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5th Grade Planning Thread 2018-19 Updated 8-17-18


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2 hours ago, hippiemamato3 said:

I looked at OM (and actually seem to every year) but am always a little put off by the lack of books! What made  you decide to do it this year? 

She wants to do life science but isn't a fan of the usual workbooky kind of science. She loves ancient history and we like the look of some of the projects they suggest for that and I like that LA is intertwined with the history (and she's a very strong writer so that will appeal to her). She reads voraciously, it's like breathing for her, so I'm not worried that she won't get in enough lit. We will also be working in some BW Arrow issues too, I think, which should help to round out that part of it. 

I have wanted to use OM (and, in fact, have purchased OM many years) but always ended up second guessing myself and just sticking to what we know (CM/classical kind of style). I feel this coming year, what she wants and is asking for just all seems to line up nicely with the OM6 syllabus. 

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5th grade plans:  stuff to finish

TT math 4 (just started this, this week)

R&SSpelling 4


Christian Studies 1


Teach Yourself Cursive

stuff we'll begin :

Christian Studies 2

Latin Prep 1, HTTS, CW Aesop

Strayer Upton book 2

Greek Myths

Agustus Cesar's World

We will do morning power hour or book basket for memory work and poetry.  Literature will be us reading to each other, lots of art and music study/instrument practice.


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DS10 will move up to 5th

Math: GoMath 5, Singapore based  Teaching Textbooks Grade 5

Science: Apologia Physics and Chemistry

History: US History using Time Travelers from Homeschool in the Woods, including geography, state study and president study; Living Book based history with projects and some lapbooking

Spelling: Spelling Workout E

Literature: The Sign of the Beaver, The Last of the Mohicans, The Matchlock Gun, Thumbelina (fairy book), 20,000 Leagues, Let It Begin Here, Johnny Tremain, Treasure Island, Little House in the Big Woods, By the Dawn's Early Light, The Amazing Impossible Erie Canal, Desperate Journey, Poems Battle Hymn of the Republic, Hatchet, Call of the Wild and Tuck Everlasting. More Poems and stories from the blue, yellow and green fairy books.

Grammar: The Nose Tree

Writing: IEW A with CDs

Vocabulary: Greek & Latin Stem, Affixes--from TPT

Foreign Language: Duolingo German, self paced    DS changed mind to Spanish, using YouTube and an Elementary Spanish Workbook--not investing a lot of money bc DS has already started German and French and well is dry.

Art: Class with Art Teacher from local co-op




Edited by jgrabuskie
updated plans
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  • 3 weeks later...

Like others here, this is my guy who wants to get school done as quickly as possible so he can GO! ?

I think this is the general plan:

Math: finish CLE 4, start 5.

Language Arts: R&S English 4, Dictation Day by Day, Literature with both family and independent reading, possibly Pentime 5, maybe just copywork, CM/WTM writing.

Mavis Beacon Typing

Early American history: A Child's Story of America as a spine and books from BF, HOD, SCM, U.S history memory work.

Sheppard's Software and Draw the U.S.

Science is undecided.

Family Studies: SCM Bible memory, artist, poetry, composer, geography, literature, possibly Spanish

Homeschool Band, piano lessons with me.

Soccer, Flag Football




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DS has a mixed expressive-receptive language delay. School is very challenging for him, but he's a hard worker and he keeps making steady progress. I am putting a lot of focus on all things language. I hope we can make some big gains next year.

Math: MUS Delta/MM 3

Spelling/Vocab: Megawords, Wordly Wise

Reading: read to me from McGuffey, read along with a TBD list of audiobooks, read independently from books of his choice

Writing: Writing Skills A, Pentime 4

Science by the Grade 4

Maps Charts Graphs C

Speech Therapy


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Well, isn’t this a loaded question. ?

DD 10 will be doing:

Math- MLFLE 5 and probably part of 6

Grammar- Growing with Grammar 5

Spelling - Soaring with Spelling 5

Writing - Winning with Writing 3 with some units from Write Shop D thrown in. We have so net,ected writing. She struggle some with writing and math anyway. 

