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IF you were offered free plastic surgery would you do it?

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I was just watching 'Jon and Kate plus 8' and she had a tummy tuck.

My stomach looks almost like hers and I had 3 single births.

My oldest was large (10.2lbs) and did a number on my body, especially my stomach.

I am very self conscious about it..I know I shouldn't be, but I am and have always been.


If I was offered it, of course by a VERY GOOD Dr., I would do it in a heart beat!

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I'd do it in a heartbeat too! I had twins (total birthweight of 11.2) and then 21 months later had a 8.9 lb baby. Then almost 5 years later (at the age of 38) had 10.3 lb baby. I was a size 4 before kids and now am a size 8 but darn if that tummy isn't just a heap of mush! My dr. who cared for me with pregnancy #2 told me at that time that no amount of exercise would ever make my stomach go back, only surgery. And I just can't take any more "Are you pregnant?" questions when I.am.not.

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Probably not. At this point, it's not something I care about. I do have a related "funny" though. When I was growing up, my mom always told my brother and I that we would need to have good jobs so that we could pay for the face lift she was sure she'd need after all the wrinkles we'd given her. :D

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I sometimes can't believe this forum. All through dinner I was thinking I would put out a poll on plastic surgery - you know; who has, hasn't, would, could, wouldn't, etc. And here it is!!! (well, not a poll, but...)


I think about a tummy tuck daily. I was 115 lbs when I became pregnant. Nearly 10 years ago, I had The Twins, 8lbs 3oz and 6lbs 9 oz. I am back to my original weight, which means I don't fill in any of the left over mess! I also nursed. I wouldn't mind terribly if after my tummy tuck they parked my b**bs back to where they were originally intended to be!!


My biggest concern isn't the money. Its whether or not it is okay to put my life in jeopardy over something like "looks". If I volunteered for a surgery like this, and died, what would that say about me? Sometimes I think our bodies are the intended "roadmap of our lives", if you will, and I'd be messing w/something far too big by taking to erasing it. BUT, on the other hand, the whole package has served me well and I want the old package back! This particular package is, well, entirely too used up. I'm glad I had it to offer, but don't I deserve to have it back now??


So, yes, I would love to have plastic surgery, but I'm afraid.


Well, sorry, I don't have a definitive answer, but :lurk5: and :bigear:.


(Thanks for posting this question!)

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eh, idk...i had the bOOks (is that how you gals do it here?) reduced when i was 19 and have never regretted it.


my tummy could use a tiny tuck i suppose, but just a very tiny one, the mini-tuck i think it's called, that leaves a scar comprable to a c-section. all in all i think i look great, esp. for having carried four babies, i'm still the same size i was in high school though a bit curvier in the hip area iykwim. besides, even with a tuck i'd still have the stretch marks, though i don't really mind them...

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You betcha! It is only the thought of spending that kind of money that stops me. I don't see that it is much different than having cosmetic dentistry (braces etc.).


I would have my varicose veins done and, how was it put? Have my b**bs "parked" back where they once were seven nursing babies ago. :D




Wow! This was my answer almost exactly. No varicose veins and only six kids but close. And we actually have a family savings fund for this. All of my kids contribute change and sometimes give up requests to contribute to mom's book fund. My brother keeps telling me I should wait. Until when I ask? 60. Don't think I will care by then. I am just waiting for the funds. :)

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Provided the doctor checked out - yup, i'd do anything to go from a DDD to a B or C cup. My shoulders would thank me....



I did this. It wasn't completely free, but one year we had maxxed out our out of pocket expenses with our insurance, so the total cost to us for reduction surgery was about $200. I've never regretted it.

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No, I wouldn't. Elective surgery is not something on my radar at all.


DH nearly died of an unexpected post-surgical infection four years ago, and I had complications from ankle surgery a year ago that could have been very, very bad. Thankfully I recovered, but we had a bad scare. Both were done by top-notch surgeons in good hospitals too.


You just never know.

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Laura GB expressed it pretty well for me. Here's my thought process though.


