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Monday, Monday, who’s tackling Monday?


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Good morning!

Today is busy!

Ds to school
Coffee and b’fast

Tutor 5 students
Make dinner early?
Check on BSA things
Dinner is pot roast. 

Dd drives herself across town today for a class! 

Not sure what else? 
What does your day look like?  

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Ah, the beginning of the week.  The schedule is both light and frustrating.

  • tutor
  • set up student work for next week
  • talk to my own kid's school.  I gave them an ultimatum last week after getting the runaround for 2 months.  I was assured it was fixed, and no surprise, it is not fixed.  They have 29 hours at this point before the ultimatum takes effect.
  • dinner?  Not a clue yet.  I'm thinking chili dogs.
  • gardening
  • violin
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Howdie, happy Monday!

Big work deadline day for me.  Numerous accounting reports due.

Maid and floor installation guy due here at 9am.  The house is not ready since I did not know this in time to clean this weekend.  (Maid said Sunday but changed it to Wednesday and then to Monday.)

Kids have band camp.  Not sure if it's morning only, or all day.

Kid2 has to get her work permit done and set up her initial work schedule at her new job.  (Of course I'm needed for driving & guidance.)

Done so far:

  • Woke up.
  • Took the pup out.
  • Drank coffee.
  • Wordle (3), nerdle (3), quordle (9).
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, social media.
    • Updated band calendar.
  • Many iterations of waking the kids up.
  • Gathered info / documents for kid's work permit and schedule discussion.
  • A little cleaning.


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Good morning!

Today is teacher work day at our co-op, so I am heading up there shortly. I am taking my big steam cleaner thing and will hopefully have *clean* floors for the first time really in 5 yrs (I mop them, but there is grime that is tougher than my mop....). I am also going to take my big rug and clean it, once the floor is dry. 

DH is bringing up my cabinet and building it there - the director is letting me take her to lunch while he assembles it. This means I'll load stuff in on Weds in the downtime of parent orientation. That *should* work. 

After that I will:

....come home, help with laundry
...make sure DS is studying his chemistry flash cards
...order my bulletin board to bring up -- DONE
...dinner will be leftover brisket w/mac & cheese (homemade)
...probably watch TV with DH
...anything I'm forgetting

Have a good day! 

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My family has been sick for over 2 weeks.  Dh, dd19, and I are finally better, although dh still has a bit of cough.  However, ds and dd6 are still running low grade fever with cough and sore throat.  They are better than they were last week, but they just can’t shake it.  I tried to get them in to the doctor, but they have no appointments until Wednesday.  Same day appointments are usually not a problem, so I’m very unhappy about this.  When I talked to the on call doctor Saturday, she said they need to see the pediatrician, not urgent care or ER because they need to do tests for more long term problems that might be causing this.

I was supposed to be taking dd19 to college today.  Thankfully my mom was 2 hours away at a funeral this weekend, so she stayed at a hotel last night and is taking dd for me before she goes home.  She didn’t even come in the house, so hopefully she doesn’t get whatever we have had.  

Now that I’m not taking dd to college or the other 2 to the doctor, I’m not sure what I’m doing today.  Hopefully I can get motivated to get the house in better shape after so much illness.

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Last evening turned into a disaster--- dd1, who was drinking heavy alcohol drinks from 2p, onwards,  and was getting more and more annoyed with her dh, (and I really was super, super, super annoyed too----and part of the reason I was having issues w my dh)  ended up flipping out---- almost entirely full chocalate milk/mocha/coffee drink container all over a portion of the wood living room floor.  This was at around 9.  Her husband misinterpreted her desires for her bday celebration, and since she had mentioned maybe chicken mango salad or homemade pizza--- he dropped her off at my house at 11:15, without warning, and  I needed and had planned on going to Publix to remedy some prescription issues and get necessary ingredients that were missing for home-made pizza, my planned dinner for tonight with ds's former roommate.      


  • most of the clean0up of the left over in the top kitchen
  • Morning meds, breakfast
  • Scheduled online counselor visit
  • other stuff too

To do

  • shower
  • call accountant again
  • drop off car????
  • find exact recipe for dinner tonight and find when we are eating
  • Hawaii planning/emailing/etc
  • medical calling/emailing/etc
  • more organizing with ddil, and maybe some fun with dgs
  • forestall unexpected visit for cake and crème  brûlée  that were never eaten
  • arrange cleaning service
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Kid says she can get her friend to drive her to get the work permit filled out at lunch.  So I will just pick the girls up about 3pm.

