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Agonizing pain when a cool wind blows past your ears?

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Does anyone experience this?


If I run during cool to cold weather, or am out with a strongish breeze blowing past my ears, the pain in my ears is just about unbearable. The kind of pain that makes you writhe on the ground. It goes up around my whole ears and down into my neck, too. It lasts 15 - 20 minutes after I'm out of the wind.


Dh says he's never experienced anything like this. Am I just nuts? Or is this another of those sensory issues?

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Oh, my! I thought it was just me! I've taken to wearing a fleece headband when I walk (it's probably some type of ear covering thing for the winter, since it's fleece), even if there's the slightest breeze. When I was at a sporting goods store the other day I saw a headband made by Nike (probably some type of sweatband) and it was wider at one end. I'm going to get that for summer use (sailing does me in...the breeze on the water).



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Does anyone experience this?


If I run during cool to cold weather, or am out with a strongish breeze blowing past my ears, the pain in my ears is just about unbearable. The kind of pain that makes you writhe on the ground. It goes up around my whole ears and down into my neck, too. It lasts 15 - 20 minutes after I'm out of the wind.


Dh says he's never experienced anything like this. Am I just nuts? Or is this another of those sensory issues?


Probably sensory. My dh hates having the wind run through his hair (:confused: What hair?), but he's not as affected as you. It doesn't bother ds, though.

  • Haha 1
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When I'm out in the wind or just cold my ears ache. Sometimes it will continue until I lie down & put heat on the ear.

It is comforting to know I'm not alone. When I've mentioned it to a Dr. he didn't seem to take it as a serious problem- as I recall he recommended benadryl.

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I had something similiar and was diagnosed with arthritis of the jaw...I was told to take Aleve (I'm allergic to Aleve though), stop eating chewy meats and foods, talk as little as possible for the first few weeks and to wait about up to 2-4 weeks (or was it more?) for improvement...The doctor's advice worked...It gave my jaw the rest it needed apparently...


Funny though...A good friend of mine at the time thought I was just kidding about the diagnosis (he'd never heard of it in his entire life) and teased me for a few months about it...Just a year later, he went to the doctor for the same problem who gave him the same diagnosis...I was amused by that for some reason...:tongue_smilie:

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It happens to me when I'm outside on a cold windy day and my mother also has it happen (that's probably why I never thought it was strange till right now). I wear a scarf or something around my ears and that helps. The A/C doesn't bother me though (gratefully, since I am warm-blooded).

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You might consider TMJ. It makes your ear EXTREMELY sensitive to noise, to cold weather, etc. It even made my ear feel clogged a lot! It gave me horrible debilitating migraines and numbness on one side of my face.



After two mri's I finally had a dentist tell me I have TMJ. I had no idea. I didn't think my jaw hurt or they clicked (although I knew my ears popped all the time--which was really my jaws). I didn't grind my teeth (but now that I'm aware I realize I clench my teeth a lot).

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After two mri's I finally had a dentist tell me I have TMJ. I had no idea. I didn't think my jaw hurt or they clicked (although I knew my ears popped all the time--which was really my jaws). I didn't grind my teeth (but now that I'm aware I realize I clench my teeth a lot).


How terribly painful that sounds, Amy. Have you found a good treatment regime?

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Guest janainaz

I have it, too. It can be a barely cool day and I don't necessarily have to be running or jogging, but just walking quickly enough to have a breeze. I have always had this and just thought I must have sensitive ears. I have no other symptoms or problems and don't believe it's TMJ and don't get clogged ears - it's only the issue with the cool, breezy air. Maybe it is the way certain ear canals are designed, maybe wind gets in easier?

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Does anyone experience this?


If I run during cool to cold weather, or am out with a strongish breeze blowing past my ears, the pain in my ears is just about unbearable. The kind of pain that makes you writhe on the ground. It goes up around my whole ears and down into my neck, too. It lasts 15 - 20 minutes after I'm out of the wind.


Dh says he's never experienced anything like this. Am I just nuts? Or is this another of those sensory issues?


I have this problem and if I'm not terribly careful I'll get an ear infection.


