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  1. Oh, the biggest challenge for me has definitely finding a routine or schedule that actually works for us then sticking to it. My second challenge would have to be trying to discover the learning styles of my dc.
  2. www.bookangles.com and www.factsonfiction.org are two book review sites that I can think of at the moment.
  3. We have used Saxon Alg. in the past also and may I suggest The Algebra Survival Guide by Singing Turtle Press. It's a wonderful resource to use along side your text. It breaks everything down in teen language. The text comes with a workbook with plenty of practice problems. Rainbow Resource carries it for 25 dollars I believe. My ds loved it.
  4. We use the regular Walmart brand but have you checked at your local health food store. They may have some without the additive stuff. Also watchout for the ones with artificial sweetners. Very dangerous.
  5. Wow! Maybe you guys should send some of those games my way. We don't even have over 10. HeeHee
  6. You have a great question and I had once shared the same concern before turning our family size over to Him. I have used bc in the past also. Now in hind sight, I believe that I was not allowing God to control our family size because of man and the world's opinion of how many children were right for us. God only knows that. He knows more about me than I knew of myself which is why he has blessed me to have more dc. I also believe he has a wonderful sense of humor in doing this. LOL I believe that if God wanted us to use bc then He would have said be fruitful and multiply according to your needs but I don't recall that part in the Bible. LOL! We are to be fruitful and multiply and He also said that children are a blessing from the Lord and blessed are they who have a quiverful. How can we withhold God's blessings for us? Why do we want to control His hand or place restrictions on our wombs because of our wills? We are to do according to His will so is controlling your family size in His will? It's a matter of faith. Believe and trust that God knows exactly how many children HE wants to bless you with and He knows what you are capable of handling. Being a mother is a ministry. He will equip and enable you to do that which He has called for you to do.
  7. I agree with Cedarmom. Snacks at this age are more like meals. My ds eats sandwiches along with lots of fruits and veggies for snacks around the house. He also eats baked chips or something. We aren't big on fried things. But he loves fruit.
  8. I've been a lurker for a while and decided to finally join in the activities. I actually know a few posters here but I wanted to formally intro myself. I am a wife and hs mom of five dc from tots to teens. We are going into our 4th hs year. I love the information and support that is available on this forum. I'm looking forward to borrowing your wisdom and using it for my own. I'm looking forward to sharing more about our family as I learn of yours also. Due to a short amount of time, I must keep this post short. :)
  9. Wow. It's been a long time since I've read EB too. My youngest ds is 8 and he enjoys Geronimo Stilton books. There are so cute and fun. Geronimo is the editor of his city's newpapers and goes through all sorts of adventures. I think your ds may enjoy them.
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