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Update on my treatment

Night Elf

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So for those of you interested in how I"m doing, I just completed my 6th week of treatment for my eating disorder at a specialized treatment center. I do not see an end in the foreseeable future. I suppose I've made some progress but my thinking is so disordered that my therapist thinks I may have to go up to the next level of care. We're waiting to see if an increase in my anxiety medication will have any effect on me. I live in a perpetual state of anxiety, ranging from low level where I just think of things and worry about them mildly to having physical symptoms and up to actual anxiety attacks. Apparently it's hard for me to start working on my emotional issues with regards to my ED if my anxiety remains high. She didn't give me an actual idea of when the center will decide to escalate my care. She just said we'll wait and see.

So I've been working on normalizing my eating. This is much more difficult than I thought at first. I was fine the first month, which is how long I've ever lasted with eating properly and not tracking calories or weighing myself. In the 5th week, things started going downhill. I'm back to restricting most meals and that is not being meal compliant with my treatment plan. It seems so easy to follow... just eat the amount of food they suggest. Right? I wish it was that easy! They're revving up my metabolism. I understand that. The problem is I can't get my mind to stop thinking about how every bite I take is just helping me gain weight. I feel like I'm going to gain a lot of weight before I truly recover and that terrifies me. No amount of their reassurance is making me feel any differently. This is my disordered thinking kicking in.

What all of my support team wants me to believe is that I do not have to be skinny to be happy. I hear them. Logically I understand them. I'm just having a difficult time believing it. I'm not skinny anymore and I'm not happy. I don't know how to accept these changes in thoughts and beliefs. 

Yesterday was a good day. I stayed on meal plan all day. I'm hoping to do the same today. I've been told, I don't have to like it, I just have to do it. I'm determined to change my behaviors as that I have control over. However, I really take it one meal at a time rather than one day at a time. I might eat a proper breakfast but then restrict lunch. It's crazy what my mind is telling me to do.

I have Kaiser insurance and I've had staff and peers tell me Kaiser is easy to work with, that they are very lenient and won't cut me off before I am really ready. So we'll see. That's a fear of mine, that my insurance will decide I no longer qualify for services. I can't afford this treatment without the insurance. I know if I was cut off anytime soon, I'd probably go right back into my ED and perhaps even in a harder way because I have a certain amount of weight I'd like to lose to get back to my ideal weight. My DH said if that actually happened, he would see to it that I go back to the center to try again. It seems silly to me. Most days I wish I could quit and just go back to the way I was living before I started trying to fix my ED.

So that's where I am right now.

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This specialized program is specifically for eating disorders, correct?

Also, have they explored with you the possiblity of OCD as well as the anxiety? OCD requires different treatment, and given that you have had intrusive thoughts in other areas, not just eating, it might be important to be sure you address that. 

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Beth, thank you so much for the update.  I am in awe of your strength and determination to conquer this.

I've been battling eating disorders for almost 50 years and I could have written so much of your post as far as your feelings and struggles.  Thank you for sharing.  

Wishing you lots of success so you can get your life back.  


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I have a close loved one who I’m fairly certain has an Ed. She thinks her relationship with food is normal and healthy, but it’s soooo not. My dh doesn’t get it at all. It’s not so much a Matter of “just needing to eat more.” 

Beth, good for you for doing this thing. Don’t think too far ahead. Just one foot in front of the other. And I agree mentioning ocd migh help your providers help you.

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