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I'm sad and feeling a bit overwhelmed - prayer request


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A cousin and her very young daughter died in an accident a few days ago. This isn't someone I was close to.  I don't think I've seen her since a funeral in 1998. I am closer to one of her siblings, but they'd had a falling out. She left two young adult children.

I'm sad because of that.  I'm sad because that side of the family is in a very strict denomination that is quick to declare that anyone who questions or disagrees with them is going to hell. They've been known to have Sunday School teachers yell at 6 year olds that they're going to hell for talking during the lesson. That doctrine alienates a lot of people not just from God, but from the family that follow that doctrine. The rule followers are in, the questioners are out, and so you might as well do whatever you want because you've known you were going to hell since you were 6 years old anyway. This cousin was one of the alienated ones.

I also have all the normal chaos that comes with having young children and a DH whose job moves us around every few years. I want to go to bed and cry but I have too much to do and little ones who need me. I've been impatient and have had a shorter temper than normal.

I want peace in my home. I want the grace of more patience than I am naturally inclined to have today.   I want my extended family to be comforted and find some sounder doctrine, or at least figure out how to give people more grace than they've been giving them.    I want a fast answer to whether we're going to move in the next few months or not.

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Can you ask someone to come over and watch the kids for 2 hours? And then take a drive to a spot where you can just sit, cry and be?

This  sounds overwhelming indeed and sudden deaths always deliver a shock that leaves us reeling.

Praying for peace and some answers regarding your living situation.

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