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Looking for high school chemistry program.

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If you don't mind a Christian publisher, how about Bob Jones Chemistry with the DVD teacher. We have used physical science with Mr. Harmon(he teaches the chemistry as well). He is awesome! We are currently using the biology DVD course. It is so nice popping the DVD's in and having a "teacher" right in our living room 180 days a year--especially in a subject that is NOT my expertise:)

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Spectrum Chemistry from Rainbow Science (Beginnings Publishing).







I'm not sure if this is considered an introductory course, but it's worth a look.



Edited by Dani n Monies Mom
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My older son did Apologia Chemistry and Advanced Chemistry - he did very well with them. The labs are designed to be done at home, and the course does not presuppose that you know anything about chemistry, both of which I appreciated! After doing both courses, my son scored very well on the SAT Subject test. (he used a review book to prepare as well).



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We are floundering in chemistry because either the books seem too advanced or too simple. But I had hoped that my son would be able to take the SAT II test at the end of the year since dh (degree in chem) is teaching him. I've gotten some of the Conceptual Chemistry materials, but so far they look possibly like AP level (Hopefully Beth in SW WA will know whether this is true?). And if so, what to recommend for SAT II level...



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Hi Joan,

My son did the two Apologia books in two years, but I know some have done them both in one year. It could be done, and it would be a good prep for the SAT II. Your son would also be prepared for the AP exam at that point, I believe. For either or both of those tests, I would plan to spend some time with prep books specifically for those exams in order to get used to the format and test taking strategy.

Hope this helps,



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I've gotten some of the Conceptual Chemistry materials, but so far they look possibly like AP level (Hopefully Beth in SW WA will know whether this is true?). And if so, what to recommend for SAT II level...




Hi Joan,

We are going w/ Apologia Chem next year instead of Conceptual. We'll either do a local class or TPS.


The author of Conceptual is easy to get in touch w/ via his website.

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both the TC dvd's for Chemistry and the Thinkwell Chemistry lectures. She much prefers the Thinkwell Lectures. She interject their lectures with humor so it's not a dry presentation. Sometimes she watches them more than once, just because they are funny. She's using a textbook by Kotz, et al called Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, which has a CD-ROM with tests. She'll be taking the SAT-II Chemistry exam in the spring.


I, too, much prefer using secular materials (though I am Christian).

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Can you please check back in this summer and let us know how your dd did on the SAT Chem using the materials you suggested? My oldest used Apologia's Chem and did poorly on the SAT Chem, and I'd like to find something for my next one that will prepare him for the SAT Chem but not be overwhelming.




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Can you please check back in this summer and let us know how your dd did on the SAT Chem using the materials you suggested? My oldest used Apologia's Chem and did poorly on the SAT Chem, and I'd like to find something for my next one that will prepare him for the SAT Chem but not be overwhelming.





She's scheduled to take the test on May 2nd and the scores are usually online within a few weeks. If I don't remember to pm you, pm me, please.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm bumping this up to ask some questions.

Chemistry scares the pants off me! I only started HSing J this year so it's a very steep learning curve diving right into highschool.


I've purchased Teaching Co's High School Chemistry.

Beyond that I have no clue what to do. Bev...is it like video lessons so he tells them what to look for in the texts? Did you need to do some planning? If so how did you do it?


I notice that you have recommended a different text from the Teaching Co recommendation of Chemistry: Matter and it's changes. Do you have any issue correlating what is going on in the DVD with what is going on in the text?


I wish I'd read this thread before I ordered the DVDs but now I have and with them at $95 (incl postage) and the text at $150ish which all translates to a LOT of Australian dollars I can't afford to get another DVD set!


Although looking at that Thinkwell $122 package...that's mighty appealing. I wonder if you could do that without needing a textbook (well a $160 one anyway)


I'd really appreciate any guidance and wisdom anyone has to offer.

C is doing The Elements next year. I'm sure there will be things in there that J hasn't covered either. So it's a chemistry year all around.

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I am also supplementing with The Great Courses DVD which are wonderful. For me, together these have made the perfect highschool Chemistry course. Note*** I did not understand Chemistry at all in highschool and I am really learning this stuff with these two programs.


Can you tell me what pieces the DVD course added to Spectrum? I look forward to using Spectrum but it looks pretty complete to me...?

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My oldest used Apologia's Chem and did poorly on the SAT Chem, and I'd like to find something for my next one that will prepare him for the SAT Chem but not be overwhelming.


:iagree: He blamed it on the labs not using traditional lab equipment. Apparently, there were questions specifically about lab equipment, but there can't have been enough of them to justify his score.


In the search for the ideal chem program for the next two, I've now got a collection of chem books that I've picked up (free at the dump) but they all look like college or AP. Has anyone used any of these?


