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Did you have a dream about your children before conception?


Did you have a dream of your children before conception  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Did you have a dream of your children before conception or while pregnant?

    • Yes- I had a dream
    • No- no dreams
    • Someone else had a dream
    • Other

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I was talking with a friend and she said she never had a dream about her children before she was pregnant or during pregnancy. So just wondering how common dreams are. 

My husband's friend had a dream we were holding a baby boy two months before we conceived. After I was pregnant I had a dream of my boy- his eye color, hair, everything and that is what he looks like. 

I have a different friend who just had a dream of me with a baby. I have been praying for another child, and pray this dream was from God. 

How about you did you or anyone else have a dream? 

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I almost always have a dream about the new baby before I have taken a pregnancy test (but after I've conceived).  I think this makes sense scientifically even maybe -after all, my body knows it's pregnant and my brain probably is getting some signal or information about it.  Once I dreamed that I was driving the car around, but instead of 3 kids in the backseat I had 4. The strangest one was this: I had a baby with me and I had climbed with it (her? not sure) to the top of a stadium, like a football stadium.  But then when I was up there I realized I couldn't get down while holding her; the steps were like too steep or too slippery or too shallow or something.  Anyway, it couldn't be done.  I couldn't bring her down with me.  I woke up.

I miscarried that pregnancy at 10 weeks.

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Never dreamed about my kids (that I can recall). But I have dreamed that I'm pregnant with a 4th or giving birth to a 4th. And at my age those dreams are sometimes a little scary! I don't think there is any special meaning to the dreams but sometimes it's nice to feel that specialness of being pregnant again, even if it's only a dream.

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I dreamed of my babies all the time when I was pregnant.

with my third, we didn't know if the baby was a big or girl. Right near my due date, I had a dream that a litt!e boy and a litt!e girl were standing in front of me. The boy pulled his leg back and then kicked me in the crotch as hard as he could! 

This explosion of pain woke me up...Bc I was REALLY in pain, and having a massive contraction. I also somehow knew my water was going to break...And I HAD to get out the bed before it happened bc the other kids were sleeping with me (family bed) and I wasn't going to wake them up to change the bedding. 

I somehow launched myself over the kids and out of the bed as my water started to break and managed to not get a drop of fluid in the bed!

I went and found DH, told him about the dream and said were going to have a boy, bc even though there was a boy and girl in my dream, it was the boy who kicked me in the crotch! I told everyone in the hospital that, too, during my L&D. They all thought it was funny and said we'll see, you've got a 50-50 chance, etc..

Well, I was right! I had a gorgeous little boy, my darling "baby" although at the time I didn't think he'd be our last.

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No, but with one of my kids I had a dream about twin boys. At my first appointment I was measuring so large that the midwives were really sure it was twins. Ultrasound showed just one in there. Actually by the end of the pregnancy I was always measuring small, so it's not like he was mega-baby the whole time. He did turn out to be a boy, with the same personality as those twins, and I've always wondered if I lost a baby and my body re-absorbed it before it was detected.

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When I was about six months pregnant I dreamt my son was born with the size and abilities of a two year old. He ran around the hospital room getting into mischief and my doctor shrugged her shoulders and said “some of them just come out that way, we don’t know why.” I also asked the toddler son why he wasn’t minding me and he said “I didn’t read that book.” That was an obvious reference to a parenting program we went to when we were expecting - one of those with a formula that guarantees great wonderful kids and if the kid isn’t wonderful it’s because the parents deviated from the program. Yeah, I think that was more of a nightmare than a dream though.

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I had a dream right around the time I started my adoption process - I can't remember whether it was just before or just after I decided to pursue adoption.

I recall my mom telling me she had dreams when she was first pregnant with each child.  It was one of the first indications she might be pregnant.

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I don't remember any dreams with my older kids. With my youngest, about 5 years before he was born, I wanted another baby but was pretty sure we were done. DH was 100% sure, LOL. Even if we had another, I was sure it would be a girl. So sure. I had a girl name we needed to use, we had so many girl clothes, toys, etc. A girl would have been easy.

But I had a vivid dream about a boy. All I remembered was that I was in a strange church nursery, alone, nursing him in a rocking chair. He was definitely a he and he was sweet and I wanted him. In that twilight time before really waking, I looked for him when I woke up and I remember feeling sad and thinking that I wanted my baby. It was so real that it was upsetting for a while. I'd think about that dream and the baby every once in a while even after I didn't even want more kids.I always wondered why dream baby was a boy when I had girls on my mind when awake.

Then we had our surprise baby, who turned out to be a boy, and I found myself alone, nursing him in the rocking chair of a new church nursery. 

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I had a dream or two.  Can't remember details, but in my dream I always had all boys.  In fact, before I even had kids, I made a comment to DH about "when the boys are born" and he laughed and said, "You have already decided we are having boys?  No girls?"  I told him then that I had no idea why I said that, but it just came out of my mouth.

We have 3 boys.  No girls.

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The dream that I remember most clearly was for one of our adoptions. Since we were going to China, we were told the child would definitely be a girl, but in my dream, I was carrying an Asian boy. Reality mirrored my dream exactly, down to where I was carrying our son and the people who were next to me in the dream ended up next to me in real life. I've had several deja vu moments where I know exactly who is going to say what and when. It's weird. 

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