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Have we done 4th grade plans for next year yet?

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My middle DS will be in 4th next year and here are my plans:


Math: Math U See Gamma and CLE ??

Grammar: Growing with Grammar 4

Spelling: All About Spelling

Writing: Haven't figured out yet

Science: R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Earth

History: Sonlight Core 2 (he will be using Readers 2 Advanced for Reading)

Geography: Down to Earth Geography

Latin: Latin For Children A

Art: Artistic Pursuits

Music: Combination of things

Typing: Typing Instructor For Kids

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4th Grade is next year.


Math--Singapore Math 4a/b


Latin--Lively Latin BB1 and start BB2


History--Story of the World 3 and start SOTW4


Science--I am thinking about taking her on a tour of habitats through lapbooks.


Composition--descriptive writing about those habitats.


Lapbooks--habitats but we will also do a few other topics as well.


Friday Fun Club for group projects, public speaking (show & tell), singing, art, etc.


Physical Education--Friday playgroup, swimming and maybe gymnastics


Music--piano lessons over the summer


I need to spend some time sketching it out better but this is what I am thinking we will do.:001_smile:

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Here's what I'm planning for my 4th grader next year:


Math - Saxon 76 (possibly still finishing 65 first)

Grammar/Writing - Writing Tales 2

Spelling - All About Spelling 4

History/Literature - Sonlight 3+4

Latin - Latina Christiana 1

Science - Noeo Physics 2

Art - Artistic Pursuits, grades 4-6, Book 1

Music - piano lessons, listen to classical music

Religion - Catechism and Bible readings

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This is our tentative plan:


Religion: Faith & Life w/ Baltimore Catechism

Math: Saxon 5/4

Grammar/Writing: either Voyages in English or Easy Grammar with Writing Strands 3 (probably the EG combo)

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise

History/Geography: Winter Promise America Story 1

Science: Harcourt Science

Elective: Typing Instructor for Kids

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My Plans:

Math: Singapore 4a and 4b

Spelling: Spelling Plus with dictation

Grammar: Easy Grammar 3

Latin: Second half of Prima Latina ( We are taking our sweet time BUT retention has been good!)

Bible: Community Bible Study, AWANA, Leading Little One's to God

History/Geography/Read Alouds: Sonlight Core 2 combined with 2nd grade sister

Writing: IEW --Maybe Middle Ages Theme based writing. We will see how he does with the Ancient History Theme Based Writing that I just ordered...

Science: Haven't figured this out yet. I may order Noeo for him to do mostly on his own.

Music: Continuing piano lessons

Art: He takes art classes locally other than that I ordered Draw Write Now

Phys Ed: Play goup, swimming, skiing, soccer, baseball...not all at the same time thankfully

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My 4th grader will be doing:


Saxon 6/5

Imitations in Writing Aesop & Poetry Primer

Mystery of History 1

Rod & Staff English 4

Latin for Children B

A Child's Geography 2 (The Holy Land one)

Real Science 4 Kids Level 1

Spelling Skills 4


We'll keep on with Piano & Judo.


If you want to see what my current 4th grader is doing, his current curriculum is listed in the sidebar of my blog.

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Here's our plan as of today. It's a hodge-podge


Math: LoF Decimals & Percents, several of the Key to... books, Hands-On Equations, and then likely LoF Beg. Alg. at the end of the year.


Grammar: JAG + several Critical Thinking Co. books


Writing: Writing Tales


Spelling: All About Spelling - it looks like part of Level 4, Level 5, and maybe Level 6, depending on how she's doing.


Latin: Lively Latin


History: SOTW 4 + biographies & supplemental books focusing on American history


Science: Physics experiments from the WTM-recommended book plus various kits.


Art, Music, & Drama: she goes to Master's Academy once a week.

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We're doing 4th grade this year. My daughter turned 10 close to the beginning of the school year.


Saxon 7/6

R&S English 6

Latina Christiana II


History - a mix of SOTW, the Famous Men series from Memoria Press, and popular history books


Science - a mix of popular science books and mini-projects, using the Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia as a spine of sorts




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I have a 4th grader next year. She will be doing:


Singapore 2B, 3A, 3B

Latin: A Fresh Approach

Le Français Facile I

Oak Meadow 4

Classical Writing Aesop B

Phonetic Zoo A

Thompson's Language Arts - Level 1

RS4K Physics I (unless Earth and Space I is available)

Themes to Remember

(finish) Logic Safari 2 and Logic Countdown



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I've just started thinking about our 4th grade program.


