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ER vs. Chicago Med


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[spoiler alert]


Based on learning here that Hulu now has all 15 seasons of ER, I signed up for the month trial about a month ago and watched seasons 1-8, to the point where Dr. Greene died. It was a good point to stop ("Be generous -- with your life, with your time, with your love," Dr. Greene --> his daughter) because after watching eight seasons in two or three weeks, I needed to get on with my life, LOL.  It was a great run, I remembered fondly how much I liked that show. 


Someone at church mentioned that they like Chicago Med so I just gave it a shot for an episode or two.  Oh, my gosh.  Am I nuts in thinking that it's terrible?  Or was ER so good that anything that tries to recreate it would be horrible?  The acting seems so forced to me, from all the cast, and the emergency situations seem almost fake compared to those on ER. 


Is this just me or does anyone else concur?  Watching a couple of episodes of CM makes me want to go watch another season or two of ER to put happy emergency room thoughts back in my head.  ;-)

Edited by milovany
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I'm watching ER on Hulu too.  I'm up to just about done with season 5, which is about the point where I started watching it when it was on Thursday nights.  Some of the plots and acting seem a little cheesy, but I think that's also part of the charm, especially with the 90s clothing/hair and all.  Sometimes I laugh, and sometimes I cry.  And some of the best characters haven't even shown up yet.

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I'm only on Season 3 guys!!!  LOL  No reminders of Mark Greenes death please.  Sniff Sniff.  I just LOVE him. 

It's a pretty unique show insofar as the subtlety of character development and character development...even with the pretty canned plots at times.  I really love the show and had forgotten so much of it!

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So many people from ER went on to have long careers- we still see people and remark that we remember them from ER.   What a show. 

It's really funny to see people on there that I know from other shows.  Harry Lennix, for instance, whom I recognize from The Blacklist; he sounds the same but obviously looks so much younger!  And Mariska Hargitay too.  I'm going to have to re-remember Sharif Atkins as Dr. Gallant instead of Agent Jones, even though I knew him as Gallant first.  But Anthony Edwards will always be Mark Greene, nobody else.

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Dh is a Chicago Med fan and I'm a Grey's Anatomy fan.  We've started ER, but I've already seen it and dh has not, so it's kind of a weird experience for us. He's loving ER, and I'm kind of meh about it because I'm not all that into re-watching things.


I do see its groundbreaking value, and I don't think anything else has been able to match that since, but it still had its own issues, which EVERY show since finds in their own special way, lol.

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If you think Chicago Med has fake situations, wait till you see The Resident. :) Some online blogs gave it positive reviews, but I find it totally unrealistic with very black/white characters and outrageously unprofessional behaviour from the doctors.


I've never watched ER. I must check it out. 


In fact, before I watched The Good Doctor, I had never watched any medical shows. TGD got me hooked on medical dramas, so I started binge watching Chicago Med. I'll run out of past episodes soon and have been thinking of moving on the ER and/or Grey's Anatomy. Any suggestions on which is better to watch first? :)

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If you think Chicago Med has fake situations, wait till you see The Resident. :) Some online blogs gave it positive reviews, but I find it totally unrealistic with very black/white characters and outrageously unprofessional behaviour from the doctors.


I've never watched ER. I must check it out. 


In fact, before I watched The Good Doctor, I had never watched any medical shows. TGD got me hooked on medical dramas, so I started binge watching Chicago Med. I'll run out of past episodes soon and have been thinking of moving on the ER and/or Grey's Anatomy. Any suggestions on which is better to watch first? :)


I haven't watched The Resident yet, but my initial take on even the premise of the show was that it would be insanely unrealistic, so I'll probably skip it. 


We love The Good Doctor; very well done. 


ER is a million times better than Grey's Anatomy, which is kind of half medical drama, half soap opera set in a hospital. Everyone sleeps with everyone else at some point or another, and no one dates anyone they don't also work with (more or less). Which I know happened a little bit in ER too but Grey's is really over the top with it/much more explicit in what they show & discuss about the relationships. There's enough sex in it that it makes me uncomfortable, and I don't consider myself a prude or ultra conservative, but it's definitely a show I would worry about my boys walking in on, just in case. 


The characters are good, and draw you in, but it's a different style medical drama for sure. 


ER is kind of the gold standard, though, so.....start there. (or not, because after that, nothing will measure up....)

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Yes, ER was just that good! The show had the whole package - excellent scriptwriters, camera work, acting, sets. Not only that, they tackled a lot of issues that we have just begun to tackle in our culture now. In that aspect, it was far ahead of it's time. 

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Thanks for assuring me I wasn't so very off.  A couple of examples of my surprised-laugh with Chicago Med, one teen girl was going into seizures, and you could actually watch the actress close her eyes, lay back and then start shaking.  It was fast, but still unrealistic.  There was another scene where an extra was supposed to be walking down the hall, but when the camera turned in his direction, you could see him standing there (apparently waiting for the camera to turn), and then start walking when it did turn.  So instead of already walking -- as should have been the case -- you could see him waiting, and then start walking.  I don't know, things like that bother me. The emergency situations happen so fast and the dialogue doesn't seem as detailed and precise.  There's not much actual ER (excuse me, ED) drama.  The related story lines carry on, but the actual emergency is quick.


And the main characters just seem like caricatures than actual characters.  Again, comparing to ER, which had such great, well-developed characters. Maybe after Lent, I'll go back and watch seasons 9-15 of ER.  :D

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