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Dreaming about those who have died already


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I had a lovely conversation with my aunt in my dreams last night.   She was my favorite aunt, more like a mom to me, I spent all my holidays with them when my parents were overseas.

I miss her so much.

Last night I dreamed we had a great conversation.  It was weird because I knew she was dead, but we talked anyway.  We had a phone conversation and then I went over to her house and talked to her.  Then she was gone and I talked to my cousin (her daughter) and we both talked about how much we missed her.

Dreams are so weird, but I was glad I had it.

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After my dad died, I had several dreams where he was well again, or he was sick but going to get better.

I had some where he was a zombie and we had to kill him.  I think these were my subconscious saying "Sara don't try to wish him alive again, not a good plan."

I had one where he told me the scientific name for a medical problem my DH had that neither of us had yet recognized or had diagnosed.  I kid you not.  Dad was not a scientific sort (he liked to say that he couldn't even spell computer) so it must have been something I was subconsciously aware of but I'm not 100% sold that it wasn't his spirit somehow.  I'm very not superstitious but I'm not not superstitious, I guess.

I loved my dad and saw him every other day or so as we lived a mile apart; I haven't had this experience with anyone else.

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23 minutes ago, moonflower said:

After my dad died, I had several dreams where he was well again, or he was sick but going to get better.

I had some where he was a zombie and we had to kill him.  I think these were my subconscious saying "Sara don't try to wish him alive again, not a good plan."

I had one where he told me the scientific name for a medical problem my DH had that neither of us had yet recognized or had diagnosed.  I kid you not.  Dad was not a scientific sort (he liked to say that he couldn't even spell computer) so it must have been something I was subconsciously aware of but I'm not 100% sold that it wasn't his spirit somehow.  I'm very not superstitious but I'm not not superstitious, I guess.

I loved my dad and saw him every other day or so as we lived a mile apart; I haven't had this experience with anyone else.


Do you remember the scientific name he gave you?  Was it accurate?

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deleted because maybe I got the term wrong

at the time we looked it up the next morning and it was spot on; I thought it was too superstitious to mean anything but DH took it quite seriously and it changed our lives for the better

Edited by moonflower
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My mom had cancer and in the days leading up to her death, she was too weak to walk. After she died, I had a dream that she was standing by my bed. She looked healthy and she was telling me, "Look, I can walk again!"

I'm not religious and don't know what to think about an afterlife, but I do wonder if it was just a dream or if it could have been her letting me know she is okay now.

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It was crazy.

He was sitting in an old house and I went in to talk to him; it was the first time I'd seen him as a sane, non-zombie, non-sick person since he'd died.

I wish I still had these kinds of dreams about my dad.  It's like when you dream about flying as a kid and lose the trick of it as you get older.  I miss those dreams.

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I dreamt about Grandma's house and everyone was there and it was not sold yet. We decided to beg her to let us buy it. I woke up before I found out if we got to buy it. Mom was there, Grandpa was there, my aunts and uncle who recently died were there. 

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I dream about my late sister frequently. Oddly, in the dreams she often morphs back and forth from herself as a child to one of my children, especially dd, who was barely 2 when she died. My sister was much younger than me, and I took on a very motherly role toward her, so maybe that's why.

They are usually pleasant dreams, so they make me happy.

Right after she died, though, dd woke us up early one morning and told us that my sister was in her room. DD could talk pretty well for just-turned-2, but not well enough to really explain what she meant. She just kept saying, "Aunt S right there!" and pointing. So yeah, that was kinda freaky.

Edited by PeachyDoodle
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8 hours ago, Selkie said:

My mom had cancer and in the days leading up to her death, she was too weak to walk. After she died, I had a dream that she was standing by my bed. She looked healthy and she was telling me, "Look, I can walk again!"

I'm not religious and don't know what to think about an afterlife, but I do wonder if it was just a dream or if it could have been her letting me know she is okay now.

My mom couldn't swim and was terrified of water.  Shortly after my mom died I had a dream where I watched her confidently swim across a crowded pool.

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5 hours ago, PeachyDoodle said:

I dream about my late sister frequently. Oddly, in the dreams she often morphs back and forth from herself as a child to one of my children, especially dd, who was barely 2 when she died. My sister was much younger than me, and I took on a very motherly role toward her, so maybe that's why.

They are usually pleasant dreams, so they make me happy.

Right after she died, though, dd woke us up early one morning and told us that my sister was in her room. DD could talk pretty well for just-turned-2, but not well enough to really explain what she meant. She just kept saying, "Aunt S right there!" and pointing. So yeah, that was kinda freaky.

I was in my mom's childhood home with my sister, her 8 week old dd, and my 10 week old dd.  At one point my dd was looking intently at something I could not see.  I commented that she must be seeing an angel.  Found out later my mom had died around then.  I honestly think my dd saw her.  (Dd is named after my mom)

That same time my brother was on an empty elevator and felt my mom so much he said "mom?"

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I love dreaming of my dad when I remember (in the dream) that he is dead. I appreciate the dream so much more and take lots of time to hug him and spend time talking to him. I don't dream of him nearly as much as I used to.

My brother died two years ago and I haven't yet had a dream with him in it. My aunt just died last year and I haven't dreamt of her yet, either.

I don't really know what that means, but I think I miss my dad most of them all.

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9 hours ago, moonflower said:

It was crazy.

He was sitting in an old house and I went in to talk to him; it was the first time I'd seen him as a sane, non-zombie, non-sick person since he'd died.

I wish I still had these kinds of dreams about my dad.  It's like when you dream about flying as a kid and lose the trick of it as you get older.  I miss those dreams.

I still dream about my grandparents every once in a while.  It's a little bit like having them with me for a brief moment.  


I also miss flying dreams from my childhood.  

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Disclaimer....my belief is that dead people are dead and they don’t revisit us.  In anyway. 

Dreams are dreams.  Manifestations of our hopes and longings.  I have dreamed of my grandmother.  I don’t recall the conversation so much as the feeling.  I miss her.  

The most traumatic death of my life was my friend from high school.  He was only 21, and I was 20.  We had been very very close in high school, but then I married at 18 and let’s jut say it was not a good idea for us to stay in contact.  He was murdered.  And I had a horrible time dealing with it.  I dreamed vividly of him for years.  It was also then that I started dreaming of snakes.  That part hasn’t gone away to this day.  I do miss seeing his face in my dreams but it has been 34 years so there ya go.  

And one time I dreamed where a skirt was that I had misplaced for like 2 months.  Of course I knew where it was so my subconscious pulled it up, but still pretty cool.  Not as cool as Moonflower pulling up the name to her husband’s condition though! That is very cool!

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I love when I dream about my grandmother's or aunt.  My mother told me she didn't dream about her mother and then next time I did dream about my oma i told her she needs to visit mom and when I do dream about my oma i believe I can feel her hug.

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The really vivid dreams that feel like they really happened are called "visitation dreams". They seem so vivid and real that you wake up thinking/knowing they really did happen. There are other regular dreams where the deceased is in the dream but it is of a more vague quality. Those are supposedly regular dreams. I personally believe in visitation dreams and have had them about my mother and others who have died. 

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A few weeks after my grandmother died, I dreamed that she was in bed and I was there talking to her and I knew she was dead, but she was there and she was going to leave her body. I leaned over and hugged her and she was telling me over and over that she loved me as she sort of floated away while also being there on the bed. And her voice just kept getting softer, but she kept saying she loved me like a mantra. It's one of the more emotional dreams I've ever had. I'm actually tearing up just typing it now.

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