You know those winter headbands? They go over your ears. I wear those and they help immensely.


I've thought about getting those little ear covers ('cuz the head bands mess up your hair -- especially in cold weather when you get that whole static electricity crazied mom look going on), but I don't know if they are thick enough.

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You might consider TMJ. It makes your ear EXTREMELY sensitive to noise, to cold weather, etc. It even made my ear feel clogged a lot! It gave me horrible debilitating migraines and numbness on one side of my face.



After two mri's I finally had a dentist tell me I have TMJ. I had no idea. I didn't think my jaw hurt or they clicked (although I knew my ears popped all the time--which was really my jaws). I didn't grind my teeth (but now that I'm aware I realize I clench my teeth a lot).


Oh, this is very interesting!


I am very sensitive to noise, cold weather and my ears are always clogged feeling.


My ears pop all the time. LOUDLY! (To the point that if DH is studying beside me, he'll sometimes leave because my ears are popping so loud.)


However, I don't grind my teeth, there's no jaw clicking or pain, and I rarely clench my teeth. In fact, upon thinking on it, my teeth rarely touch, except when I make a concious effort.



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I get ear pain in cold weather so I wear these http://www.landsend.com/pp/HeavenlyFleeceEarWrap~187943_-1.html?bcc=y&action=order_more&sku_0=::BLA&CM_MERCH=IDX_00007__0000001050&origin=index .


I also experience ear aches when someone shuts the windows in a moving car to fast. Also, airplanes, not all flights have caused me to be in agony for hours but a few sure have put me in tears.

Edited by lynn
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I have the exact same thing. I never knew I did, because I always lived in a warm/hot climate with no real winters. This past winter it has been fairly cold for us (40s) with a wind blast. I guess it's because I'm forced outdoors because of the children, in the past I would have stayed home :tongue_smilie: But I've had to tell ds that we can't stay at the park because my ears hurt so much. I look ridiculous when I'm wearing a snow hat my mom gave me a long time ago when we went to Venezuela in the Andes mountains when it's only in the 50s, but my ears can't take the colder wind.


My name is Sagira and I get bad earaches from the cold wind..



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I have always had that problem. Just standing outside in the wind can hurt. Running can be unbearable. When I run outside I wear earbuds/headphones. They seem to do the trick. If it's colder I wear a fleece band. My dh just got a band that is not fleece, but made of a stretchy, breathable material. He got it a a running store.


When I was younger my mom always thought I was making it up, that my ears couldn't hurt that much. Now she thinks I'm just weird.:tongue_smilie:

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Like many of you, I too am relieved to hear that I am not crazy!! I have incredible ear pain with wind and especially cold wind, to the point of total distraction.


Dh thinks I'm a bit odd about it but now I can tell him that I'm not making it up! Lots of WTMers have it too!


I own a pair of ear warmers that wrap around from behind and hide under my hair (mostly) b/c I need to keep my ears protected from even very mild or warm winds.


Thanks for the validation everyone! Now, if only there were a cure!

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  • 11 years later...

I have this problem as well. I figured more people had this problem and now it seems it’s true. I also get intense pain if I’ve been swimming in a pool for a while. I believe much of the pain is due to the constriction of very small blood vessels in the inner ear. Your ears, nose and throat are connected and so are the blood vessels (Google exterior carotid artery). In my case in particular (I have heart disease), I know that lack of blood flow sometimes can cause pain in my extremities, including ears. I found that if I wear a mask and hat that block the wind that causes cold air to pass through my mouth and nose, I can substantially reduce the painful aftermath. I bought earplugs for swimming, but have not tried them yet. I suspect they won’t have the same affect, because my ears may still get cold with them in. The solution there may just be warmer water and a pre-swim workout to get blood flowing before I swim. 

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Me too. Earmuffs stop it.  I traced it back to when I first got contact lenses at age 14 in 1979. Contact lens solution had thimerosal (mercury containing preservative) in it until 1990.

I don’t think I would have ever figured it out if I hadn’t gotten even worse mercury toxicity over the years and recovered from it by chelating. When I looked back, every big mercury exposure I had, was accompanied by a large drop in my health.

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