History: SOTW4

Math: MUS (We're starting Delta in March, so will probaby be in Epsilon)

LA: Rod & Staff

Latin: Latina Christiana I

PE: Continue with swimming lessons

Music: Guitar lessons


I'm not sure what we'll do for science, as we haven't like the programs we've tried so far. I'm also at a loss for Art. I want to squeeze some geography in there somewhere, too.

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Here's my 4th grader's schedule for this year:


Math: Singapore Primary 4A and 4B

Spelling: SWO F and G

Grammar: R&S 4

Writing: CW Aesop and dictation

Reading: Assigned selections from the 1000 good books list

History: TruthQuest AHYS 2 and 3

Science: Finish Apologia Zoology 1 and working through 2, hope to get to Botany come spring

Latin: Latin for Children A

Art: 1-2-3 Draw Ocean Animals by Levin

Music: piano lessons and Story of the Orchestra

Geography: Drilling states and capitals

Other: Signing Time videos, Mind Benders, BTS 2

PE: Time either outside or down in basement daily

Bible: daily quiet time with journal

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I will be teaching a 4th grader this fall. I have a plan, but I'm also in prayerful consideration about something else, too, so this is subject to change!


We will be using My Father's World Exploring Countries and Cultures as our base program.


Intermediate Language Lessons

Spelling Power

R&S or CLE Math

Writing Tales 1

Latin for Children Primer A

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My ds will be in 4th grade next year, here are our plans:


MUS finish Delta, start Epsilon

Latina Christiana 2

MP Christian Studies 3

Spelling Workout finish E, start F

Rod and Staff Grammar 4

Getty Dubay Italics


Writing: either WWE level 3, or Aesop B...haven't decided yet.


Also: piano, weekly art lesson


I cannot believe my baby is going to be in 4th grade!!

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Here's what we're thinking about for our 4th grade year:


finish up R&S Math and go one to R&S 6


Grammar ( haven't figured this one out yet)

History - Truthquest - Civil War through the present

Science - ???????

Latin ( may do Memoria Press's Latina Christiana online??)

Spelling - probably Evan Moore grade 4 or possibly Spelling Power

Mark Kistler's drawing classes - online

for PE he plays soccer and baseball year round



I think that's it!


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I'll have a fourth grader next year. Here's what I'm thinking:


Latin: Lively Latin, LC1

Math: Saxon 65 (may add in some Grid Perplexer Logic pages for fun since he likes that kind of thing)

Language Arts: AAS 3/4, ZB 3/4, MCP D, GWG 4, WT2, IEW Poetry Memorization

History/Literature/Geography: Middle Ages, SOTW 2 with AG and Saints with unit on WA state history at the end

Science: Earth Sciences (thinking RSO, but still need to examine what's out there)

Religion: Faith and Life, Atrium Level 2

Art: Artpac 4, Mark Kistler On-line Drawing lessons

Music: Piano and homeschool band

PE: Crossfit kids, Irish dance, soccer in fall, swimming in winter, little league in spring

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My dd will be a 4th grader next year. I write that out and it seems like a lot, but we don't do everything every day.


Reading: various reading lists plus history

Grammar: Growing with Grammar 4

Writing: CW Aesop B

Spelling: All About Spelling 3 (finish) & 4 (start)

Handwriting: HWOT Cursive

Math: RightStart Math E

Science: physical science using several experiment books

History: SOTW 4 plus additional American history

Geography: Map skills plus continuing state study

Latin: Latin Prep 1

French: First Start French 1

Spanish: Fun Spanish and KidSpeak Spanish

Critical Thinking: Logic Countdown & Logic Safari

Art: Artistic Pursuits K-3 Book 3

Music: composer study

PE: dance class, swimming, biking, walking dog, etc.

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4th grade this year:


Singapore 4a/b workbook/IP; CWP 3

Lively Latin 1; start 2

IEW U.S. history theme-based writing; copywork/dictation

Rod & Staff grammar 4

AWANA; IEW poetry memorization

Truthquest (American) history

My World Science: Woods; Apologia: Flying Birds/5th day

Reading: 1 hr/day (Sonlight, VP, Highlands Latin School selections)


P.E.-- competitive year-round swimming

Piano lessons

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Literature: Ambleside Year 4 for school (some sonlight core 3 books for eve read aloud)

Reading: DITHOR and free reading

Poetry: Various


Composition: Probably IEW, if I can afford it, otherwise work on outlines and summaries and written narrations; supplement with lapbooks and occasional book report.

Penmanship: Copywork Journal

Typing: Free Typing


Spelling/Grammar: Dictation

Vocabulary: Word Roots and daily dictionary drills/word of the day

Spanish: Rosetta Stone

Latin: Rosetta Stone


Math: Singapore 5A/5B; Life of Fred Decimals

Logic: Logic Liftoff


Nature Studies: Ambleside; nature journal w/the handbook site

Continue with our backyard bird count, etc.

