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On 8/29/2022 at 7:27 PM, Lilaclady said:


For starters - they spelled "phun" wrong . . . . . It's greek - that requires a "ph".

And the day math-averse 1ds announced he wanted to be an engineer. . . . You know that requires math right? . . . ? . . . . ?  (he now has a MS in aeronautical engineering)

On 8/30/2022 at 6:53 AM, Alte Veste Academy said:


Somehow - I think this is even worse than those who sort their books by color . . . . .

See the source image

7 hours ago, Terabith said:


Just think what a haul he could get at Halloween . . . 

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On 9/1/2022 at 1:28 AM, TechWife said:

This is the primary reason I carry hand sanitizer! It just takes too much time - first I have to convince the water that I’m real, then the soap dispenser, then the water again and finally the paper towel dispenser. The paper towel dispenser has to be convinced multiple times because someone thinks 6” of a thin paper towel is enough to dry adult size hands. So much wasted time!

I have left an immense amount of soap on counters in public bathrooms. First I put my hand under the automatic soap dispenser and nothing comes out. Then I pull my hands away in surrender and soap suddenly spurts on to the counter. Repeat multiple times until I actually get some soap with which to wash my hands. There's now a mess on the counter and I have to convince the faucet I'm real. Finally if I can get enough paper towels to both wipe off the counter AND dry my hands I clean up my mess. If not I just try to dry my hands. 😂

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