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Dh has been sick. So sick that we packed up and went down south where my family is so that my doctor dad and brother could help us out. We managed to rule out neurological problems (whatever that means) but haven't diagnosed anything yet.



horrible rash

muscle weakness

numbness and tingling

loss of appetite so a severe weight loss

really bad sinusitis


It's the muscle thing that's the worst. The nurses drawing blood asked him to make a fist, and just doing that made his arms ache badly. He played guitar with the kids and that night his arms really hurt. His left leg is painful after he drives the truck and has to use the clutch.


Any ideas? We are awaiting the results of a Lymes test.

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Shingles is obvious. No doctor (let alone two) would have to run lab tests for that... they'd spot it walking through the door.


This sounds very familiar... lupus? Long-term lyme disease? Something very recent that I was talking to someone about. Definitely an auto-immmune response.


What does the rash look like?

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MRSA staph in his sinuses? These are symptoms of a MRSA staph infection. They would need to take a culture. Usually staph infections are on the skin, so look for signs of that. But my mom only had it in her sinuses. It can have all of those symptoms.


If you are near Atlanta their is a great Natural Doctor their who will do a full Electrodermal body scan and know what it is without any additional tests or guessing, and has an excellent track record for treating seroius modalities.

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Be very careful about relying on the lyme test. I have long term lyme and the initial tests that were done at Labcorp all came back negative. I then had testing through IgeneX and my test still came back negative, but with some significant bands being positive.


Because of my symptoms, and the fact that I was incredibly lucky to have a doctor that realized how prevalent chronic lyme was becoming, we decided to treat and see how I responded. Most of my symptoms completely resolved within a couple of weeks and the remaining ones improved by 90%.


My worse symptoms were joint and muscle pain which had gotten to the point where I spent most of the day in a chair because I could hardly walk. I had also been suffering from anxiety, trouble sleeping, and memory problems for years, which I did not associate with the lyme, until they all resolved with treatment. Treatment is antiobiotics, by the way.


After being treated for a while, my lyme test came back positive. From what I understand, it "hides" in the immune system when the disease is strong, so that is why my test was initially negative. After it had been weakened, it showed up on the test.


Obviously, I don't know if your son has lyme or not, but I just want you to know that the lyme tests are supportive for a diagnosis, but a diagnosis should be made based on symptoms and maybe response to treatment. If the test comes back negative and you rule everything else out, please revisit it and find a lyme-literate doctor.



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Here are some pictures of the rash in dermatomyositis which presents with rash and muscle weakness.




Another thought is scleroderma, although I don't think it usually involves muscle weakness.




And finally, there is mixed connective tissue disorder which has some characteristics of lupus, polymyositis and scleroderma.



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Be very careful about relying on the lyme test. I have long term lyme and the initial tests that were done at Labcorp all came back negative. I then had testing through IgeneX and my test still came back negative, but with some significant bands being positive.


Because of my symptoms, and the fact that I was incredibly lucky to have a doctor that realized how prevalent chronic lyme was becoming, we decided to treat and see how I responded. Most of my symptoms completely resolved within a couple of weeks and the remaining ones improved by 90%.


My worse symptoms were joint and muscle pain which had gotten to the point where I spent most of the day in a chair because I could hardly walk. I had also been suffering from anxiety, trouble sleeping, and memory problems for years, which I did not associate with the lyme, until they all resolved with treatment. Treatment is antiobiotics, by the way.


After being treated for a while, my lyme test came back positive. From what I understand, it "hides" in the immune system when the disease is strong, so that is why my test was initially negative. After it had been weakened, it showed up on the test.


Obviously, I don't know if your son has lyme or not, but I just want you to know that the lyme tests are supportive for a diagnosis, but a diagnosis should be made based on symptoms and maybe response to treatment. If the test comes back negative and you rule everything else out, please revisit it and find a lyme-literate doctor.





Well, they ran a Western Blot on dh and it came back negative, but we are awaiting the results of a more comprehensive test through IgeneX too. Dh has had a lot of anxiety, not surprising since he's having trouble working/sleeping/eating.


My sister got about three negatives before a positive came through.

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This is probably something that would already have been considered, but is he taking any meds for high cholesterol? We've known several people who have had really bad muscle pain and other issues as side-effects of cholesterol meds.


Low Vitamin D levels can cause pain problems. I have a relative who has psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, and found out his Vit. D levels were frighteningly low...his doctor also tested him for low testosterone and found him very low on that as well. Between prescription-strength supplementation for both those issues he is like a new man.


I'll pray that you'll find some answers soon!

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I'll 2nd or 3rd dermatomyositis. My mom had this nearly 20 years ago. She had a rash. The muscle weakness got so bad, she could barely brush her hair. We were building our house at the time, and she couldn't walk up the stairs. Two months earlier, she had been hiking in Hawaii.


I don't remember if she lost her appetite. She was put on prednisone pretty early on when doctors couldn't figure out what was happening. Lupus is one of the things that was considered.


Good luck getting him feeling better.



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Please do have them check for MRSA. A boy we know lost his life to this yesterday. Surely your husband's doctors have considered this. From what I understand, it's easy to find out.
My mom had symptoms for a year. They did all kinds of blood tests. They finally found the MRSA because of a benign tumor in her sinuses. We are so thankful she had a tumor or they still would not have done anything about it.
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I know your hubby is not a horse or a dog but here's my list of rule-outs:


Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Auto-immune (Lupus, or other)

And I'll include the Celiac and Dermatomyositis that others posted about because they seem plausible but I don't see them under those names in animals.


Did they put him on Doxycycline pending test results?

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Yes, I repeat, CELIAC DISEASE! Rash, joint pain, muscle weakness, lack of appetite are all symptoms of Celiac. It is autoimmune in the same family as Lupus. I think fibermyalgia is often undiagnosed Celiac Disease.


To look at the rash associated with this, google images


dermatitis herpetiformis


Usually by the time celiac is giving this many symptoms, labs will be off. I've seen b12, iron, folate, vit D and K deficiency all in one patient!

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My dad had a lot of the same symptoms and it turned out to be a reaction to his cholesterol medicne. However, I would think that the docs would have ruled out drug side effects by now. I will be praying for wisdom for the doctors and relief for your husband!

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