Science: one unit per 12 week term:

a) Ben Franklin experiments

b) Snap Circuit

c) Gizmos and Gadgets book

Plus Lego leauge, science fair


Geography: Ambleside w/mapwork

Travel channel shows

History: Ambleside Year 4 supplemented with some crafts, movies, lapbooks

Citizenship: Ambleside (Plutarch)


Art: Picture Studies (haven't decided which artists yet)

Most likely will continue with I Can Do All Things w/crafts, book projects, handicraft

Music: Guitar lessons

Themes to Remember books (love it this year!) plus hymns and folksongs


PE: Football and baseball teams; gymnastic class


Bible: Daily bible readings, memory work, and devotions


Friday Co-op (not sure what actual classes he will do)

Work on Scout badges and other interest based projects

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DD9 will be starting 4th grade um, next month...I better get her curric. ordered!

RS math D (math mammoth for extra practice as needed)


Writing Tales 2

HWT 4th grade cursive

WW 3000 for 4th grade

ETC 7 & 8

Readers from the library

Spelling Workout D and E--I've already told her if it doesn't work out she'll be going straight back to All About Spelling level 4, no ifs ands or buts!


Science: finish Apologia astronomy and NOEO chemistry--I'm determined to FINISH them even if it kills us! then we'll be on to a life science of some sort.

Bible: we'll be using 2 programs through our church--one on Wed. called Truth Trackers and one on Friday nights called Reformers Unanimous--we work in the Kidz Klub so our kids go and have a great time and the curric. they use it VERY awesome and FUN!

I'm probably missing some subject, but that's all I can think about right now!

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Here is what I'm planning for 4th grade:


My Father's World Creations to the Greeks (bible, science, history)

All About Spelling level 3 and possibly level 4

Rod and Staff Math 4

Rod and Staff English 4

Lots of assigned and free reading using lists from SL and others

I am thinking about ordering some critical thinking workbooks.


Extras: PE once a week with our homeschool group, a 6 week sewing class, and horseback riding once a week, some field trips


We are also considering joining a co-op.


Mine seems kind of light compared to others.

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The simple answer is that we will continue with what is currently fitting, except for those things that stop fitting between now and next year. :D


The long answer is...


Language Arts: Finish AAS 4/5 then return to Spelling Power. Move up to Wordly Wise 4, Michael Clay Thompson "Town" series, and yet another HWT book (he has issues LOL). Begin literature study TBD.


Math: Work through Singapore Primary Math 5 and/or 6 (probably focusing on word problems since we will have completed first 2 Fred books), add in Challenge Math. Continue Mind Benders and add in logic TBD.


History: Continue SOTW and Story of Science.


Science: Continue Prentice Hall Science Explorer.


PE: Continue being a boy with four little brothers.


Latin: Continue Lively Latin, possibly Secondus.


Art: Continue Atelier Art.


Spanish or Chinese: Pick one and begin Rosetta Stone.

Edited by Colleen in SEVA
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You know, I read these threads and feel like such a slacker.


My 4th grader (turned 9 in January) this year:

Spelling: Spelling Power

Grammar: Michael Clay Thompson Grammar Island w/Practice Island & Grammar Town w/Practice Town

Vocabulary: MCT Building Language & Caesar's English 1

Poetry: MCT Music Hemispheres & Building Poems

Writing: MCT Sentence Island & Paragraph Town and IEW SWI A and creative writing on her own

Literature: various family read alouds, assigned reading at her reading level, and independent reading of her choice (usually way below her reading level)

Math: Math-U-See Delta

History: SOTW 1 w/AG

Science: Apologia Zoo3

Penmanship: a cursive workbook (don't remember name)

Logic: Mindbenders A1, A2, A3

Art: Drawing classes

PE: nothing formal, playing outside, riding bikes, Wii


ETA: We're heavy on the language arts because that's her biggest strength.

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Dd will be in 4th next year:


My eclectic LA - We'll be using a Bravewriter (Writing Process) approach to writing

- We'll be using MCTLA2 as the core for the rest of LA


Math - Teaching Textbooks 5 & Mathematical Reasoning Bk. 2

Bible - SL2 with ds

History & Read-Aloud - SL Core 2 with ds

Science - Noeo Chemistry 1 with ds

PE - Homeschool PE for the PE challenged Mom

Health - 4H Health

Portuguese - Learnables

Slovak - Slovak national school afterschool clubs

Music - Music Ace & Violin Lessons

Typing - Typing Jr.

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My daughter will be in 4th grade next year (she will be 9 in early August).


