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No Spend January (8th-14th)


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Have to make a purchase today. We seem to not own a snow shovel anymore, which is crazy to me because before our stuff went into storage for years, we lived in Chicago and that definitely required snow shovels. My husband probably left them behind out of his desire to never need one again.


I said a prayer for you Colonel Carter.

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So far in January weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve only spent on groceries, bills and gas.


I accepted a tax season job at a CPA firm to start next week. I need business casual clothes, because jeans and sneakers and cabled sweaters arenĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t going to cut it. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m going to hit up several goodwills tomorrow and see what I can do. I canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t invest right now due to unemployment. Pray for a good job for my dh if you feel inclined please!



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Congrats on the job!


Sending good thoughts your dh's way

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Doc at the ER spent less than 10 minutes with Ds.  Nurses did all the work. Doc's bill is $844! We do have decent insurance and will only have to pay about 200. After the ER co-pay of $300. At least we didn't pay for the Rx. 

The system is so broken!


Yes it is.


We went to the ER a few years ago for a peanut stuck up a nose.  We have good insurance.  The bill after insurance for just the PA being in there for 1 minute was $1000. 

Plus we had to pay the going to the ER fee. 


That is sick to take advantage of people like that. 

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1/11- $0.  We went skating, came home, and ate leftovers for dinner.  Chinese food tonight.


1/12 - $106 on groceries.  We were going to go on Saturday, but we're expecting a storm and then a freeze, so today was best.  DS7 is learning how to comparison shop, looking at ingredients, size, and price.  This week we managed to replace a few more of our staples with store brand ones, all having the same ingredients as the name brand.  The one aisle we didn't go down was the frozen food aisle.  DS is slowly branching out with his eating habits.  I finally got him to eat toaster waffles - not the healthiest thing, but a breakfast he can make with minimal help (unlike many of his others).  This is a HUGE deal here, both the independence and the willingness to try a new food.  The aisle was shut down so he is back to regular breakfasts this week.  I'll make up some blueberry muffins tomorrow (thanks to a 'buy 1, get 1 free' deal on them) and that should tide him over for two days along with yogurt.


I washed the cars at home to get the road salt off of them, and tonight we'll do family movie night with a borrowed flick.  DH wanted to run to Target to get more organizational things for the house, which is a minimum $200 every time we go, but after brainstorming needs we rearranged and found other containers we already have that work just fine.

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1/8 - $90 on regular bill for cable/internet/phone but no additional spending

1/9 - $68 on groceries 

1/10 - 0

1/11 - $14 regular Netflix charge

      - $46 gas

     -$8 washing car but I used spare change found around the house for this

      - $31 at Salvation Army but this was all paid for out of various people's allowance (mine and both kids - DS picked up a really cool piece of large original artwork that we've hung in his room and I got a cardigan for work, as I've actually starting working on my capsule wardrobe and instead of randomly picking up clothes, I have a plan and a few specific items I am looking for to complete the plan - so far it's going well and I've only bought things that are part of the plan and there's not much more to go - then I'll essentially have a work uniform that will make everything so much easier, at least for the fall, winter and most of spring).


Today I have to get prescription goggles for DD and birthday gift for the kids' friend whose party they are attending on Sunday.  I've also decided that we are going to treat ourselves to dinner out (well, dinner purchased at Tim Horton's and eaten in the car).  The kids have their first swimming lesson tonight and we leave right after to drive DS through the frozen tundra to his Cup camp almost 2 hours away.  The chances of me figuring out some way to cook and get everyone to their various activities on time is not high so I decided to opt for this;  the good news is we have coupons for what the kids want and for what I want so it should come to less than $20 for the 4 of us to eat (I'll buy DH his dinner and drop it off at home on the way out of the city).


We will need a few groceries on the weekend but not much.  So far our spending is way below our usual.

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I just want to share that this "No Spend" thread has really gotten me through 01/12/18 with very little spending!  It's funny, because I haven't even read any of the posts since around the first of the month.  But, as I've been doing errands, dropping kids off, picking kids up...figuring out what's for dinner...etc., I've had MANY opportunities to "do a little shopping" or to buy convenience foods instead of cooking... 


And those temptations don't line up with my larger goals of saving for various larger purchases and investments (like home improvement, travel, etc.).  


