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Under-bOOk sweat!

It's uncomfortable and the humidity shows NO sign of letting up. Unfortunately as I have gotten older, age and gravity has dragged my used-to-be perky bOOks down so much that this is always an issue. I work in an air conditioned office but, nope, the under-bOOk sweat refuses to go away.

I'm done. I want the fall to be here. 


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I hate it, too. I can't stand the feeling of being sweaty, but I work outside a lot so I'm always getting sweaty. In the summer, I change my bra about 3-4 times a day .



Me too! I had to go out and buy more bras because the ones I had were always in the wash!
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The material of your bookshelf makes a difference, at least IME. I had to seek out new "moisture wicking" fabrics. I just needed things that would allow me to dry. I would be outside for fifteen minutes, soak through the shelf, then it wouldn't dry even though I was in the cool for hours. That's on the fabric.

I was all prepared, by the way, to pay plenty and even went to Nordstorm and they were NASTY to me about it. I've never had such poor service at a Nordstrom's of all places. The whole point of Nordstorm's is that you're willing to pay hand over fist for service and attention. I ended up trying on fifty different bras at Penney's instead but at least I found something - and for like $15 too.

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I'm having this issue, too. I started a recent thread about my issues (similar to the issue mentioned by SamanthaCarter above - but mine is maybe fungal, maybe?). I use spray antiperspirant when I know I'll be out in the heat. I can't wear wicking material for long periods - cotton-only - which means things stay damp unless I can change bras. :blink: (Certain synthetics cause skin reactions for me, especially in that area.)

I'm sure this is TMI, but I struggle more with lower back/butt/crotch sweat. Sheesh. 

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I tried using baby powder for years but now that I'm getting older and breastfeeding has done its thing to my BOOks, it was getting impractical to keep adding more powder to them multiple times a day. I finally decided to experiment with using antiperspirant under there. It has been life changing.

This is the first summer in years that I don't have itchy, weepy patches under there. I don't have to change bras multiple times a day because they are soaked with sweat. I  can actually go on multiple errands in summer without worrying about a wet itchy bra. I have no idea how healthy it is to use antiperspirant on an area it wasn't intended for on a regular basis but right now, in the dead of summer in the south, I don't even care. My BOOks haven't fallen off or done anything weird and my dr says she does it too for what its's worth. lol

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I have brochures, like Quill, so the bookshelf is dry, but I have issues with sweaty underwear.  I swipe a quick swipe of anti-perspirant at the top of each leg, where it joins my body.  Not too much, but just a quick swipe and it makes a world of difference.  

If I was you, I’d try a swipe of anti-perspirant under the bookshelf.  Might not solve it entirely, but might help.  And maybe put a piece of cloth in the bra that wicks moisture, so you can change out just that piece of cloth and not the whole bra.  You could cut up some sort of moisture-wicking undershirt.  My DH has those shirts and he got them at Walmart with the men’s undershirts.  It might bunch up and not work, but it might.  

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I had some terrible issue that had morphed beyond sweating.   I don't know what to call it(fungus? eczema?), but a Dr told me to use Gold Bond Powder.   The itching and the pain was beyond uncomfortable.   I hated smelling like Gold Bond, and had to use it for like a year straight, but it alleviated my symptoms and the grossness eventually cleared up.   Now I just use regular powder once in a while.

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6 minutes ago, alisoncooks said:

Has anyone tried this?


I've gone into Town & Country Hardware for paint samples about 5x this week, and they have a big display of it right near the register. Contains cornstarch. I may have to embrace the horrid product name and buy some next time I'm in there. 

Yes!! I love this stuff. I thought I posted about it in this thread a week ago lol. I have the same issue but only at the end of my tailbone. It drives me mad when it’s humid.

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They say misery loves company so I am loving this thread! haha

When I was younger and got hot, I just kinda "glistened" with a sheen of light perspiration..

Now that I am old, I flat out SWEAT .... the kind that makes your hair plaster to your head, makes your makeup run down your face like your melting and makes you keep pulling at your undergarments that are sticking to all your pink parts.

Image result for meme bras

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