I don't know why I keep getting a message that Kid2's annual physical is expired.  I uploaded the new one weeks ago, and re-checked today; it's in there.  The other kid's is showing as fine.  Wouldn't care, except the school needs the physical to sign off on the work permit.  Hope it doesn't become another drama.

Maids and basement flooring people are here doing their thing.  I'm hiding in my bedroom which is also my work office.

I snuck a tiny nap!  Don't tell anyone.

Still looking for motivation to start cranking out those accounting reports.

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✔️ Completed

  • walk
  • school
  • grocery order for tomorrow
  • fridge wiped down
  • laundry finished and put away
  • dishes
  • trash and yard waste out

In progress

🕒 Later

  • Make appointment - decided not to.
  • Foodwork: saute pepper?
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My kids came home with news about having talked to their school counselor about schedule changes.

Kid1 asked about getting a lunch.  She won't get one, but the counselor moved some things around so she'll have 3rd period study hall, so she can eat lunch then.  Also, she can apply for late arrival rights in the 2nd semester due to having 1st period study hall.  (She'll hopefully have her driver's license by then).

Kid2 asked to be in some periods with a friend who is transitioning from virtual school, and the counselor will work with friend to try to make that happen.

It's nice that the counselor is willing to work with the girls.

Also, wow, my kids are growing up.  Late arrival!   ...   Unrelated, but yesterday was Kid1's first date.  Like what??  It was so cutely awkward at times.  (Yes I was there when they hugged goodbye.  And yes I have a photo that Kid2 snuck and took.)

Also I got the "expired" physical issue resolved.  Moving on!

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Good afternoon! 

My first day of school is over. I enjoyed the classes, and I think the students did, too. 

I loaded the dishwasher and had a snack after I was done. 

Dd spent the night last night. We finished all but the last half of Lord of the Rings. She and dh went car shopping today, and she found what she wants. We'll watch the rest of the movie after they are home. 

Not sure if I will cook something or we'll get something out.  

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Whew! Today was....blah. My steam cleaner would not work on the tile - there's no way to change it from a carpet setting. So, that got a lot of water on my floor, but cleaned nothing. I quit after one small area. 

So, I started on my rug. Only, whenever I pushed the "clean burst" button, it did some strange thing and left gray marks all over the rug, making those areas worse. I quit after two small areas when I finally realized what was going on. 😞 

DH *did* come and assemble my cabinet, and hopefully Weds will be plenty of time to load in the stuff into it. I will also clean the rug here at home, let it dry, and take it back to school on Weds. I'm not sure yet *how* I'll clean it.....we shall see. I may end up buying a small cleaner I can take and leave at school. 

I need to eat a snack and then help DS with his chemistry homework, help fold the laundry, etc. 

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@TheReader Sorry for the not-working steam cleaner!!

Well, we are definitely back into the thick of school year frustrations with Ds. Homework is an endless struggle. His new school really is very organized, but Ds is not. He is exhausting! 

I have work to do, but am tired and do not want to work on a screen, so I will take a walk and read.

Dinner is cooked, but I am the only one sitting down to eat.  

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Got more things done at school. My teens helped paint some things for fun/decor while I worked. Had to have the building guy pry my desk up off the floor because they waxed it in place and it was stuck, lol. I really wish I had 2-3 more weeks of summer. 

Also got the plants moved around though. Tomorrow is errand day. Wednesday is Costco for a tire appointment and shopping and picking up groceries. Then finishing tasks at home because it is new teacher orientation for me Thursday. 

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16 hours ago, TravelingChris said:



  • most of the clean0up of the left over in the top kitchen
  • Morning meds, breakfast
  • Scheduled online counselor visit snd attended
  • shower
  • call accountant again
  • find exact recipe for dinner tonight and find when we are having dinner
  • medical calling/emailing/etc

Hopefully get back to sleep

Left for 8/16

Take wake-up meds first thing 

Car drop-off w dh

Breakfast, meds, shower

Clean-up after last night's diinner

Hopefully organizing w ddil and visiting a bit w dgs -  they didn't come yesterday because dgs was super fussy

Enlist health advocates re neurologist and mammogram results, scooter rental in Hawaii, Tricare dentist, 

Arrange cleaning service

Communicate w dd1 about when cake m,etc

Schedule next online counselor visits

Hawaii planning/paying

Wait fir accountant^s call

Call county assessor office

Betterhelp class



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