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80 degrees today. In Feb. Seriously.

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And tomorrow's supposed to be 85. But dh won't let me plant anything yet because it could still FREEZE & the way our weather goes, it WILL. :w00t: :banghead:


ETA: Whoa. That banghead dude is a lot angrier looking than I expected. I only wanted him to bang his head, not look like he was going to explode w/ rage. LOL

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A joke in our family is that the only thing more fickle than I, is the Texas weather :)


Yesterday I was surprised to see that most of our hibernating pets are already awake. It's just been too warm, for too long of a stretch. I'm thinking about living dangerously, and planting in early March any how - it's hard to resist the urge!

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It *is* hard to resist the urge, and it's only 70 here today. I got out yesterday and ripped some stuff out of the garden to prep it for tilling and fertilization in a few weeks, though. We have to wait till mid-April to plant... and I usually have to wait a week longer because of the weird micro-ecosystem tat we have in our yard. Everything here blooms a week later than anywhere else on the street.

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Don't you love it! I can't stand being cold, so this is awesome, IMO.





I AGREE Amy. Nothing better than Texas heat. I finished weeding my garden yesterday and started adding compost to turn over. I did plant 2 of my 20 tomato (root bound) plants, I just couldn't help myself. Since we are between San Antonio, Houston, and Corpus I am thinking we might not get another freeze. Who Knows???:confused:

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February in Texas is unpredictable. Spring begins on Valentine's Day, at least in my mind. It can easily be 80' for a week and then plummet to freezing temps. I adore working outside in this weather. Kids want to be outside all day. Tempted to blow off school and make it up in August, when temps "plummet" to a chilly 90'F. ;)


Break out the bikini and grab a bit of sunshine! (Just keep the parka close by...just in case.)

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I AGREE Amy. Nothing better than Texas heat. I finished weeding my garden yesterday and started adding compost to turn over. I did plant 2 of my 20 tomato (root bound) plants, I just couldn't help myself. Since we are between San Antonio, Houston, and Corpus I am thinking we might not get another freeze. Who Knows???:confused:


I"m doing the same with the beds. I hope you get lucky with your tomatoes. Thenyou can have some really nice ones early!

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February in Texas is unpredictable. Spring begins on Valentine's Day, at least in my mind. It can easily be 80' for a week and then plummet to freezing temps. I adore working outside in this weather. Kids want to be outside all day. Tempted to blow off school and make it up in August, when temps "plummet" to a chilly 90'F. ;)


Break out the bikini and grab a bit of sunshine! (Just keep the parka close by...just in case.)


Ha! Ha! My kids are in the swimming pool right now for a recess break. Sure is beautiful outside!

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Ha! Ha! My kids are in the swimming pool right now for a recess break. Sure is beautiful outside!


Dh mentioned looking at pools yesterday. Today he reminded me that the mid-west, where we used to live, might be getting a snowstorm. I looked at him strangely and thought, "Oh yes, it is still February."


The south, the land of flip-flops and flowers in February. yes, my flowers are already blooming. Gotta love it.

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On the way to pick up my son, the thermometer in my car said 88. The fruit trees are blooming. The other trees are just beginning to get that green tinge to them. Daffodils, the crocus, hyacinths etc are all blooming. It will be about another week and the arboretum will have their Dallas Blooms started.


All that to say,


I'm in heaven!

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It was really sunny here yesterday, and I thought it was really warm so I opened the windows and got some fresh air in the house. It was 47 degrees!


Today we have sleet. sigh.


I'm sure it will hit the 80's by late June....maybe July.

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Send some of that heat this way, I'm ready for spring! :D


Forget spring. Here we have "Nice" and "Summer".

My kids were out playing in shorts at 9am this morning. Here in AZ we're forecasting 89 on Sunday. :tongue_smilie:

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because it could still FREEZE & the way our weather goes, it WILL. :w00t:


Aubrey, Sat night they are forecasting we'll have weather in the low thirties if not a hard freeze. Just so ya' know....


I have a housefull of teenage boys coming for the weekend (annual youth retreat) so I'm thankful it'll be cooler...the room they'll be sleeping in is too warm for teenage bodies, otherwise!

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And tomorrow's supposed to be 85. But dh won't let me plant anything yet because it could still FREEZE & the way our weather goes, it WILL. :w00t: :banghead:


ETA: Whoa. That banghead dude is a lot angrier looking than I expected. I only wanted him to bang his head, not look like he was going to explode w/ rage. LOL


Can I just say that posting that here when you know very well that I'm getting sub-zero cabin fever is really, really mean. :glare:



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Can I just say that posting that here when you know very well that I'm getting sub-zero cabin fever is really, really mean. :glare:




Sub-zero? That sounds like heaven right now. Tell ya what. We'll split the difference & both have nippy, beautiful weather. 'Cuz I know you don't want 85 degrees & 77% humidity. It's just gross! :001_smile:

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And tomorrow's supposed to be 85. But dh won't let me plant anything yet because it could still FREEZE & the way our weather goes, it WILL. :w00t: :banghead:


ETA: Whoa. That banghead dude is a lot angrier looking than I expected. I only wanted him to bang his head, not look like he was going to explode w/ rage. LOL


I am a few hours south of you, and yep it will freeze again before Easter. Easter is usually the cut off for freezing weather (remember the snow on Easter last year lol). The 80 degree temps are very nice though, and my windows have been open all week!

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It's been lovely here for several days in a row. Unfortunately, that means all the Bradford Pears are blooming and I'm allergic. Apparently, so is everyone else in the house. We can't even enjoy the beautiful weather because we're all sick with allergies turned into colds. Ugh!


I've learned to watch the Crepe Myrtle trees. They absolutely will not bloom till there's no chance of another freeze. When the Crepe Myrtles have leaves, it's officially spring!



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