Bible - BSGFAA or VP self paced

History- America’s Story 1 or VP self paced

Science - RSO Chemistry or Sassafras (they love the books)

Foreign Language - learning towards Latin for Children but not sure. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Math: Saxon 6/5

Grammar: CLE LA 4 (not doing the writing here)

History: Ancients, using Kingfisher and OUP’s The World in Ancient Times

Lit: WTM list.  Start working through Collier’s Junior Classics series

Geography: Memoria Geography I

Science: Elemental Science Biology for the Logic Stage.  The first of Joy Hakim’s science books

Bible: The Bible.  The Great Adventure Storybook for a guide.  

Composition: mostly across the curriculum.  Maybe some sections from Writer’s Express

Spelling/Word Study: continue with Megawords

Logic: Reading and Reasoning.  The Basics of Critical Thinking

Music: Continue to practice piano with Piano Maestro 

Art: Vincent’s Starry Night.  Maybe Artistic Pursuits.  Maybe I’ll have the money to outsource this to our local museum

What do you think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATED FEBRUARY 14, 2019 - Almost everything changed!

Our oldest will be 10 in September :

BIBLE - God’s Great Covenant NT 1 —> She thought this was boring and preferred just reading her Bible, devotional, and discussing as family  

HISTORY - Civics with Notgrass Uncle Sam & You — this is a great curriculum, but she only finished half - we decided to switch to family studies for history in the spring  - we’ll finish SOTW 1 together  

SCIENCE - Apologia Anatomy & Physiology (she begged to do this) - she liked reading this, but didn’t like the note booking.  

MATH - BJU Math 5 (DLO) [working well, don’t fix what isn’t broke] —- IT BROKE!  I realized that she really wasn’t retaining anything!  We switched back to CLE.

SPELLING - BJU Spelling 5 —- this did not work out  she struggles a lot with spelling.  We’re going to work through AAS instead

GRAMMAR - FLL3 —— switched to Junior analytical Grammar.  FFL was too teacher intensive.

WRITING - WWE3 (again, catching up) —- this is good!

LATIN - CAP Latin for Children A —- never fit this in to the schedule.  Will try again next year

LOGIC (informal) - Logic to the Rescue —- Reading this slowly

PIANO - John Thompson’s piano books & begin formal lessons —-she loves piano!

American Heritage Girls! —Our favorite (She’s in her 5th year!)

Edited by Bay Lake Mom
Updating with what worked/didn’t.
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On 2/4/2018 at 11:33 PM, Mommy to monkeys said:

CLE math
CLE LA OR Rod and Staff English (I'll let him decide)
An IEW theme book (spread out over 2 years if necessary)

History and science are still undecided
Family Time will continue.  An hour of reading aloud will continue as will an hour of silent reading.

All decided now.
CLE math
AMCM Early Modern with Entymology

Oh I love how streamlined that looks.

What is AMCM?  (Ack!  an abbreviation I don't know!  I feel so out of it, lol.)

ETA:  Nm.  I found it!  A Modern Charlotte Mason..... off to look.  ?

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I’m struggling to put together our plan for next year. But maybe putting it down here will help me:

Math: Teaching Textbooks 5

Grammar: Easy Grammar 5 OR Beowulf Grammar

Vocabulary: Word Roots Beginnings

Spelling: My own program using his vocabulary words.

Science: No idea. But it will be a group thing with the other kids. Berean Builders: Science in the Industrial Age Christian Kids Explore Physics

History: Story of The World 4, learning to outline using Kingfisher, timeline, plus additional assigned history reading

Geography: Draw the USA plus atlas work for history

Literature: Completely unsure what I am going to assign and if I’ll do reading guides or not. We’ll be doing an interactive notebook that I found on TpT along with selected reading from WTM, Ambelside, and SOTW recommendations.  

