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I am injured. Do not blow dry a cat.

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Okay....I can laugh, I think.


The kitties were smelling not so good, so I decided to bathe them (it's been 3 years). Baths went well, but it's cold, so I thought I'd try to blow them dry a bit. Calvin (11 lb orange tiger) seems to have a phobia of the hair dryer. He leapt straight up, took out the curtain rod, sliced my upper lip (deep!) from top to bottom, and bolted. I bled profusely...first on the downed curtain, and then across the carpet as I ran to get a cloth diaper to hold up to my face to catch the blood.


It's been 3 hours. The lip is still weeping slightly, but it seems to be slowing. I called the doc...he said it sounds as if it could be stitched, but said I could try a butterfly bandage to see if that would work. It was doing fine until I ate dinner (I was starving).


Do not blow dry a cat. It is not worth it.


Ria (who is praying that she's not permanently scarred)

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BTDT lived to tell the tale, it helps that my kitty is declawed, so no physical harm came to me. My cat did amazingly well in the bath portion, but thought I was the devil reincarnate when it came to the hair dryer part.


I picture you with a coldpack on your lips to keep them from swelling.

Another point in favor of dogs! ;)

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I picture you with a coldpack on your lips to keep them from swelling.

Another point in favor of dogs! ;)


You are so right about the cold pack. God knows, I look ghastly. Deep, bloody wound.


Too funny...dd and her EMT friend are on the phone...EMT is saying go to ER; DD (nursing major) is saying get a grip.





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Too bad you didn't get that on video. I can relate. I used to work at an animal hospital and have many cat scars. My own cat, the same one that sits on my head and purrs, will bit me while bathing if I don't hold his head correctly. I would never attempt to blow dry him.


You should probably clean it with some peroxide and put on some antibiotic ointment if possible.

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The cat or the lip? :lol:


LOL. The cat is fine...he smells wonderful, he's amazingly soft, and he's curled up in a precious orange ball by the coal stove. Only those with blow dryer experience know the other side of the story....



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You are so right about the cold pack. God knows, I look ghastly. Deep, bloody wound.


Too funny...dd and her EMT friend are on the phone...EMT is saying go to ER; DD (nursing major) is saying get a grip.






Gosh Ria! I hope the cat's claws were uh...clean? Is there any kind of antiseptic you can use that does not burn? Perhaps Neosporin would act like that?

I 've always heard that injuries to areas like lips and skull bleed profusely. If you want to avoid bruising marks, a naturopath acquaintance suggests to take arnica in pill form. Should be available in health food stores.


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I laughed so hard at the thought of blow drying one of my cats that I nearly blew chunks on the screen:smilielol5::lol:


Then I saw that you were injured, and now I feel twice as bad.:blushing::blushing: I am so sorry, I really hope you don't end up with a battle scar.

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I laughed so hard at the thought of blow drying one of my cats that I nearly blew chunks on the screen:smilielol5::lol:


Then I saw that you were injured, and now I feel twice as bad.:blushing::blushing: I am so sorry, I really hope you don't end up with a battle scar.


You have no idea. It was worse than your wildest imagination.


I need a new lip. I need a new curtain (ripped to shreds, covered in blood...use your imagination here...). I need a new curtain rod (bent).




Ria (and yes, I can laugh,well, as long as I don't move my mouth. It is pretty stupid and pathetic.)

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You are so right about the cold pack. God knows, I look ghastly. Deep, bloody wound.


Too funny...dd and her EMT friend are on the phone...EMT is saying go to ER; DD (nursing major) is saying get a grip.






You know now that I had a chance to think on the situation, I would have to agree with the EMT. Cat scratches are nasty and can easily get infected. I would head to the ER and get the wound properly cleaned and stitched or glued.

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You know now that I had a chance to think on the situation, I would have to agree with the EMT. Cat scratches are nasty and can easily get infected. I would head to the ER and get the wound properly cleaned and stitched or glued.


I did talk to my doctor. He seemed to feel that the amount of blood was a good indication that the wound was at least flushed, lol. I'll be in touch with him about any changes 888888888888iiiii9


(oops...baby Bengal kitten on keyboard)


that might indicate infection from the claw. The wound itself has been cleaned. The butterfly is keeping the edges of the wound together as well as a stitch, and my doc told me what to do and what would be a "bad" sign. So far, so good.