I used to want a boob job. I was happy with my fairly small breasts before I lost half of them after baby #2 or #3 (and apparently some brain cells because I can't remember which). When I got bigger while nursing each baby, I thought perhaps they would stay. That made me a very full B cup. After weaning each baby, they always shrunk to smaller than before--barely a B or even an A. It was depressing. A female doctor (not ob/gyn, just a doc who was female) I went to because I thought something could be really wrong with me (dh didn't help--just kept thinking about how freaked he would be if anything of his shrunk) acted like I was crazy. She basically told me I'd imagined it and that this kind of thing didn't happen. I knew it did and I had the pre-pregnancy bras to prove it.


It took a few years, but I probably haven't wanted that boob job for about 10 years now. It stopped being important to me. Dh always said it wasn't important to him--he had just wanted to make sure nothing was medically wrong. I decided I'm happy with my breast size and I prefer being on the small side to being too large and having it hinder my activities or give me back pain.


After four kids--I was 110 when I got pregnant with the first and am about 120 now--my skin has stretched and never regained it's shape. I scar easily, so I have stretch marks. My stomach is not hideous, but it is certainly not attractive. I'd like for it to look better and I would be seriously tempted by an offer for a free tummy tuck. However, I don't think I could go through with it.


While my stomach does bother me a little, it's only to the extent that I don't show it in public. Again, dh says he still finds me attractive and the stretched skin doesn't bother him. I am not someone who puts a lot of importance on looks and it bothers me when other people do. Wouldn't my getting a tummy tuck be me giving in to vanity? I really am happy with myself both in who I am and how I look. Would it be worth undergoing a procedure which does have some risk associated with it for something so minor? I don't think I could do it, and I think I may just think less of myself if I did.


I have some grey hairs coming in at my temples, too. I don't plan to color them. Those grey highlights could be good on me. We'll see how it plays out on that one;)

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and I think cosmetic surgery is damaging to a normal self-image. When we get older, we look different. This is how God made us. We don't run as fast, we don't last as long, our hair grows gray, our skin sags. IMO, we have to be true to ourselves, and love ourselves for what we are now, rather than what we used to be. If I was in a fire, or had breast cancer, or had some medically necessary reason to change the way I look, I would do it if someone else would pay for it.


I think boob jobs are ridiculous. Feminists should consider them a major step backward in women being taken seriously in any sphere, economic, social, political, or what have you.


Here's a pic that might discourage some of you considering plastic surgery.

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Where do I go???????


I have lost 95 lbs so far. Ideally, I'd like to lose another 40-ish. A tummy tuck, well, MORE than a tuck. And I'd like to have the books back 'on the shelf'. I wouldn't mind having my eyelids tucked a little too.


Cin, I think you're in a different category - you've lost so much weight! The couple of people I know who have lost that much weight needed surgery - not for vanity, but for real health issues. And ... if you're already under, who's to stop an "eye guy" from slipping in and making you even more fabulous!

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and I think cosmetic surgery is damaging to a normal self-image. When we get older, we look different. This is how God made us. We don't run as fast, we don't last as long, our hair grows gray, our skin sags. IMO, we have to be true to ourselves, and love ourselves for what we are now, rather than what we used to be. If I was in a fire, or had breast cancer, or had some medically necessary reason to change the way I look, I would do it if someone else would pay for it.


I think boob jobs are ridiculous. Feminists should consider them a major step backward in women being taken seriously in any sphere, economic, social, political, or what have you.


Here's a pic that might discourage some of you considering plastic surgery.


I completely disagree...I think. If you assume all plastic surgery is Joan Rivers or Playboy playmate then, yes, that is silly. It can be taken to the extreme and look stupid. 70 yolds should not have perfectly smooth faces. But as I said in my post, what is the difference between having your teeth straightened or bleached? Are we fostering vanity by fixing how our teeth look? How about hair dyes? Are they "deceptive"? I think that word is too strong. If I had my b**bs lifted it wouldn't be deceiving anyone. I would feel better about myself, and honestly my dh wouldn't be upset either. ;)


Should we avoid pedicures because God meant for our heels to get jagged? How about make-up? I could go on and on....


edit: btw, I don't feel the need to dye my hair, even if my greys are multiplying at an alarming rate. I don't wear make-up on a daily basis either. So I guess I'm selective with my improvements. ;)

Edited by battlemaiden
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