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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

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My bullet journal took up five pages today. ? Most things were not physically demanding though but my brain is dead.


* A bunch of work loose ends

* laundry for kids

* more sports

* follow up with job interviews

* sweep


* Violin practice, Language practice

* volunteer write up

* other volunteer write up

Ugh. I don't know if this is encouraging, Jean. I kind of try to push through for as many hours as possible with message boards in between and that gets me through.

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Good morning 

 - coffee

- get girls up and dressed- done

- take girls to school (dd2 going in early for a field trip)- done though I didn’t know that dd2 was supposed to have a packed lunch... oops (they have sandwiches for those who forgot, I had paid for a lunch for her anyways)

- stop at store for a few things- done

 - laundry- not enough for a load yet

- fold and put away laundry- 

 - dishes- in dishwasher

  - tidy living room- 

- clean off desk, go through school stuff, clean my corner and make school supplies needed list for me and a separate one for the girls- 

- tidy kitchen- round 1 done

 - dog/cat care- Chip and Maggie both have food and water

- chicken care- am care done

 - start planning girls’ summer school (and mine, see the A&P, med term and microbiology stuff)- waiting for dd1’s ThinkStretch workbook from school

- fill out Girl Scout day camp forms- ugh I can’t find the financial aid forms (our troop leader encourages us to use it so the troops don’t lose it)- got a copy of form from camp coordinator through email

- microbiology notes that I didn’t get time to do before the end of the semester- 

 - start A&P and med term reviews (this will happen from now until school starts again for me in August-

- read - 

 - crochet (really need to get cracking on these afghans if I’m to have them both done by Christmas)- 

- get girls off bus

- work

- have girls clean room- 

- dinner- 

- baths/showers- 

 - bedtime routine- 

 - anything else I get done- took trash to outside can and outside can to the road for pick up, took a nap

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Good morning!

  • vet appt. this morning for sick horse
  • school
  • fencing work in big pasture
  • office work (beginning of the month stuff, pay Amex to get early pay discount)
  • post office
  • clean main floor (dust, vacuum, mop, de-smudge walls)
  • laundry (sheets and towels)
  • dinner: roasted broccoli and quinoa bowls
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Good morning!  My goal for today - don't sit down until my list is complete.  Sounds easy, right??  Instead of sitting, do something productive.

-workout (cardio and weights circuits)
-kennel reservation for dog for weekend
-laundry (always with the laundry - 3 loads minimum)  DONE:  1
-make sure the children are doing what they are supposed to be doing (SAT vocab review/precalc for DS17; reading, vocab and math review for DS13)
-figure out dinner (I think it will be some type of shrimp)
-clean up the kitchen

-run to grocery store for a few things
-things to do while not sitting (clean out school room, clean out laundry room, organize hall linen closet, clean out junk drawer, clean out closet, organize "hurricane food" cabinets)

after that...

-read and sit
-finish watching Longmire

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Good morning!

  • work in yard for 15 minutes
  • declutter 15 minutes
  • clean kitchen 15 minutes
  • pack lunches
  • pack dinners
  • softball game
  • get kids to camp
  • pick up kids from camp
  • read
  • crochet
  • call grandmother
  • take a nap!!!
  • play piano
  • playdate
  • summer school
  • order pictures
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Tsuga, I've been toying with the idea of a bullet journal and actually started one in the past. I didn't stick with it, but I think I was trying to be too decorative with it. I'm not naturally an artsy person. Do you have favorite resources for ideas?



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Good morning!!

I've fed the cats and had coffee.

To Do:

  • meals   (might have lunch out with a friend)
  • help dd begin organizing all her belongings. She moved back home from college and left for Italy, so her room is full of boxes and piles of stuff. 
  • tidy main living areas and quick clean bathrooms
  • try to tackle something on my summer to-do list
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Morning, all!  Thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday!  Overall, it was a good day until ds's grades were posted late last night.  He did not do well in one class, not because it was difficult, but because he failed to turn in assignments.  I am livid, hurt, disappointed, all the emotions that go with it.  Anyways...

Done:  fridge, freezer, and cupboards cleaned out...no more junk food in the house

trash cans out to the curb and plants watered

kitchen cleaned

coffee in progress

To do:

Place Amazon order


Post office to mail bills

Buy new dishwasher (don't want to but can't handle having to rewash everything)

Work on planner,  student notebook ideas for 1st semester

Have a great day!



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Good morning! ds2 and I rolled in around 3 am last night. Easy, uneventful drive. Today, I have to return the rental car (and get my walk in). 

  • ds3 at tennis until 12
  • ds2 at eye dr
  • dd2 off to practice
  • finish coffee and paper
  • return car
  • walk home
  • daily chores/clean kitchen
  • nap
  • read/some online things
  • dinner: ?

Have a great day!

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Second day of summer camp / me working at the office.  Today I am sitting at an actual desk - but it's next to the door and I have to interact with every person who walks in.  I may switch back to my old corner after today.

