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misspellings . . .


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My "business" email address has my last name.  Even though I always spell it out, rather than just say the name - it can get misspelled.  (It's *always* the same spelling mistake)

I finally went and set up an email address with that misspelled name so if it's not caught, I will still get whatever is supposed to be sent to me . . 

Edited by gardenmom5
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Our last name is always misspelled. People add an extra letter every single time.  Dh started getting snarky at work when he got emails addressed as Mr. NamXe - he would respond with the same letter added to the recipient: "Thank you, Mr. Smixth, I have noted that and..."

The one gentleman took about 3 months to catch on and came at dh so frustrated. 

"Why are you calling me Smixth??  My name is SMITH!"

Dh: "I thought adding the letter was what we were doing.  Signed, Mr. NAME."


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17 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

Our last name is always misspelled. People add an extra letter every single time.  Dh started getting snarky at work when he got emails addressed as Mr. NamXe - he would respond with the same letter added to the recipient: "Thank you, Mr. Smixth, I have noted that and..."

The one gentleman took about 3 months to catch on and came at dh so frustrated. 

"Why are you calling me Smixth??  My name is SMITH!"

Dh: "I thought adding the letter was what we were doing.  Signed, Mr. NAME."


reminds me when I was ordering something from a private seller years ago.  I'd been dealing with a different seller with a similar name, so I misspelled the name on the order.
she was REALLY snarky. . . 

she also misspelled my name.   (I don't think it was on purpose, as I have a name that is frequently misspelled.)

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Our last name which is only six letters is constantly misspelled. The Swedish way, one letter different, is always defaulted to which is so funny in my state because there were Danish settlement all over but not Swedish ones so our spelling is the common spelling. We try to pronounce it so that phonetically it is obvious, but still always have to spell it.

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My last names (both maiden and married) were easy to spell but often misspelled anyway. I got in the habit of just spelling it every time someone needed it, and told my kids to do the same thing. 

When I worked in a call center, people would often get angry when asked to spell their last name. Well, even "Smith" has multiple spellings, and many names are much longer and more complicated. And, so many people mumble or talk really fast... it was often frustrating. 

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My t in my email gets typed as a + many times when I had to handwrite my email years ago. Nowadays the staff would just pass the customer/patient an ipad to do it yourself so its easier.

Part of my full name has something similar to Sue so that’s what autocorrect does in emails sometimes. My last name also autocorrects to a much more common word.

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3 hours ago, marbel said:

My last names (both maiden and married) were easy to spell but often misspelled anyway. I got in the habit of just spelling it every time someone needed it, and told my kids to do the same thing. 

When I worked in a call center, people would often get angry when asked to spell their last name. Well, even "Smith" has multiple spellings, and many names are much longer and more complicated. And, so many people mumble or talk really fast... it was often frustrating. 

I answer phone calls for a pharmacy. It astounds me that people who have complicated names, don't offer some details when giving their names. So many names have a common spelling, and then many, many uncommon ones. I will be trying to find a common last name like Michael and when I ask for clarification on the spelling because I can't locate their chart the patient will then tell me 'oh, people always have that trouble, it is spelled Michal."  To which I think.....of course everyone does!! Why not just tell me when you say your last name that there is no E!! Would save both of us time and frustration. 

I have a space in my last name. I am raising my niece with a hyphenated last name. My daughter goes by her middle name. I am used to being on the patient side too! It is much easier just to tell the person about the complication!!!....... and it also prevents duplicate charts getting made!!!

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2 hours ago, Tap said:

I answer phone calls for a pharmacy. It astounds me that people who have complicated names, don't offer some details when giving their names. So many names have a common spelling, and then many, many uncommon ones. I will be trying to find a common last name like Michael and when I ask for clarification on the spelling because I can't locate their chart the patient will then tell me 'oh, people always have that trouble, it is spelled Michal."  To which I think.....of course everyone does!! Why not just tell me when you say your last name that there is no E!! Would save both of us time and frustration. 

I have a space in my last name. I am raising my niece with a hyphenated last name. My daughter goes by her middle name. I am used to being on the patient side too! It is much easier just to tell the person about the complication!!!....... and it also prevents duplicate charts getting made!!!

I did it for a bank. You would think people would want the bank (or pharmacy for that matter) to ensure that they are talking to the right person. There is other information to be gotten, but starting with the correct name and spelling is kind of important. It astonished me every single time when people got bent out of shape over it. And it's just so easy to spell it out at the start. Easier than arguing, I would think. But, people. 🙄

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I have a pretty simple last name, but it ends in e and that often gets dropped, so I always spell it — and even when I spell it out, people often type it wrong anyway! I have this conversation all. the. time....

Me: Hi, this is Firstname Lastname, that's spelled L A S T N A M E

Them: Ok, got it. <lots of typing noises> Hmmmm, I'm not seeing your account/file/appointment/whatever. You said your name is Lastname?

Me: yes, that's spelled L A S T N A M E

Them: Hmmm, I can't seem to find it. That's L A S T N A M, correct?

Me: No, it's L A S T N A M E.

Them: Oh, OK, let me try that — yep, here it is!

Me: <facepalm>

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10 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

Our last name which is only six letters is constantly misspelled. The Swedish way, one letter different, is always defaulted to which is so funny in my state because there were Danish settlement all over but not Swedish ones so our spelling is the common spelling. We try to pronounce it so that phonetically it is obvious, but still always have to spell it.

A delightful older couple we knew  (now deceased)  had a common ancestor in Sweden. 

Their surname was pronounced the same, but one had anglicized the spelling by adding an "e" where the sound goes. 

After they got married,  she grew exasperated as she attempted to change her driver's license to the new spelling.

Even spelling it out the clerk couldn't register it.

I always spell out our name.   Sometimes it's not good enough. 

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Not a name misspelling, but today I had a day of training for my new job. It involved reading lots of policies. I found more than a few errors (like "beingd" for "being"). All I could do was internally chuckle. This is a huge local employer; it made a top 100 list for something of which there are approximately 7,000 nationally last year. How could those mistakes have made it past the screening of so many people?

People get our last name wrong all the time. There is a double letter in the middle and that makes them want to double the last letter too. But it's not. So when I spell it aloud I always end with something like "that's 2 Xs and 1 Q." (Note: those are not the actual letters.) That helps, but it's not 100%.

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