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Can I get rid of the Playmobil stuff? Will I regret it?

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We have Playmobil pirates and castle. It hasn't been played with too much lately so I'm considering getting rid of it. I'm thinking he's getting too old for it, but it seems like people talk about their kids still playing with it a lot even when they are older.


Currently he's 6 1/2. He's an only, but we have plenty of kids in the neighborhood, and they are always outside right now. Our low temps on 'cold days' were about 60 degrees (which felt cold!). They played with it this past summer when it was too hot to be outside, but he was new 6 playing with 5/ 5 1/2 yrolds.


In June we move to Long Island. He'll be new, we won't know any neighbors, and he's an only. He can't just run around outside all free and happy, somewhere in the green behind the house in the states like he can here. Plus we'll have winters that are cold and there won't be outdoor playing days.


I really wanted to get rid of it, but now I don't know. Do you think he'll pick it up more back there? Or do you think he's basically done with it at almost 7?


So? Keep or toss?

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Oh, heavens. My kids are 10 1/2 and 8, and their Playmobil is still one of their absolute favorite toys. It goes in waves, but they still get tons of use.


And I'm not sure I'll ever get rid of it, even when they do outgrow it... my mom saved the Playmobil she had in her classroom, and my kids love to play with it when they go to her house. So I'll be saving it for the grandkids... :D

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Well, we have tons and tons of Playmobil and my kids played with it all the way up to 14 years old (shhhh don't tell anyone - they would just say they were "setting it up" for Otter, lol).

Otter still plays with it and he's 10.

Sheesh I even like to set it up....(blush *cough cough*).

I'm going to save quite a bit of it for our grandkids.

I LOVE Playmobil.

I think your son could have lots of years left with it, unless it's just not his thing.

A lot of our toys went through valleys and then peaks of play.

Our Playmobil will sit untouched for months and then suddenly that's all that's taken out for awhile.

Maybe you ought to just quietly put it away for awhile and then try pulling it out in 6 months or so.

It sounds like you might need some good inside toys after your move.

If he isn't interested in it then, maybe you can think about getting rid of it all at that time (?)

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My ds played with his Playmobile Pirates and Castle more at around age 9 than he did when he was younger. I think he just needed more experience with books and movies about pirates and knights and such, to spark his imagination. Actually, he played with them even at age 10, when he started messing around with my old video camera. He made lots of really cool stop action type movies with his Playmobile stuff, Lego people, dinosaurs, cars, etc.


I'd hold onto them.

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No you can't and yes you will. I got rid of my Harry Potter castle and I am still kicking myself today, 6 years later. I am going to buy a new one just as soon as I can afford it. Even my 17 years still plays with the Fisher Price Little People sets. Playmobile is worth keeping for grandchildren. Pack it away for while if you want but keep it, you'll be glad you did someday. :)

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Put it in the attic/basement/storage in a large rubbermaid container. I doubt he's truly finished with it. My son got more into playmobil at age 10 because of the fine detail of the toys. He appreciated them much more than when he was younger. He's now 12 and still has some favorite playmobil sets. My dd10 has the grand mansion set up in her room.


Playmobil and Legos have outlasted all other toys in our house.

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All of my kids will sit and play with their playmobil. We have 2 castles, 2 pirate ships, 1 magic castle, and the Roman arena, as well as some modern rescue stuff. Even my 15 year old will sit with the younger ones and play. As long as I can store it, I will not get rid of playmobil stuff.


They are expensive, I would not toss it just because he's going through a phase.

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Oh, and what they really love is all of the extra landscaping I bought. When they were younger, they played with all of the different fences. I bought lots of red, dark gray and light gray rocks, waterfalls, landscaping platforms and extra trees. They also love the animals.


One time we painted a masonite board with sand-colored grainy spray paint and painted a river of blue through it. This was given to them along with their Western setup. Now they plan to use it with the Egyptian.



We also painted one with roads for the city playmobil.



For the Roman, we bought extra people so they could make tortoise formations and such.


It really was the main thing they got at every holiday. They are starting to get more Legos now, but they don't play with their imaginations like they do with Playmobil.


They often act out the history we are studying or books/movies they've read/seen. This is from a science book about African Savannah and different kinds of vultures.






I love the detail they use when setting up a story.






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Oh, and what they really love is all of the extra landscaping I bought. When they were younger, they played with all of the different fences. I bought lots of red, dark gray and light gray rocks, waterfalls, landscaping platforms and extra trees. They also love the animals.


One time we painted a masonite board with sand-colored grainy spray paint and painted a river of blue through it. This was given to them along with their Western setup. Now they plan to use it with the Egyptian.



We also painted one with roads for the city playmobil.



For the Roman, we bought extra people so they could make tortoise formations and such.


It really was the main thing they got at every holiday. They are starting to get more Legos now, but they don't play with their imaginations like they do with Playmobil.


They often act out the history we are studying or books/movies they've read/seen.






I love the detail they use when setting up a story.





Whoa...your organization skills are impressive! Come organize my house, please?!

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Whoa...your organization skills are impressive! Come organize my house, please?!

:iagree:- I'm in awe! I'd also agree with everyone & keep the Playmobil! It goes in cycles around here too, but my kids still love to play with it and I imagine they will for a few more years at least (then it will be saved for grand kids!).

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I'm wondering about our gigantic castle- originally $160 that we've had in storage for years. It's all broken up in a large rubbermaid box.




My children do so much better with small sets - we have a huge amounts of knights & accessories, barbarians, Romans, and pirates. We display them on shelves and play on a large train table. Now we buy the miniature versions of huge sets. I.e. the Roman mini arena at Target instead of the gigantic version.


We are all happier when they can put sets back together independently. I have one son with autism who wants everything done perfectly, like it just like the website. Then, he plays rough and smashed it to bits!! So, that's why big sets are out - I don't have time to help them get all the pieces just right!


So, the big box sits in storage while I think if it's worth the trouble to put it on Craig's List - or hold onto it until they are older.

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Okay, I guess we'll keep it.


One reason it may have fallen to the side is we haven't added anything to it in over a year. They don't sell it over here, so we had to order stuff online, so it sort of takes some of "oh that looks like fun! Let's get it!" fun out of it. No seeing it while we are out shopping and putting it in the front of his brain. I think it just got cleaned up the last time and pushed to the side of the room and he sort of forgot about it.

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My mom saved all the Playmobil sets my brother, sister, and I had as children. They agreed to let my kids have the whole shebang a couple years ago, and it's been such a blessing. Even more than 25 years ago, the sets were expensive. There's no way we could afford to have such a collection today. So for those that are saving sets for grandchildren--your own kids will thank you and will get a chance to relive their own childhood a little bit.


Erica in OR

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Playmobil is the thing my kids keep coming back to again and again and again, and over years and years. My 9 yr old plays daily with her various playmobil, and sometime she can even get her teen sibs to help 'set up'.


I might put a a few pieces on a table, or in an area where it can stay, set up in an interesting way. Sometimes presenting something not in a pile , lol, is helpful to spark good play. The thing about playmobil is that it does need an area. It's not something you can take a part each night and put away. My dd adds various groupings to hers often. It's an ongoing type of play.

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