Handwriting: Patriotic Penmanship 5 New American Cursive

Bible: No idea. We always do one group Bible thing and each individual has their own Bible thing.  Herein Is Love: Exodus for group Bible + Walking In Truth for individual 

Logic: He wants to do Critical and Creative 5. I’m thinking The Thinking Toolbox. Maybe we’ll do both. 

Latin: I’ve failed on the Latin. I always plan to do it and never get around to it. I’m looking to plan it again this year. Prima Latina  Latin Primer 1

Music: Busy Kids Do Piano Classes

Art: No sure. He loves art, so I may do more of an art theory class as a group this year than our usual art appreciation stuff.  13 Art Techniques Children Should Know + 13 Art Movements Children Should Know 

And none of this is even officially decided. I’m so wishy washy on my planning this year. * Updated as things develop.

Edited by NotesFromTheParsonage
The year is unfolding nicely.
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I'm still fiddling with stuff, but here's what I got:

  • Math - BJU5 or TT5 (leaning toward BJU, which we're currently using)
  • CLE Reading 4, REWARDS Intermediate
  • Apples & Pears (finish B, start C)
  • finish Pentime 3
  • Science - textbook
  • History - Notgrass American the Beautiful  
  • Art Tango
  • Homeschool PE at the YMCA (1x/week)
  • Getting Started with Spanish, Duolingo
  • WRITING?!? Writing Skills book A as a starter...then on to...??
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/7/2018 at 9:16 PM, JHLWTM said:

This is all very preliminary, but so far....


Math: Continue AOPS Pre-algebra, participate in Math Olympiad

Lit: AO selections and poets

Composition: Classical Composition Narrative OR WWS (I haven't decided), copywork 1/week, dictation 1/week

Science: continue BFSU Vol 2

Grammar: undecided. We've been doing FLL, but I'd like to move her to something more independent

Vocab: Continue Wordly Wise 8 at a slow pace

History: Joy Hakim's US History series, spread over 4 years + OUP The World in Ancient Times series; weekly written narrations or integrated longitudinal arts project

Latin:  finish GSWL, then ??? maybe Memoria Press Latin or, if she prefers, change to Spanish?

Other: Chinese School, Piano, Gymnastics, Typing, Maker Club




It's planning week for me!

Kids are at camp. I'm finalizing plans for the year and making our full year spreadsheets. Here's what we have:

Finish AOPS Pre-Algebra, participate in Math Olympiad / Kangaroo, start AOPS Algebra (if she gets to it)

Classical Composition Narrative, Weekly Copywork and Dictation

Continue BFSU 2, participate in science coop which will use Berean Builders Science in the Ancient World

Take a grammar / vocab / spelling hiatus for the year

Latin, second half of GSWL, slow pace twice a week

Arts projects focused on or inspired by history studies

Chinese School

Joy Hakim's History of US Books 1, 2, and half of 3 (timeline, written narration weekly)

OUP The World in Ancient Times: Egypt

OUP The World in Ancient Times: China

OUP The World in Ancient Times: South Asia 

Augustus Caesar's World, Genevieve Foster

Chinese History Stories Volume I, Renee Ting, Editor

Oliver Twist, Dickens

Kim, Rudyard Kipling

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Howard Pyle

Carry a Big Stick, George Grant

George Washington Carver, David Collins,

Michael Faraday, Charles Ludwig

The Way We Work, David Macaulay

Halliburton's Occident

Bulfinch's Age of Fable

Free Reading: her choice from a list 

As a Family (morning time and lunch time reading): Plutarch's Julius Caesar and Agis and Cleomenes, Ben Hur (Wallace), bio of Hudson Taylor (Benge), The Bronze Bow (Speare), Leon Garfield's Shakespeare Stories Book 1, Created for Work (Bob Schulz), math puzzles from a Martin Gardner book

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  • 3 weeks later...

