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My life is so glamorous (warning: pantry moth content)


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Did you know that if you put bird seed in a sealed plastic bin in a closet in your homeschool room, that eventually the pantry moths will infest it? And that, when they do, they also will infest tons of your books that are stored in said closet? And that you will have to wipe down the inside front and back covers of every one of those books because some of them are crawling with pantry moth larvae? (And, yes—I know that I may end up tossing many of the books anyway.)


Fortunately, due to the Great Carpenter Ant Invasion of ‘17, I am well-supplied with the tools to fight the scourge, but dang it—I want to be sitting on my tuckus watching the Olympics, not chasing moth larvae.


So. Make me feel better: in what decidedly unglamorous task are you engrossed?

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I just had to get a dead bird away from one of my dogs.


How's that for unglamorous? :tongue_smilie:

One of the highlights of my career as a pet owner was when my dog picked up a dead, dried-out, flattened squirrel from the street while on a walk with me. My brilliant-if-I-do-say-so-myself solution was to run her as fast as I could until she had to open her mouth to breathe, thus dropping the grossness. My dog-handling has been all downhill since. All that is to say that I feel your pain.

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Apparently, storing birdseed in the garage inside a sealed tupperware container is no guarantee against mice invasion. I found a ton of mouse poop, gnawed clothes and other things and the whole tupperware container in shreds - the mice had spent many days gnawing at the plastic and finally gotten in. I am spending all my leisure time disinfecting everything in the garage with bleach solution. I live a life as glamorous as you do!

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Perhaps your life is so glamorous because, like me you married a sugar daddy.


I am, like many here a stay at home, homeschooling parent.


A few years ago I was out at a function and started talking to a man a few years older than myself. When he found out I didn’t work outside the home for money he very seriously said that I must have married a sugar daddy, was very privileged and he told me how he envied people who could life of leisure.

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Did you know that if you put bird seed in a sealed plastic bin in a closet in your homeschool room, that eventually the pantry moths will infest it? And that, when they do, they also will infest tons of your books that are stored in said closet? And that you will have to wipe down the inside front and back covers of every one of those books because some of them are crawling with pantry moth larvae? (And, yes—I know that I may end up tossing many of the books anyway.)


Fortunately, due to the Great Carpenter Ant Invasion of ‘17, I am well-supplied with the tools to fight the scourge, but dang it—I want to be sitting on my tuckus watching the Olympics, not chasing moth larvae.


So. Make me feel better: in what decidedly unglamorous task are you engrossed?


Yes, I did know!  I battled pantry moths in my patry until I found out they came in pet food.  I had an open bad of bird seed in my pantry.  My pantry is just inside my back door, so it made sense to store it there.   I threw out the bird seed, problem solved.  I actually think the eggs are already in the birdseed, and they just hatched.  


Edited to clarify - I never actually saw moths in the birdseed, just in my pantry.  Which is why I believe the eggs were already in the birdseed, and as they hatched, they infested everything else.  Plus, to be honest, I wasn't real diligent about feeding the birds, so  wasn't looking in the birdseed bag that often, either.

Edited by LuvToRead
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 Plus, to be honest, I wasn't real diligent about feeding the birds, so  wasn't looking in the birdseed bag that often, either.


I think this was definitely part of our problem as well.  If we'd been nicer to the birds, I would not have books thrown all over the floor of my school room.  Clutter drives me nuts, and this is the worst kind.  It's killing me not to be able to load everything back into the closet.

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A few years ago I was out at a function and started talking to a man a few years older than myself. When he found out I didn’t work outside the home for money he very seriously said that I must have married a sugar daddy, was very privileged and he told me how he envied people who could life of leisure.


:smilielol5: Strangely, I've received similar comments.

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The pre-emptive solution is to freeze anything that is going to be stored for an extended period. Another pre-emptive strategy is to use mint oil or (if you're old school) sticks of mint gum. Scattering the sticks around in the pantry discourages any larvae that hatch in something from migrating to something else.


At least it's not lice in your kids' hair. Or bed bugs.

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Wow, I wouldn't have thought moths could get into those bins!  Maybe we haven't had that problem with our plastic bins because we store them in the garage and attic, where the temps get way below freezing in the winter. 


We're living out of the country (in a very hot, humid climate) for a few months.  Our dd has been visiting, and sleeping on an extra bed in the kitchen -- a very glamorous arrangement!  A couple weeks ago, she was sweeping in the kitchen -- sweeping around the edges and under the refrigerator, stove, etc.  She couldn't get over all the rice she was sweeping up from under the appliances.  Piles of it!  Then she looked and saw that the piles were moving!  Maggots!  




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She couldn't get over all the rice she was sweeping up from under the appliances.  Piles of it!  Then she looked and saw that the piles were moving!  Maggots!  


*cue very loud screaming in my head*


You guys are making me very nervous about the big bags of birdseed I buy from Costco. I know I should freeze them for a few days, but there's usually not enough room in my deep freeze! Thankfully the current bag has been around long enough for me to know it's fine, but we're nearly out  :scared:

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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On Monday, I cleaned up a dead mouse in my dining room. One of my cats had killed it - I’m assuming. It was messy and gross.


Today, I rewashwd a mildewy load of laundry I forgot about in the washing machine.


Today, I am at counseling appointments for 2 of my kids.

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If anyone is eating, don't read this....  







We bought a house, and I am cleaning someone else's (previous owner or guest) urine stains from the drywall/cabinetry/toilet. I also had to dig through the organics recycling cart I inherited to pick out all of the rotting, maggoty trash and rebag it for trash disposal because they contaminated the cart and the trash company wouldn't pick it up. Once my amazon shipment arrives today, I'm running spa purge through the hot tub to clean out their germs and algae from the hot tub plumbing lines. Nitrile gloves are my friend, and I'm not thinking kind thoughts about the previous owners of the home.  

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If anyone is eating, don't read this....  







We bought a house, and I am cleaning someone else's (previous owner or guest) urine stains from the drywall/cabinetry/toilet. I also had to dig through the organics recycling cart I inherited to pick out all of the rotting, maggoty trash and rebag it for trash disposal because they contaminated the cart and the trash company wouldn't pick it up. Once my amazon shipment arrives today, I'm running spa purge through the hot tub to clean out their germs and algae from the hot tub plumbing lines. Nitrile gloves are my friend, and I'm not thinking kind thoughts about the previous owners of the home.  



You need to rip out that drywall around the toilet. You will never get it clean. At the very least, paint it with several coats of Kilz.


and you and everyone else on this thread have my empathy. Yuck!

Edited by Jyhwkmama
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Unglamorous here too. I just jerry-rigged my dishwasher to drain into a 5 gallon bucket because of plumbing issues. I couldn't handle only being able to wash dishes maybe once every 3 days and it STILL backing up the pipe for any longer. Tomorrow involves cleaning and bleaching the pipe overflow area {again}. 



You all have my sympathy as well. Pantry moths suck!

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Unglamorous here too. I just jerry-rigged my dishwasher to drain into a 5 gallon bucket because of plumbing issues. I couldn't handle only being able to wash dishes maybe once every 3 days and it STILL backing up the pipe for any longer. Tomorrow involves cleaning and bleaching the pipe overflow area {again}. 



You all have my sympathy as well. Pantry moths suck!


That is a lot more impressive than evicting pantry moths.  Although, I must say that I have now gone through every one of those blasted books three times, and I have found more larvae every time; fewer, but still--even one is disgusting.  And we're talking a couple of hundred books.  I'm not reloading my closet until I am convinced that they're gone.  

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