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What happened to the social groups?

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I have a social group called "Ask the Vet" and I check it daily for questions. This morning, everything was inverted. So now I have tried to delete pages of messages thinking it was just getting too full, and instead it looks like I have two groups! Ugh! I'm going to be gone all day but I'll check back tomorrow to see if anyone has any insight on this.


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No! It looks like they've been changed so there are threaded discussions now, instead of being one long, linear discussion. I like it!

(Though I am now confused because the link to social groups has been moved to the Community menu from the Quick Links... was that Community menu always there?)

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It looks like they have been set up as mini forums.


That's what I see as well.

Each group now supports individual threads which function much like the regular forum does. It seems to me that it will be easier to quote posts and keep track of conversations.


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That's what I see as well.

Each group now supports individual threads which function much like the regular forum does. It seems to me that it will be easier to quote posts and keep track of conversations.




That's so great! I just didn't even use the social groups because they were too hard to follow. I wished they were mini forums. Thanks for the update!!!

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I am still not getting the thread forum style. It looks the same as before but the messages are listed from oldest to newest instead of the other way around. How is it we are all getting different views?


Everything that has been posted previously is in one continuous post, oldest on the front page to newest on the last page. Jedi Bob certainly couldn't guess how we'd like the old conversations broken up, so there they are. All in one.


It appears to me that from this point on, you can start a new thread and reply to various threads just like you do here on the main forum.

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Everything that has been posted previously is in one continuous post, oldest on the front page to newest on the last page. Jedi Bob certainly couldn't guess how we'd like the old conversations broken up, so there they are. All in one.


It appears to me that from this point on, you can start a new thread and reply to various threads just like you do here on the main forum.


Thanks for the info. It seems that none of my groups have started new conversations yet. Sounds like I will like it better though.

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Actually I think it depends on the nature of the social group as to how well it works. For discussions that neatly go into different subjects, the new threaded way is really good. For groups like the 1-2-3 Accomplish group that I belong to, it's a bit of a pain now because you can't just automatically see the latest list at the top. But that group doesn't actually discuss anything so it is unique. But we'll adapt. Us homeschoolers are an adaptable bunch. I think I'll put that as one of my goals. . .

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