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How big is your schoolroom? (Approx sq ft)

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I found the photos helpful in the schoolroom thread. I can't tell from some of the pictures how much square footage folks use.


How big is your schoolroom? Is it enough space? I know that depends on the number of students.


I only have one student, but I'm trying to figure how I can get everything I need into a 12x11 open room. I could switch with another room that's about 70 sq ft. more, but it would make my layout odd.

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Mine is 19X21 and so it's also a playroom. Everything fits easily, but it was intended as a gameroom when the previous owners built the house or it wouldn't be so big. It was very helpful when my 4 yr old was younger, he would go sit in the play area and keep himself quite entertained with blocks or whatever.

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10x12 for the 3 that are "doing school" plus 5 bookcases, upright grand piano and upright freezer. Plus the twins on stick horses that gallop through regularly....but that is not helpful...the main thing is organization, get everything organized and get rid of any junk, that helps a lot. Plus, they tend to spread out in their rooms, on the floor for changes of scenery, so it tends to work out ok.

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Mine is about 10x12. It is a multi-purpose room. It holds our school table, all of our curriculum and school supplies, all of our arts/craft supplies, my sewing and yarn craft supplies, photos & supplies, board games, large dog kennel, 2 kids bookshelves, the vacuum, my home office (a small filing box), our color printer that has no place to be so I have to plug it in when I need it, the toddler's buggy, and the Christmas tree during the season.


NO, it isn't enough room and is usually trashed because of that.

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In our old house (we moved 6 wks ago), we had a 10 x 12 room which was my office and their school room with my pc and their desk with pc. It was a bit cramped, but it worked. My boys are 6 & 8, and a toddler running through. Our new place has a large u-shaped media rm with built-in bookcases. The side we use for school desks is 12 x 18, with a small galley over to my separate office space. It's nice to separate those areas. While we mostly do our work in the school room, we also use the couch, kitchen table, all four bedrooms, floors, kitchen counters, eat-in bar (when I'm cooking), bathroom, porch and car!

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Not that big, about 12x17 or so. It does force me to keep my stuff to a minimum, so I don't have a lot of extras. One long table (for me and 2 kids), one tall bookshelf, one small rolling cabinet for art supplies, my desk and computer on the other end of the room and one small closet for misc. books and supplies that don't fit on the book shelf.


Although at times I think it would be nice if it was a bit bigger, I like it b/c it's cozy and keeps me focused and clutter free (on a good day). :tongue_smilie:

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About 20 X 20 with a 10X10 corner taken out- so its L shaped but spacious.

Its the house's main living area, and its a great room, upstairs, next to the upstairs kitchen- it has nice views of trees from windows on both sides of the room, as well as two doors onto two separate verandahs. Dh runs workshops from home from the other large family room in the house (downstairs, near the front door, so people don't traipse through the house). So our school room doubles as my office, and the main family room- as we have the desks in here, including mine, plus a lounge area, and a big table for crafts. Recently I even allowed a TV in here which really makes it cosy. We all have laptops now so the computers are in here too. Its just the room where we tend to hang out, not just the schoolroom.

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Our room is about 8x6. We have 2.5 bookcases, 2 desks, a round table with 2 chairs, and a rolling set of drawers. It holds most of what we use. We also have a large linen closet (9ft long) in the hall that has about half the space used for homeschooling materials storage. In addition to that we have many of the fiction books stored in the kids rooms. We also use sofas etc as necessary in other rooms.

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My old school room was about that size - we had a table, sofa and a computer table, plus built in shelves. It was fine for two and would have been plenty for one.


Currently, the school room is one corner of an over-large entrance hall. The designated area is just big enough for a table (5' by 2.5' approx.) and is bounded by an open book shelf used as a room divider. Over the course of the day we spread into the sitting room to use the sofa, and the kitchen if someone needs some peace to write, but everything gets tidied back into the homeschool area at the end of the day.



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So our school room doubles as my office, and the main family room- as we have the desks in here, including mine, plus a lounge area, and a big table for crafts. Recently I even allowed a TV in here which really makes it cosy. We all have laptops now so the computers are in here too. Its just the room where we tend to hang out, not just the schoolroom.


We don't have the cash yet though.



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