After a big move, a bunch of going back and forth, securing spots at a classical university model school, and then rethinking that plan, it seems we're back to homeschooling full time for 5th grade. Here's the plan for boy/girl twins who do everything together and are (generally) pretty easy to teach, have no learning issues, etc: 

Morning Time: memory work and read alouds, mostly historical fiction to go along with history, plus Shakespeare and logic puzzles

ELA: a mishmash of BW Arrow and Boomerang units for Elijah of Buxton, A Long Way from Chicago, Bud, not Buddy, Number the Stars, Inside Out and Back Again, One Crazy Summer, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, View from Saturday, Holes, Walk Two Moons, a short story a month to practice close reading, lit analysis, etc, and a mishmash of MCT Town level (finishing, as we did some last year), CE2, and Editor in Chief for grammar, vocab, and composition. 

Math: Beast Academy 5

French: starting with an introductory class on outschool, then probably Getting Started with French, or maybe L'Art de lire. We'll see.  Switching to French was a really random decision from them, and I half expect them to finish their 8 week outschool class and want to go back to Latin. 

History: DIY plans that roughly cover the same time period as SOTW 4, using some SOTW, some other resources, maps from map trek for geography, some units from TPT, relevant crash course videos, etc. 

Science: ES logic stage astronomy & earth science 

Other: typing, poetry teatimes 2x/month, weekly enrichment co-op, art classes at our local art museum, piano lessons, and exploring our new town!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought if I replied here maybe I would feel more organized.  Or less ?:

Math - Singapore 6

Science - Apologia Anatomy

Writing - IEW Ancient Themed, mom-made writer's workshop, journal writing

Phonics - Explode the Code, maybe some AAS review?

Grammar - Rod and Staff 5

Reading - lots of read alouds and..... TBD?  I need to reread TWTM for this 

Spelling - Sequential spelling, probably

History - ancient history, MOH 1

French or Latin - ?? DuoLingo? BBLL?

Now I think I need to go find a 'how to schedule it' thread ?



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On 2/5/2018 at 12:13 PM, vaquitita said:

Math: CLE 400

Spelling: R&S 3, and possibly 4

Grammar & Writing: Climbing to Good English 2

Reading: Pathway reader 5, Murche science reader 4, classic literature that I'll pick as we go

History: Layers of Learning year 3

Science: Layers of Learning year 3

Extras: violin lessons, typing, gymnastics


I pretty much ended up changing everything. ? I am switching my older two to doing their own reading for history and science. After 7 years of homeschooling, I am also SO DONE with planning everything. So we are giving Bookshark a try. Also, I involved her in picking her LA curriculum for this year, hopefully that helps with her cooperation level. Her line up is now:

Math: CLE 400 (unchanged)

LA: R&S spelling, HWOT, Growing with Grammar, Winning with Writing

History: Bookshark 3 Intro to American History

Science: Bookshark 3

Extras: Keyboarding without Tears, drawing, tennis, gymnastics, BitsBox


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Here's what I have so far - 

Math - Math Mammoth 6A & 6B, also considering Beast Academy online 5. 

History/Geography/Writing/Reading - History Odyssey Level 2 - Ancients with all the books for reading that go with it

Spelling Workout - I think it's levels F & G

Writing - continuing our summer work of WWE4 and Sentence Composing, hoping to move into WWS1 next year. May mix it up a bit with CC Fable book I have to get him writing longer pieces that I know he'll enjoy. 

Grammar - Currently looking at FLL4 or Analytical Grammar Jr

Vocab & Language Building - Lively Latin 1 and CE1 (Caesar's English 1)

Science - RS4K Middle School Chemistry. Chem C2000 kit. Follow that with McHenry's Organic Chemistry (we finished The Elements this summer). 

Cursive (Pentime 5)/Typing for half a semester - Building Thinking Skills for the other half

He plays classical piano, is a member of a LEGO Robotics team, Boy Scouts, and is playing soccer this fall. 

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8 hours ago, SaDonna said:


I ultimately decided to give DD an off year from grammar in 5th grade. She's pretty solid after FLL 1-4. I bought a book on Sentence Diagramming for her to do for fun because she likes diagramming. My tentative plan is to resume grammar using Analytical Grammar in middle school. 

