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Will I regret purchasing cheap bathroom faucets?


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YES! You will regret buying cheapies! Unless you're planning on moving in two or three years. If this is your "I'll stay here for a long time" house, get the good ones. 

(This post has been brought to you by a woman married to a man who DESPISES plumbing and can only do it with copious swearing, banging around, fuming, and snarling. This man is also too cheap and suspicious to pay a plumber. I will pay any amount of money to avoid having to replace broken plumbing fixtures.)

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My husband is a plumber and he says YES you will regret it. Literally, if a homeowner wants him to change out a faucet and says, “Here. I bought these off Amazon...” he says no. He doesn’t want to put his business name behind cheap fixtures that will make people mad at the contractor. 

He uses Kohler. He will do Delta or Moen but Kohler is the best regular brand in his opinion. 

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Yes, do not do this. Ever, 

Now about Amazon, we had to buy fixtures for our hallway bathroom from Amazon but that was what our plumber recommended and we bought one of the major brands, but I can't remember whether it was Kohler, Delta or Moen.  Because we had such a hard color to pick and no one locally had them and his regular supplier didn't either, we did the Amazon.  But whichever big brand it was, at that time, the Amazon was only like a clearing place for them=Amazon had a regular agreement with them.  They do that with lots of major brands and even minor brands.

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We had cheap (read that as plastic) faucets in every sink in the house when we moved in. I have been slowly replacing them, broken or not, with good, middle of the road priced, metal fixtures as we can afford it. The plastic fixtures do break if you aren't careful but also they don't clean up as nicely as a nice metal fixture. I just never feel like they get as clean as a metal fixture because they never look it.

Our Roman soaking tub in the master bath room is out of commission at the moment for several reasons but one of the biggest is because ds went to turn the water on and the cheap plastic handle just snapped off and water started spraying up to the ceiling! Still waiting to have the money to replace the thing with a nice metal set that we want.

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