Bible: Read aloud from the Bible together with her 2nd grade brother and me, narrate orally or in writing. Spanish Bible memory verses from Sunday School (in Spanish), English Bible memory verses from her Wednesday night program.



  • A mixture of assigned reading and books she chooses from the Ambleside Online Free Reading lists 1-6. (30 minutes of this assigned reading each day. She also reads an hour or two a day of lighter books she chooses for herself.)
  • Literature read aloud to her and her 2nd grade brother (mostly AO choices from various levels).
  • AO poetry 3/4
  • Rod & Staff English 4
  • Dictation 2-3 times a week
  • Either free writing or Writing Strands 3 (I haven't decided)
  • Maybe some spelling from Eagle Wings Handbook
  • Daily written narrations (for example, Bible on Monday, Science on Tuesday, History on Wednesday, Literature on Thursday, Reading on Friday)
  • Oral narration of all readings that are not narrated in writing

Math: Singapore 4A/4B (possibly some topics from 3A/3B that she didn't cover well enough in Miquon this year). Finish CWP 3, start CWP 4. (I also have MUS Epsilon and Zeta if she needs extra practice on fractions or decimals.)



  • Rod and Staff Spanish Reading levels D, E, and maybe part of F.
  • Listen to 15 minutes or so of a picture book read aloud and narrate orally in Spanish
  • Spanish Sunday School
  • Her father speaks to her mostly in Spanish, and requires her to answer in Spanish as much as she can

History: Story of the World 3, with many AO 3-4 history readings included. I may get the AG for the maps and coloring pages.


Science: A physics experiment kit from Homesciencetools.com. I will also read aloud to her and her 2nd grade brother twice a week. I am considering Story of Inventions, but I haven't decided for sure yet. I may end up going with library books or a combination of library books and Story of Inventions.


Art/Music: (based on AO). We choose a monthly hymn and folk song to listen to every day. We also have a painter for every 12 weeks, and look at a different work by that painter every 2 weeks. (Look at the painting every day for 2 weeks, then sketch it without looking on the last day. Compare the painting to our sketches and discuss). The little ones (I also have 2 high schoolers, so the soon to be 2nd and 4th graders are knwon as "the little ones") also do a lot of arts and crafts type things in their free time.


PE: My little ones are very active--riding bikes, climbing trees, riding scooters, running around, playing "Swords" and other imaginative active games with their big brothers. They haven't needed anything more formal.

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Math - Rod and Staff 4th grade (toying with switching to Horizons)

English - Rod and Staff 4

Spelling - Rod and Staff 4 (if at all...)

Science - Apologia Zoo 2

Handwriting HWT Cursive Success

Everything else:

Sonlight Core 3, 4 day.


We may start piano again and will participate in classes at our co-op.


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My ds will turn 9 in mid August. Here's the plan so far for him for next year:


Math: MUS Gamma, possibly continue Horizons also (unsure about this still)


Spelling: Spelling Power


Grammar: Growing With Grammar 4


Writing: Writing with Ease 3


Latin: Minimus, then Lively Latin BB1


History: SOTW 2 with AG, and Truthquest reading


Science: I have no idea about this one...


Music: Various things, including starting piano and/or recorder


Also enrichment day at our local co-op, and basketball.

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I almost passed this over because my oldest is passed 4th grade. Then I realized the next one will be in fourth. How did that happen?


Bible- Navigator's memory verses and discussion

Math - MUS Delta/Epsilon

Latin - undecided. She'll have finished LCII, but I'm afraid she's too young to move on to most of the programs that are generally considered next in line. I've gotta research this more.

Writing - CW Aesop B

Grammar - Growing with Grammar 4

Spelling - Spelling Power

History - SOTW 4 & AG

Science - ? NOEO Physics possibly, just starting to look into it

LIterature - I usually pull choices from the literature based curricula like SL and VP and purchase them. We are getting a new library within walking distance, so I may try to shift to all books available there.


She's involved with drama and we hope she'll be able to participate in a couple of productions over the year, too.

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AO Lifepacs Bible grade 4

Awana/ Sunday School



Saxon 7/6

Key to Series


English/ LA

Rod and Staff 4

Grammar and Writing Handbook ( got free online)

Megawords ( plus some from The ABC's and All Their Tricks )

A Reason For Handwriting

BJU Reading 4

Charlotte's Web w/ Progeny Press Literature Guide

Poetry memorization



Christian Kids Explore Biology


Social Studies

SOTW Ancients plus AG

Spectrum Geography



Logic Countdown

Logic Links

Mind Benders

Rossetta Stone Spanish

Busy Teacher's Guide Art Lessons

Piano Lessons

Co-op Music class

Co-op PE class

Riding lessons

swimming lessons

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