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Question. Have you had the chicken pox as a child?


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9 hours ago, Mommyof1 said:

Had CP at 6yrs old. A mild case. Never tested for immunity. No shingles vax. In my 50's.

I've have known older people who have had the shingles vax and still got shingles. Some more then once.

The old vaccine or the new two dose Shingrix?

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I had CP as late child/young adult

no shingles    No shingles vaccine 

Does anyone know your Vitamin A status and relative Lysine to Arginine balance at the time you got shingles if you  got shingles?  Or for a child if a child did?

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I was 10yo when I got chicken pox. I remember it. I was miserable and didn't get to miss any school to boot because I got it on summer vacation.

My oldest daughter got it when she was in 6th grade so I guess she was 11yo. She had it over spring break and only got to miss the last day of school before spring break. All my other kids got it from her even the one who had had the vaccine. They were 14yo, 12yo, 7yo, 5yo and 4 months old at that time. The 4 month old actually got it bad enough to test immune at his 6yo well check. The only one of the kids who had a mild case was the 5yo. Very few sores and not particularly ill at all but this is the same kid who could have raging strep throat and never looked or acted sick at all lol.

None of us have had shingles and no vaccines for chicken pox or shingles are planned.

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I had chickenpox when I was 24yo, and let me tell you--it was BAD.  You don't want it as an adult.  I have not had shingles (yet).

Both of my parents have had shingles and it is BAD.  My mother even had it in her eye, and her eyesight has never been the same since.  It can make you go blind. 

I will get the vaccine when its recommended.

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Dd25 would have gotten one of the first chicken pox vaccines when she turned one but instead she got the chicken pox at 9 months old.   Both younger kids were vaccinated.

I had chicken pox as a child and I just turned 50 so I'm sure the doctor will recommend the shingles vaccine.  I'll probably get it.

Dh had chicken pox as a child and had shingles about a year ago.  It was caught early and didn't seem to have much effect but he also has Lymes and sleep apnea so who knows what exactly is causing some of his symptoms. 

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I had chicken pox as a kid.  I believe I had shingles when I was in my 30s, brought on by severe stress, but I was not diagnosed (it went away after roughly 3 months).

I am interested to know if the shingles vax works if you have already had shingles.  I might be open to getting the vax when I am much older and can't handle the annoyingness of shingles.  Not now though.  I don't see the point of any vax against long-future troubles, given that they wear off and research is ongoing.

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Had chicken pox at age 2 pretty severely. Reexposed at age 12 when my brother had them. I have not got vaccine/booster for shingles, and kids did get chicken pox vaccine.

ETA I did get small pox vaccine at 23 while working in a virology lab. Just the single pock on my shoulder was intensely itchy and uncomfortable. I can’t imagine having the disease and am grateful for vaccines on the whole! Im conflicted about cpox vaccinations for all because of the loss of re exposure and the rise of shingles. But I’m sure I’ll get the shingles one when recommended.

Edited by Targhee
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I have had chicken pox twice, once as an infant and then again when I was about 30. The first case was supposedly very mild and I don’t think it conveyed much immunity. My brothers had CP when I was 8 and I didn’t get it but I did when my children got it. All but my youngest got CP and one of them got a mild case of shingles when she was 16. We caught it early and she got the anti-viral. The youngest is an adult now and has had her titers done and is not immune so I think she is planning on getting the CP shot before she gets pregnant.  I am in my mid fifties now and I am ambivalent about getting the shingles shot.

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I did have chicken pox as a child and did get shingles in my mid 40s. I didn’t know what it was and thought it was a really weird acne cluster that hurt a lot.  I went to the doctor for a physical a week after it had scarred over and she looked at the scars and told me it was shingles.

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I had a horrible case of chicken pox as a kid. I had it in my mouth and throat and could barely drink. I had it on my eyelids. I had super high fevers and basically spent a week in bed barely able to even get up to go to the bathroom. A week later I had a ruptured appendix and was in the hospital for a week covered in scabbed over pox. It was a rough 7th grade. 🙂

I've been tested multiple times because of work and I have antibodies. I will get the shingles vaccine when I’m old enough. 

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