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Please, please pray for my niece.

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Her name is Ashlyn. She turned 1 year old on Wednesday. She has a huge, painful lump on the side of her neck that seems to have come on quite suddenly. She's taking antibiotics, assuming that it is an infection, and it should show signs of improvement tomorrow if that's what it is. However, she's had no fever and her blood tests don't show the elevated levels of white blood cells that she should have for an infection like that. My sister is, of course, very worried, and she is a doctor so she knows more than most of us about what this could mean. My mom is an oncology nurse and knows all the reasons why this could be cancer...


So, please pray for wee Ashlyn and her mama, my sister Jessica, tonight.


Thanks so much.

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Her name is Ashlyn. She turned 1 year old on Wednesday. She has a huge, painful lump on the side of her neck that seems to have come on quite suddenly. She's taking antibiotics, assuming that it is an infection, and it should show signs of improvement tomorrow if that's what it is. However, she's had no fever and her blood tests don't show the elevated levels of white blood cells that she should have for an infection like that. My sister is, of course, very worried, and she is a doctor so she knows more than most of us about what this could mean. My mom is an oncology nurse and knows all the reasons why this could be cancer...


So, please pray for wee Ashlyn and her mama, my sister Jessica, tonight.


Thanks so much.


:crying: Praying for a simple infection. :grouphug:

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Are the parents getting a second opinion. I pray it's nothing serious. My experience with a similar situation: My ds around 15months had a sudden lump appear on his neck and the pediatrician measured it and gave him a shot or antibiotics of some type. We went back the next day and the lump had gone down. Maybe they just did not put her on the right meds.

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Update: The lump has not gone down. She's acting a little better, which is good. They will talk to the doctor again today and see where to go from here. I covet your continued prayers.


She's received a shot of a powerful, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and now she's on Augmentin, which is a similar-acting antibiotic. One would think they would work.

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Update: The lump has not gone down. She's acting a little better, which is good. They will talk to the doctor again today and see where to go from here. I covet your continued prayers.


She's received a shot of a powerful, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and now she's on Augmentin, which is a similar-acting antibiotic. One would think they would work.


Still praying, and thank you for the update.

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Update: The lump has not gone down. She's acting a little better, which is good. They will talk to the doctor again today and see where to go from here. I covet your continued prayers.


She's received a shot of a powerful, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and now she's on Augmentin, which is a similar-acting antibiotic. One would think they would work.


I was thinking about you today. Still praying.

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My daughter had a golf ball sized lymph node on one side of her neck at that age. She had a little skinny neck and it looked deformed. All the bloodwork was normal. The needle biopsy was normal. Out of an abundance of caution (bc our family has soooo many health challenges and they wanted to be really careful!) we talked about a fully biopsy. But, in the end we decided to watch it. She's now 9 and it is still really big, but she's grown into it more.


Praying for her!

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Another update: The lump has not gone down, so they're taking Ashlyn into the hospital for a CT scan this afternoon. If y'all wouldn't mind keeping up with the prayers, I would appreciate it so much. It's killing me that I am not there to help my sister right now. (And to hold my Ashlyn.)


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: and continued prayers.

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Wee Ashlyn had a CT scan today, and she definitely has an infected lymph node. She has to stay in the hospital for 24 hours, and get IV antibiotics, because it wasn't responding to the ones she was taking orally. However, it is NOT cancer and that makes us all very, very happy.


Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for your prayers. I know my sister felt them because she told me she was sure prayer was the only reason she didn't lose it completely.

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Wee Ashlyn had a CT scan today, and she definitely has an infected lymph node. She has to stay in the hospital for 24 hours, and get IV antibiotics, because it wasn't responding to the ones she was taking orally. However, it is NOT cancer and that makes us all very, very happy.


Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for your prayers. I know my sister felt them because she told me she was sure prayer was the only reason she didn't lose it completely.


YES!!! I never thought I'd be so happy that a little one had a bad infection. But you know what I meanl


Wonderful news!!



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