Yesterday I was fried.  I did get some important work out, but I went to bed with some things still not done.  Still today one of them is not done.  Hoping for some good focus today.  I have dozens of "work" things that I need to work on, but most of them are not technically overdue ....  It's just that I need to prioritize and coordinate super well to get everything done by the official June deadlines.

I did make a couple loads of laundry happen overnight.  I have one more I want to do tonight, and to put away everything.

I should take out the garbage tonight rather than worry about it in the morning.  After making the kids switch out the pet bedding.  Also need to give the kids a lesson in sweeping.

Would love to do some exercise, but I don't know when that's likely to happen.  Maybe in the evening.

Calendar - it's really time to figure out the details of the summer.  I'm good for the daytime for the next two weeks (the camps have aftercare), but we need to have some structure to the evenings or things won't happen.  We have gotten a good start on vision therapy homework, but that's about it.  I want to work in brain games, scout badge work, read-alouds, TKD & music practice, volunteer work, and a few other things.  (Worked in between their evening sports / lessons.)  On the positive side, I've been better about making the kids pick up after themselves, "act right," and get to bed reasonably on time.

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clean out icebox

market list/marketing

rubbish run throughout house (decluttering not filth=)

train puppy to like brush (baby steps...what did that groomer do to her???)

master bedding

final transcript to college (last time I ever, ever have to do this)

read with my daughter while she spins (yes, we still read aloud with adult children) Watched an episode of Larkrise to Candleford instead

hoover the house 

tidy books

office arrangement 

cat boxes

dishes - pots/pans

do only this list!  Gotta work on this one!!

What a great idea to have this listing...thank you!!


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We (I love these kids) took apart FIVE beds yesterday and put them all back together in different rooms. 
Now I need to wash sheets!

Girls have play tryouts - dropped them off.
Hit Wal-Mart and Lowe's - picked two hydrangeas ($10 each) and four rhododendrons ($0.90 each) and am headed out to PLANT THEM!
Move some hostas - they love stress, right?
Mulch the area

Pick up girls
Help DH with some of his homework

LOTS of laundry and get it on the line.
Move the goats (because if you buy them without a fence, then you have to use a makeshift goat tractor)

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My workout was 1 hour and 40 minutes - now I know why I never do this particular workout.  Everything hurts and I'm dying....

still need to get at least one more load of laundry done, and do some clean up/throw out projects in between.  And my son just brought me a pair of baseball pants that have more mud and red clay ground into them than they do white fabric.  I think at this point it is better to just get new pants. 

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My last load of laundry is in the washer. Kitchen is clean. I got a tiny bit of office work done. Discovered that the deadline for the Amex early pay discount was yesterday, not today. Oops.

The horse vet has been here twice today. He stopped out first thing this morning to check Nik, who seemed much improved and had a normal temp. Then around noon, Nik started feeling cruddy so I took his temp and it was up high again. The vet came back out to give him a couple more injections. He said that if it is Potomac Horse Fever, as he believes it is, Nik will probably have 3-4 days of a cyclical fever that goes up and down throughout the day. (I could really use a boring, humdrum, non-eventful day right about now.?)

Now I need to tackle some cleaning before it's time to start dinner.


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I took a short nap, and was woken with "Mom, I need new shoes." A hole in the sole renders them unplayable. ds3 is now going through 1 pair a month. 

At least he is wearing them out, not outgrowing them.

Off to get shoes, then tackle kitchen (though I might make ds3 do it-as partial payment).

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Libby is a lot skinnier now.  I cut enough fur off of her to make a large chihuahua.  Or maybe a french bulldog.   (I still have to clip Libby.  But I will need help doing that part because Libby can't stand long enough without suddenly collapsing.  I managed to get through the scissors cut without taking her to the doggie ER (like last time, sigh.).  I don't want to hurt her while clipping. )



We went to two pet stores. Juliet piddled at each store. 



(We did buy dog food but I found the pet nail dremel much cheaper online so we ended up ordering it.)

Gassed up the car.

Grocery store - got ingredients for tonight's dinner (pan roasted chicken and veggies)

Dd to babysitting

rebooted dishwasher

took out recycling

put away groceries


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Not too bad for a day when I had to work at the office ...

Got the kids to camp on time, picked them up on time.

Finished audiobook My Friend Flicka and started The Prince and the Pauper.

Got kid 1 to horse riding.

Did a puzzle and vision therapy with kid 2, then went grocery shopping with kid 1.

Cleaned out car (clutter).

Washed dishes.  (We had run out of dish soap so there was a backlog.)

Kids changed out pet bedding & swept up the mess. (Mom presided / nagged.)

Took out the garbage except for the garage.

Some general picking up.

Dealt with the mess a raccoon made because I didn't get the garbage all the way to the can fast enough.

Washed 2 loads of laundry & folded / hung 3.

Started new read-aloud:  "Spy School."  Kids demanded 2nd chapter, so I guess it's good.

Whatever I'm forgetting.

Now I should be working, but I think I will go to sleep and try to wake up early.

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