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So, what's on your Christmas list this year?

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Dh and I are giving each other seeds for Christmas. There is talk already of possible shortages; we saw a bit of shortage last year. So we plan to order early. He bought me a milk cow for our anniversary, a deep freezer for my birthday, and now is going to get me seeds for Christmas. I see a pattern here! :lol: I love it. He is such a wonderful dh. :hurray:

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I would love a Vitamix mixer but I didn't ask for it. I will wait a while, order it for myself, call it a gift to me from me and wait for it to be noticed on the counter, lol.

I have been asked several times what I want and I can't think of anything at all so I said "socks". zzzzzzzz.

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I am getting a KitchenAid Professional 6 Quart Stand Mixer. The price for the one color is so amazing on Amazon that it went from a ooooooooo maybe some day to a today is the day. lol


Actually, hubby came home and I showed him the sale price, and I told him that it is a really good price but that I know it is a pricey gift. And we don't need it, but it would make breadmaking and misc. dishes much easier. And being the most generous man, he told me to order it.


As for school things? Not this year. We have an old microscope. I would love a scanner/copier but we don't really have room for one if we got one. So.... it would not be the best option anyway, I guess. Not while at this rental. Maybe next year.

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Dh and I let the kids buy something for us. They notice if we don't have anything under the tree so we come up with inexpensive ideas that the other parent then takes them to go buy.


Anyway, DH took DD to buy me new sweaters with a $5 each coupon. DD will give me one and DS will give me one.


DS found DH a used GameCube game for $4. DS and DD will be splitting the gift of new pjs for DH also. He had two pairs of pj pants split up the bottom seam this month.

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My husband and I normally buy just a couple small gifts for each other at Christmastime, but our tv just blew up so we purchased a 52" flat screen tv!!! Big splurge for us. That's our Christmas, birthday and anniversary present for the next five years. Maybe ten. :)

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Oh! Oh! I hope Santa brings us an entire TON of coal!!! I really, really, really, want a ton of coal for Christmas!!! Two tons would be even nicer but I don't want to be too greedy, or push my luck, or look a gift horse in the mouth, you know.


I even told the kids I was going to be really bad and mean this Christmas so Santa would leave us some coal.:D


I sure hope my idea works! ;)

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Ok, I'll be pc here--I REALLY WANT SWB's Ancient History book! :D


And a pair of good walking/hiking shoes I can walk doggies in (my new dream career--no lesson plans, no parents to deal with, and I can be home during the am!), and new jammies, and some more books, and some more clothes, and a new hair dryer, and...


Oh my, I've got the Gimmes!

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Books, new house shoes since my favorites have a big hole in them, and I showed my dc's a "Brewstation" coffee pot at Walmart that hold about 6 cups. Since my learning room is upstairs, I thought this might be handy and it was a little over $20.


Now, what I would really like but won't get is a laptop or new desktop. I got an IMAC last year but the dc's is going soooooo slooooow. And, those Dell colored laptops are just so darn cute!!


And..... I hinted strongly to dh I would love to go to the Beth Moore seminar in March for Pastor's Wives. It's in Nashville and I think he might have booked me a spot and I know he already checked on a flight. Not sure though.

Edited by Frontier Mom
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My poor dh asked me for a list so I don't have to run to the store on Christmas Eve to buy myself stuff to wrap and put under the tree to save my dh's honor, like last year.


Microbiology Coloring book, WTM another copy, pressure cooker. But, I really don't need anything, I'm spoiled. I'd like to be out of debt, which is only doable if dh works a lot of overtime.....but just tonight he showed me an invoice he is sending from all of his overtime that will almost completely get us out of debt, except for the house. I can't imagine a better gift. He's been working until after midnight for a few weeks now, with little sleep and poor eating.


I love that gas is at $1.40 so that I can travel for Christmas!

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I've ask family not to purchase anything for me although I could use some new cookware and winter coat but I'm that all items go toward our children if they decide to buy. Everyone is tight this year so we have been encouraging them NOT to buy anything but sometimes grandparents don't listen.:D

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My bday is just before Christmas. So this list covers both:


Library Organization software w/ scanner

Salad spinner with pull string

aluminum cookie sheets

aluminum muffin tins

Eternity perfume (yes, I am actually something other than an hs mom! LOL!)

some new, LIGHTWEIGHT, everyday dishes.

books - my wish list for books is about a mile long. (Bet I'm the only one on this forum like that - NOT!)

Taylor Swift and Brad Paisley's new CDs


I got a new laptop 6 weeks ago. So any cash gifts (common in my family) will be going to pay for it. I wanted to wait until Christmas to get it, but my old desktop didn't cooperate.

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I would LOVE a breadmachine. I've been watching for them at goodwill and bought one, I got a couple of loaves out of it before it died completely. :sad: I'd also like an office 'redo' but I don't think that's going to happen either. <sigh> I think the girls are going to get me a couple of earrings for my new cartilage piercing. I can change it out in january.


I haven't decided what I"m going to stuff my stocking with. (yeah, I stuff ALL the stockings, including mine). But I'm leaning towards some of my favorite pens. their not REAL expensive, but cost enough that I don't buy them unless they're on sale. And maybe some pedicure stuff.


<sigh> I'm the hardest person on my list to buy for :D

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