Chemistry: the Central Science. Brown, LeMay, Burstein

Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change. Silberberg

Principles of Modern Chemistry. Oxtoby, Gillis, Campion


I also have Chemistry the Easy Way, but had assumed it was a supplement rather than a main text. Is there a hive opinion about this?

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In the search for the ideal chem program for the next two, I've now got a collection of chem books that I've picked up (free at the dump) but they all look like college or AP. Has anyone used any of these?


Chemistry: the Central Science. Brown, LeMay, Burstein

Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change. Silberberg

Principles of Modern Chemistry. Oxtoby, Gillis, Campion


I've taught college chem with the Brown and the Silberberg books. Silberberg is the easier of the two. Brown's books is hard to read. I have Oxtoby on my shelf, but am less familiar with it. All three are considered College Chem books.


If you want to use a college chem book that is rigorous, I would try Zumdahl. He write very clearly and, let's be honest, your child is probably going to be doing this book solo, so clear text is a plus. In addition, his end-of-chapter problems are a good variety of straightforward and harder ones.


If you want a college level, survey of chem book, you could look at Karen Timberlake's General Chemistry book. She write very well and the problems are nested immediately after the section they rely on--a plus for independent learner.

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If you want to use a college chem book that is rigorous, I would try Zumdahl. He write very clearly and, let's be honest, your child is probably going to be doing this book solo, so clear text is a plus. In addition, his end-of-chapter problems are a good variety of straightforward and harder ones.


If you want a college level, survey of chem book, you could look at Karen Timberlake's General Chemistry book. She write very well and the problems are nested immediately after the section they rely on--a plus for independent learner. __________________


Thank you very much.


I don't know that I'm ready to throw her into college level chem, although I have about decided that she's doing physics first, which will put her math at least at alg II. Does either the Zumdahl or Timberlake text start basic enough (or with a review chapter) to not have done a year of high school chem first? I had two years of chem in high scool and another in college, but it has all run together so much I'm sure when I did what.

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We have a special needs high school child and he had difficulty comprehending Apologia's Chemistry although I felt it was a great text. We then tried Contemporary Chemistry by Walch publishing but I find that it doesn't give enough explanation although it is written for students such as my son. It's written more for ps setting for a teacher with a Chemistry degree. I'm a nurse and I had taken Chemistry in college but I wasn't prepared for such explanations.


We are currently using Chemistry: Concepts and Problems: A Self Teaching Guide. It gives info in bites then asks the student to complete "fill in the blank" type questions for comprehension after each section of material. There are self-tests at the end of each section which we use as tests also. It can be used as a text or supplement. However, the answers are under each of those fill in the blank questions so I run copies for each topic covered and black out the answers on his copies. I find that it covers everything my ds needs to know for chemistry. We are also using Chemistry: Hands On Activities Using Real Life Applications for our lab. It's very thorough also. This is our approach and what works for us.


I've heard great things about BJU Chemistry also. Hope you find something that works for you.

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Thank you very much.


I don't know that I'm ready to throw her into college level chem, although I have about decided that she's doing physics first, which will put her math at least at alg II. Does either the Zumdahl or Timberlake text start basic enough (or with a review chapter) to not have done a year of high school chem first? I had two years of chem in high scool and another in college, but it has all run together so much I'm sure when I did what.



It is written as if you have no chem background at all. Be sure to get an older and cheaper edition! Truly she just makes small changes and plays with the order of topics. (I write the CD supplement to got with the Timberlake text, so I really do know this for a fact!)

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Can you tell me what pieces the DVD course added to Spectrum? I look forward to using Spectrum but it looks pretty complete to me...?

I use the DVD's to supplement what is tought in the book. Basically we read the text book chapter, watch the Teaching Co DVD, do the problems in the DVD book, read the chaper again and do the problems in the text book. You do not have DVD lesson for each text chapter. When I have time I will post which DVD lesson I used with which chapter in the text.

Sorry for the late response I am not online much.


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It is written as if you have no chem background at all. Be sure to get an older and cheaper edition! Truly she just makes small changes and plays with the order of topics. (I write the CD supplement to got with the Timberlake text, so I really do know this for a fact!) __________________


Thank you very much. I'll look for those books.

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I use the DVD's to supplement what is tought in the book. Basically we read the text book chapter, watch the Teaching Co DVD, do the problems in the DVD book, read the chaper again and do the problems in the text book. You do not have DVD lesson for each text chapter. When I have time I will post which DVD lesson I used with which chapter in the text.

Sorry for the late response I am not online much.




Thanks, Karen. No hurry here.


So are you saying it's just a reinforcement? The concepts are already in Spectrum, but you just choose to go over them again in another format in order to cement them in?


Your list would be great :o)


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I am also supplementing with The Great Courses DVD which are wonderful. For me, together these have made the perfect highschool Chemistry course. Note*** I did not understand Chemistry at all in highschool and I am really learning this stuff with these two programs.


I haven't read all the other responses, but this is what we're doing as well. Great combination! :)

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