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I did talk to my doctor. He seemed to feel that the amount of blood was a good indication that the wound was at least flushed, lol. I'll be in touch with him about any changes 888888888888iiiii9


(oops...baby Bengal kitten on keyboard)


that might indicate infection from the claw. The wound itself has been cleaned. The butterfly is keeping the edges of the wound together as well as a stitch, and my doc told me what to do and what would be a "bad" sign. So far, so good.




Ahem. My dh, when he split his lip open, held it together with butterfly bandages and super glue. Not that I'm recommending that.

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Ahem. My dh, when he split his lip open, held it together with butterfly bandages and super glue. Not that I'm recommending that.


You do remember my story about gluing my child's head together using strands of his hair and super glue, right? LOL. That was a few years ago. I haven't forgotten...the option is there...



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I'm sorry, dear Ria! I shouldn't have laughed when I read what you tried---but I did, because we had a similar situation happen at our house. Once two of our cats were smelling particularly bad when we picked them up after we'd been on vacation. We decided to give them a bath outside on the lawn with the hose. Our fat black cat, Frodo, took it all relatively well, being a cat. The second cat, Pippin, who is a Siamese and somewhat temperamental, decided to latch onto both my arm and my daughter's arm with his teeth, one right after the other. It felt like the jaws of a miniature tiger clamping down on my arm! Eeeeoooow! What made me think I could bathe a cat?


So, I've never, ever bathed a cat again, and if they stink, I put on some Gold Bond talcum powder on their bodies and brush it through. If they still stink after that, it's their problem.


I'm sorry, dear Ria! I am sympathetic with your injury---truly I am. It just brings back memories of that awful cat bite on my arm, which was bruised and swollen for many days afterwards, and having to explain the circumstances to others.


:grouphug: to you!

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That's awful, but couldn't help laughing about your subject line. Tell everybody the story about your boys and the tomato soup....




LOL! The younger three got BB guns for Christmas (rifles, not pistols), and we talked about the dangers of soup firing....



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Ok, now that I've wandered back from my laugh around the house, I would now like to wonder aloud how one glues a lip. Or butterflies it, frankly, lips not being the most adhesive-friendly surfaces. :001_huh:


Bathing my cat has always been a serious proposition. Hockey gear has to be employed. And an angry, wet cat can climb straight up a shower wall with no effort at all before using your head (and his claws) to climb back down to the floor and flounce out of the room. And the noise? I'm actually surprised the neighbors never called social services - it sounded as if I was trying to drown a toddler.


I can't imagine trying to blow dry him. You're insane. :D

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Bathing my cat has always been a serious proposition. Hockey gear has to be employed. And an angry, wet cat can climb straight up a shower wall with no effort at all before using your head (and his claws) to climb back down to the floor and flounce out of the room. And the noise? I'm actually surprised the neighbors never called social services - it sounded as if I was trying to drown a toddler.


for bathing our cats. I'm going to share this post with her to show her how even using a shower is not a good idea. Our cats are declawed, and both my youngest and I suffered huge bruises on our arms for a couple of weeks after our "cat bathing" episode. I remember how our Siamese howled----it was almost like hearing a young tiger cub growling.


I'll just let them be stinky!

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I feel your pain. And, it reminds me of the time my gallant hubby tried to bathe our male feral cat. The cat was, at this point, mostly grown, and for all intents an purposes, mostly tame. But, some feral cats are never truly tame.


Dh carried the fur-ball into the bathroom and shut the door. If you can imagine one of those Calvin and Hobbes scenes where the two cartoon characters are fighting, and you see stars and spirals, legs and tails and eyes, all in a cloud of dust. That's what the bathroom *sounded* like. I stayed on the other side of the closed door, shouting "Everything OK in there?!", but the din just drowned out my inquiries. Shortly, hubby emerged, bleeding and tussled, hair askew, shirttail flailing and soggy. I asked, "Where's the cat?" He simply pointed to the open, now screenless window, and gasped, "On second thought, maybe he's clean enough."



I hope you're OK. Ouch!

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