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So today I'm 40...

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and I'm feeling pretty good about it. Much better than I did at 30. But I liked my 30's much better than my 20's, so I'm hoping my 40's will be better still. We splurged and took the whole family out to the Melting Pot (I've been craving it ever since the whole fondue discussion last Christmas...or was it Christmas before last???).


Here's to middle age!



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Happy New Year to you, Barb! I turned 40 earlier this month ~ right on the heels of Julie in CA. We 03/69ers must stick together.:) Though you both seem older than I ~ and I mean that in the best way. You both seem wise beyond your years, yet you look way young. Any-hoo, happy birthday to you! I've always said my 40s would be a great decade. Truth be told, I'm not starting off well, but there are miles to go yet.

Edited by Colleen
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We are moving back home where I went to high school and college for a three year tour. My best friends are still there. I'll turn 40 right in the middle of it. I realized that a few weeks ago (I turn 39 in a few weeks from now so I was probably thinkign about that).


I realized we'd be home for my 40th birthday. And I realized my closest friends will actually be there (I haven't lived back there since 97). There was something comforting in realizing I was going to turn 40 with the people I had turned the other milestones of 16, 21, 25 with.

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and I'm feeling pretty good about it. Much better than I did at 30. But I liked my 30's much better than my 20's, so I'm hoping my 40's will be better still. We splurged and took the whole family out to the Melting Pot (I've been craving it ever since the whole fondue discussion last Christmas...or was it Christmas before last???).


Here's to middle age!




Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday dear Barb (is it Barbara? Because that would sound better here)

Happy Birthday to you.


I hope that my 40's are better than these awful 30's.

I had always looked forward to 36. It sounded like a nice sweet juicy number.

It was the worst year of my life! If the 40's are not better, I quit.


What a difference for you though, spacing kids like that.

I think that keeps you young. As odd as it sounds - because babies are soooooooooo much work, I think they keep us young in spirit. They are so sweet and pure, it is cleansing for US. I had my dd when I was 25 and this one when I was 36 - my body was like, "What the heck?" It was more demanding eleven years later for sure. But it is wonderful to smell baby's breath and rub that soft skin.


Well - enjoy dinner. I love their beer cheese with bread. I hate how my clothes smell when I leave though......that oil smell. Do not skip dessert!

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and I'm feeling pretty good about it. Much better than I did at 30. But I liked my 30's much better than my 20's, so I'm hoping my 40's will be better still. We splurged and took the whole family out to the Melting Pot (I've been craving it ever since the whole fondue discussion last Christmas...or was it Christmas before last???).


Here's to middle age!




Happy birthday, dear Barb! Forties are AMAZING! Welcome to the club.

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and I'm feeling pretty good about it. Much better than I did at 30. But I liked my 30's much better than my 20's, so I'm hoping my 40's will be better still. We splurged and took the whole family out to the Melting Pot (I've been craving it ever since the whole fondue discussion last Christmas...or was it Christmas before last???).


Here's to middle age!




Middle age? HA! Haven't you heard, 40 is the new 30. You're far from middle age!





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Happy Birthday! Don't they say 40 is the new 30? :D Just watch your eyes . . . those eyes really go downhill at 40. ;)


Have a great day!



Yeah, I noticed this year I was developing my mom's lids. But I'm embracing the change (with a tube of eye brightening concealer in my pocket).



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Happy New Year to you, Barb! I turned 40 earlier this month ~ right on the heels of Julie in CA. We 03/69ers must stick together.:) Though you both seem older than I ~ and I mean that in the best way. You both seem wise beyond your years, yet you look way young. Any-hoo, happy birthday to you! I've always said my 40s would be a great decade. Truth be told, I'm not starting off well, but there are miles to go yet.


How did I miss yours and Julie's 40th?? Happy birthday to you both. I had no idea we were so close in age. My mom and dad were married June 22, 1968 and I was born 9 months and 2 days later. Honeymoon baby :D Somehow it pleases me to know our mothers were waddling around sweating and cussing at the exact same time.


Thank you for the compliment, and I do understand you meant it as a compliment. I feel the same about you, but I think we tend to admire in others the qualities we struggle with in our own personalities. I think you are raising some fine young men and hope my daughters will one day meet some like yours. Sigh. Now that I have 3 teens (well, almost), the pickings seem so thin at times.



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We are moving back home where I went to high school and college for a three year tour. My best friends are still there. I'll turn 40 right in the middle of it. I realized that a few weeks ago (I turn 39 in a few weeks from now so I was probably thinkign about that).


I realized we'd be home for my 40th birthday. And I realized my closest friends will actually be there (I haven't lived back there since 97). There was something comforting in realizing I was going to turn 40 with the people I had turned the other milestones of 16, 21, 25 with.


Ah, I wish I had "closest friends." You are very lucky. Enjoy it.



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I hope that my 40's are better than these awful 30's.

I had always looked forward to 36. It sounded like a nice sweet juicy number.

It was the worst year of my life! If the 40's are not better, I quit.


If it makes you feel any better, 36 was the low point in my life too. Dh lost his job for the second time two weeks after our son was born. One week later he'd moved to Arizona without us to find work. Said son was an extremely difficult and demanding baby. We came <<<thisclose>>> to divorcing. Bad, bad year.


But I'm happy to report that we are doing so much better on all fronts. I would never have believed how much better if you would have told me 4 years ago. I hope your next few years are the same, Karen.



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