? I'm sure you alread know that when you let him out of the crate you aren't suppose to say anything... just casually let him out and then take him out, right? It could be that the anxiety made him go in his crate, but it could be that it's not the right size. Just thinkin' with you :) Not sure about if he's having enough to chew on.... Once I fed my dog raw that was fixed, but it was also ok with a Kong and his food frozen in it... kinda dog popsicles. I'd mix the food with some warm water to kind make it absorbed... fill the food in the kong and then put over glasses... and freeze :) Each one was 15 minutes of peace :) (He ate 3 kongs, twice a day) I would kennel by my bed instead of tether to give him some "good experience" with the crate. We purchased 3 crates with our dog. One for the first floor, one for night time upstairs... and one for the van :) Totally worth it ;) Now... at 6yrs, he's earned the privilege of staying out during the day :)
  3. I don't know... I'm a bit jealous about how they just "grew" :) How oh how did that work? :) BTW, my mom mixes yams and potatoes in things like potato salad and hashbrowns. It really is great! :)
  4. Just really sad if I couldn't be involved with them once they start having "families" :( But, reality is I don't know what will happen or how they will view grandparent involvement. I truly value grandparents as a real and present part of life, so that's how I live/lived.
  5. I think college. My daughter said that her hope in life is to marry and have children by 25. (She's thinking marriage at 23) She also LOVES public school and doesn't have any wish to homeschool. She thinks it's kinda messed up to homeschool. We'll see if she feels that way when she gets older. I talk about college; she's read that it's not all it's cracked up to be, especially when she doesn't have a desire to leave her children with someone else. :)
  6. I looked for the "like" button... Oops.. not on FB.... That's too cute !:)
  7. Oh gosh :( Let us know!! I'll have to find the post she must have started before :(
  8. Oops... I've seen the info before, too :) (though not necessarily here) Just thought it was interesting to read again:) I've also just been to a Ted Bennett conference talk about Math Still want educated kids... just looking around :)
  9. Building Mathematical Skills By Delaying Math Interesting read on Math and how long term study in elementary regarding formal math... and studying other skills that make it so elementary math can be learned quickly...
  10. Since you have only 2 kids at home now, have you thought about changing out of a van? I wouldn't get another van with only my 2 riding around with me now. I hate every time I fill up!! I hate that it's $80.... and that doesn't last for long. I have a Sienna and I like it... I think that they are about the same. I use only the Premium gas because it's better for my van and in the end costs about the same per mile.
  11. Hey Denise and Others :) The other day I was with a friend and she talked about RAD... how her adopted child had it... and their options surrounding it. I'd like to just say, "THANKS" for sharing info about it... allowing us to see a bit into your lives. Sometimes when we share, we wonder if we're only venting, helping ourselves, perhaps boring others. I'd like you to know that you've helped me, and I'm sure others, too!! When she shared her story, I could believe her! I could understand her experience... because of yours!! For our family I know that I'm not willing to change my life right now because of a child with RAD, but I know that I'd be willing to do respite care for a friend... and support them without wondering if they're crazy.... I know that I'd trust them if they say that their angelic child is not like that at home... that a day with them is close to "Hell on Earth"..... that they've gotten rid of their animals for their animal's safety.... That they can't sleep well through the night. (and on and on) Thanks for giving us a glimpse of your lives... and know that I really do hope for complete (emotional) healing at the end... :)
  12. I've heard that if you give him time every morning... say from 10-10:30 to tell you whatever he wants. Really look at him.... share what he's saying with you. ( I mean.... be or at least seem very interested) I say this very.... very gently.... Enjoy this time now because you WANT your kids to share with you. He's also sharing what's on his mind. The WAY he's sharing may mean that his brain is over active. (Is he dealing with ADHD?) If you think about "why" he's over talking... (to you at least) then you can be more thoughtful about how you deal with him. I'd give a ton to have my children ramble with me. Teenage years are hard... and they are doubly hard if your kids DON'T want to chat. :(
  13. Yup, I bet that the statistics are correct, except for then the matter of who marries when....etc. I would suspect that more couples who are not Christians feel living with each other before marriage is ok... than those living Christian lives do.... which skews some of the results. Just a thought....
  14. Here's the thing: what if I want to enter into marriage as a union ordained by God. (and to my understanding that is a man and a woman) Why can't those who want to enter into union with same gender enter into a union that is referred to as something else? Why is it the same to be in a union which is composed of opposite genders as it is to be with in union with the same gender? Family can be consisted of many different looks (grandma, mom, kids....etc...) BUT it doesn't mean they have marital status. Heck, I lived with my best friend (another female) while I had my daughter. BUT, it didn't mean that we were able (or wanted) to have marital status.
  15. Wow, that's freaky scary :( So sorry for you! :( If you see this... could you tell me what mg he was on and how long? If you'd like to pm me, that's totally fine... We are looking at Daytrana (SP?) but it's a patch and more expensive... so our insurance won't cover it yet. (We have to try one more med like Concerta and say it won't work to get the patch)
  16. I did this with my daughter. I actually was able to send her for whatever part I wanted to... so when it was the history part I liked... I sent her for that. And I liked some other parts at other times, so I could send her for those. She was also able to attend all the field trips. For us... then... it was a good compromise.
  17. So sorry for her... and you!! That must be so freakin' scary :( Hope things turn around.....soon!!
  18. Very Cute... although I wouldn't have them with my baby :(
  19. Denise :) Since it's filling, it's absolutely perfect for at night. By in the morning you're fine :) Also, seriously try to find the Wallaby's Organic Greek Yogurt. It has to be the Greek one :) Between the 3TBS of Hemp seed at night and the Greek Yogurt on something like the English Muffin....you'll be at about 40grams of protein. I am curious how much protein you're aiming for. :) The (ground) Hemp seed could easily be mixed with peanut butter. That's what I'd use except for I don't like to think of cross contamination, because of my daughter being allergic to peanuts. :)
  20. I just wanted to share for all of you out there with kids who have ADHD..... sometimes meds can be your child's best friend. I am overjoyed with the control he has. I feel like he has a happier time in classes and with his friends. He's no longer the "in trouble" child. (because of hyper activity or the inability to focus) I watched him in Kempo today. It's a beautiful site to see your child who wants to focus, be able to. This next year we're taking a break; he's been in a co-op situation since 5. I'm excited to spend time taking him to museums, classes of his choosing, having him learn to read better. Experience Life!! :) I was thinking about him going to a school this coming year, and even though it'd be fun to have a break during school hours... he's plainly said that he has no desire to be in a classroom environment for hours a day. And... well, I can't blame him. So, off to have this year of discovery with him!! Just wanted to let anyone who needs to have the option of meds..... know that it can be really great!! :)
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