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A poll of sorts...How many board games do you own?

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Our game closet is overflowing b/c mom doesn't want to give away games we *might* potentially play one day:) BUT, I'm completely out of room and honestly, we don't play/haven't played half of the games we own. So, how many games do YOU own (any kind...adult, child, both, etc.) AND how do you store them? I got an idea from some magazine one day about taking board games out of boxes, writing the name on the back of the folded board, keeping pieces in zip-lock bags w/ the game name on it and stories either in 3ring binders or a storage box. Stack the boards. It does save space, but my it's hard to part w/ those pretty boxes :p

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We have too many to count. I saw that idea to. The one I really liked was they made their basement into a game room and hooked all the gamboards all over the wall. Believe me, if we could do that our games would def get played more. For now they are all stacked...and those pretty little boxes they are in are getting crushed. ;)

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We own about 10, down from around 40. The kids outgrew some, some were missing so many pieces I threw them away, and a few I gave away because they were never played with.


I used to keep game boards in one drawer in the play room, and the pieces to the games in baggies. It used to floor me that those big boxes held so little.


Now I keep the boxes because we only have 10 games, and a new game will not enter this house unless another game simultaneously exits.

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We had over 40 games at one time and I got rid of all the boxes and did the ziploc/box thing............didn't help them get used any more though. We realized that there were certain games we played over and over and others that never got used........I finally bit the bullet and donated them.......we now have about 20 games stored on the high shelf in a closet.

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I just got back from visiting my sister who has 3 board games (4 kids). I filled 2 rubbermaid tubs back in Nov. with games from our game closet just to see if they would be missed. One game got pulled out. Now I'm ready to downsize to just a handful of games. Because you know what? we only have time for so many. Let's play those few until they are worn. out. My grandparents played Parcheesi so much, they counted five games as one tab on a yellow legal pad, and they actually wore out (like, you couldn't see the squares anymore) 3 complete sets. You really can be content with less.


but I'm not asking my kids to help. they have trouble letting go!

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We have quite a few, and I have never found a neat way to store them. I have been slowly changing over to those wonderful bookcase editions, and I am much happier. They still have their own shelves, but they are much tidier than all the odd sized boxes.

*sigh* If only all the favorite games came in a bookcase edition. :)

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We started to count them as we packed them up and we had way over 100, and that was after we had weeded out ones that were too young for dc. (My three dc only ask for games and craft things from family for all holidays, so they accumulate.) We had them on shelves in our dining room in this house, and they will be on shelves in the "rec room" in the new house. They are all still in the boxes, as they stack well that way. Dh build the shelves, so they were extra deep - we found that bookshelves didn't work very well.

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Ok, I just counted 44. I don't know if I missed any, & that doesn't incl. card games.


I've tried the no-more-games unless something leaves rule, but dh is, ah, an addict. And we buy them at the Goodwill for so cheap...and some of them are homemade...and...I don't know. We've got a lot of games.


Honestly? If dh finds out that some of y'all have MORE, um, he'll see that as an excuse to buy the next ones he's drawn to--WITHOUT sending any out. LOL shhh!

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Dozens. Some are "vintage" (from as far back as the 60's). Dh will never let us part with them, nor get rid of the boxes. He thinks that at the very least, they'll be valuable someday -- and he has a point really, because some of the old games we own would sell for quite a bit on e-bay -- IF dh would part with them.

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For most of our puzzles and games with tiny pieces, we put cut off the title or even the whole top off of the box and tape it with packing tape to a sturdy zipper type bag with the game inside. Shows some of the original box, but takes up less space. I love that there are larger size ziploc bags now, too!!

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I have big see-through plastic containers - they hold between 4 - 6 regular size games each in their game boxes (more if they are smaller game boxes). I get out one plastic container per week. The kids are allowed to only play the games from that plastic container. All of a sudden our games are being played. I think it is because clean-up is easier and it is easier to look through just 4 - 6 games to choose one. Plus, they know they won't see these games for awhile after the week is up!

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About 4 dozen eurogames for adults; we host a Game Day once a month for our adult friends. There are probably another 2 dozen for the kids, though not all are board games.

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I have no clue! I turned our entryway closet into our game board/puzzle storage. Dh built me shelves and it is full! But we love games and play them all the time. I moved out coats to hooks in the garage. That's where we come and go from anyway.


At least, the kids' ones are. We have too many. I was ready to get rid of some of the toddler/preschool ones, and then along came Schmooey. :-) So, perhaps some of them can take a trip to the attic for a few years or something.


I feel overrun by everything, not just games, so it's clearly time to downsize. At least I don't have to look at the pile of games very often.

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I don't have an exact number, but we about 50 board games. It's definitely too many, but how do you choose which ones to get rid of? We are a board game family so that all get played once in awhile...


I'm with you Beth, all the way. We have family gatherings where board games are very important. Plus, we like to have a game night with immediate family a couple times per month. It's nice to have options!




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We have a tote with game boards and zipper bags of pieces. There are about 15 games in one tote and it works well.


For a few games like LIFE, we kept the box because the tote wouldn't be kind to it.


For educational games, we keep them in their original boxes and stacked in our classroom instead of the game closet. Their boxes tend to be sturdier and I will resell them someday.



Sometimes we make old game boards into new games. Usually homeschooling games. Like dd is learning her multiplication facts right now so we converted an old game into a "times" game and then we will toss it when we are done.


Our converted game before that was last spring to practice our colors in Spanish.



We count the game creation time as art!

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