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Math:  Finish Singapore Primary US 4B, then 5A/5B (including IP & CWP...Considering supplementing with Beast Academy Online starting at 3A for spiral depth

Science:  Real Science Odyssey Biology 2

History:  SOTW volume 4 with Activity Guide

Geography:  Evan Moor Daily Geography 6

Logic:  Logic Countdown, then Logic Liftoff

Language Arts:

  • Grammar:  Grammar for the Well Trained Mind
  • Writing: Killgallon Sentence Composing for Middle School, then Paragraphs for Middle School
  • Spelling:  Finish Spelling Workout G, then H
  • Vocabulary:  Wordlywise3000 Online 7 & 8


  • Assigned Literature:  Mix of historical literature suggestions from SOTW and other 5th & 6th grade suggested literature recommendations
  • Fun reading:  student choice (parent-screened)
  • Oral Reading:  McGuffey Reader

Typing:  Typing.com plus selected writings from History & Science course

Handwriting:  Zaner Bloser Cursive 6

Art:  Artistic Pursuits Elementary 4-5 Book One - The Elements of Art and Composition

Enrichment:  STEM co-op 1 day/week for LEGO Robotics team & MS Office

Foreign Language:  TBD on starting First Form Latin in January (midyear)

Music:  TBD on starting guitar lessons

Extracurricular:  Scouts, 4-H, Swimming

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On 4/19/2018 at 7:21 AM, Another Lynn said:

Bible - continue reading an everyday story Bible, Gospels to the end.

Math - CLE finish 400, start 500

Spelling - SWO

Grammar - MCT Grammar Town / Practice  Easy Grammar 5 at co-op/UMS (plus some diagramming on the side)

Writing - MCT Paragraph Town  class at local co-op/UMS  (and vocab)

Lit - mostly free reading, a few read alouds together - Plus a co-op/UMS class on Narnia

History - American - various books, biographies, dvds, etc. - Hoping we'll be consistent with Children's Encyclopedia of American History and History Channel's The Presidents dvds

Science - undecided - Going to try Science in the Ancient World.  If we don't stick with it, we'll just check out books from the library.

violin, swim 

updates in red.  ?

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On 1/30/2018 at 10:51 PM, SGPS said:

Saxon  Math 65 CLE 500 Saxon 65

MAYBE Rod and Staff English 5, maybe Igniting Your WritingSpelling Workout E, Writing With Ease, studied dictation ... writing undecided Rod and Staff English 4, The Teacher's Spelling Lesson-a-Day, and starting with WWE3 but we will try Killgallon's Sentence Composing

Sonlight D American history, Draw the USA, States and Capitals

Apologia zoology Science in the Beginning

Ukulele Piano with tutor

Spanish and/or Latin with Big Book of Lively Latin Spanish & Greek  Getting Started With Latin followed by something I already have. Maybe Big Book of Lively Latin

Drawing, painting and stuff

Touch typing


Japanese From Zero


We are three weeks in and, besides some new adjustments to grammar and writing, this is actually what is getting done (besides art and craft stuff that I have left outside of scheduled school time and happens sporadically as interest fluctuates). 

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Here is what I have so far.


Math-CLE 5, extra Word Problems workbook once a week

History, Poetry, Literature, Reading, Narration, Dictation, Grammar, Spelling-Build Your Library 5th grade

Writing-Cover Story

Science-Elemental Earth Science and Astronomy (BYL has anatomy written in, but since we did that last year, I’m subbing the science)

Vocabulary-Marie’s Words, BYL, and an analogies book I found at the convention

Logic-workbook from Critical Thinking Company


Extra Curriculars-gymnastics (she’s there 16 hours a week right now, that may go up soon), ukulele, and drama class. I’m also looking for a ballet class that we can fit in our schedule, but I’m not having much luck. 

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  • 5 months later...

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