Just having this thread and group of WTM people in my head--all working along the same lines--has encouraged me to say "no" to these various little opportunities that would have frittered away a tidy little sum of cash.  Thank you! 


This thread has reminded me that my goals are more aligned with cooking healthy food from scratch as much as possible, not polluting our earth with throw-away diversions from the dollar store (though I do find useful things there too), purging my home of stuff we don't need vs. adding more to it...connecting as people in our family vs. buying stuff to fill up emotional voids...using stuff we already have to build skills (sewing, gardening, sports, etc.) vs. buying "solutions" for boredom, stress, etc.  


BTW, I feel like this says a lot about like-minded people working towards their individual goals and encouraging one another.  I've been ultra-frugal at many times in my life, have lived debt-free for many years, have taught Dave Ramsey classes...have spent a lot of time and thought on these things (no-spend ideas).  I'm thankful for this thread and your stories and accomplishments this month! 

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I just want to share that this "No Spend" thread has really gotten me through 01/12/18 with very little spending! It's funny, because I haven't even read any of the posts since around the first of the month. But, as I've been doing errands, dropping kids off, picking kids up...figuring out what's for dinner...etc., I've had MANY opportunities to "do a little shopping" or to buy convenience foods instead of cooking...


And those temptations don't line up with my larger goals of saving for various larger purchases and investments (like home improvement, travel, etc.).


Just having this thread and group of WTM people in my head--all working along the same lines--has encouraged me to say "no" to these various little opportunities that would have frittered away a tidy little sum of cash. Thank you!


This thread has reminded me that my goals are more aligned with cooking healthy food from scratch as much as possible, not polluting our earth with throw-away diversions from the dollar store (though I do find useful things there too), purging my home of stuff we don't need vs. adding more to it...connecting as people in our family vs. buying stuff to fill up emotional voids...using stuff we already have to build skills (sewing, gardening, sports, etc.) vs. buying "solutions" for boredom, stress, etc.


BTW, I feel like this says a lot about like-minded people working towards their individual goals and encouraging one another. I've been ultra-frugal at many times in my life, have lived debt-free for many years, have taught Dave Ramsey classes...have spent a lot of time and thought on these things (no-spend ideas). I'm thankful for this thread and your stories and accomplishments this month!

I so agree!!

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I'm sorry. Is he old enough to help you replace the screen?

We'll see! He is only 5 but has expressed remorse and asked if he can help me try to fix it. He also said u could have his bday money if I need to replace it, which I won't take but he was sweet to offer.


My dad has a replacement phone for me if the screen doesnt work so no money spent after all. But my phone plan will have to change which sucks because I'm grandfathered in to a sweet deal until I switch phones

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1/11: ~$3 for my usual whopper jr and coke zero on the way home from work

1/13: $28 for brunch at Denny's after we got to the skate rink to find homeschool open skate was cancelled. That I had planned for and would have been $14. Went $23 over budget.

Also, $38 at walmart for art supplies for the kids and a few groceries.

And, the super budget buster, $297 for a tent and a climbing helmet. I went low end for the helmet, not quite low end for the tent, which we'll get more use out of than next weekend.


Both the equipment purchase and the restaurant overage go on my wall of shame.

Edited by Ravin
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Haha! I officially feel like I'm in someone's sick dream. Not only did my phone break yesterday and the steps broke last night. But now my dog is limping!! I guess it's true that when it rains it pours.


Laughing hard so I don't cry.

Wow.  Did you walk under a ladder?  Did a black cat cross your path?  Did you break a mirror?  I'm not superstitious but I'd seriously consider just staying in bed, the whole family (including the dog) for the rest of the day.  LOL

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Wow. Did you walk under a ladder? Did a black cat cross your path? Did you break a mirror? I'm not superstitious but I'd seriously consider just staying in bed, the whole family (including the dog) for the rest of the day. LOL

The beds are all upstairs!!! Hahaha. I'm gonna wrap us all in bubble wrap and sit everyone in the couch

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$26.32 for gas last night

$86.88 for groceries today and no meat bought (that's not too bad though)

up-right freezer (FREE!)



Hjffkj- I hope your poor doggie feels better and also that nothing else breaks!



ETA: finally, went through some bags Ds brought home from work and there was a ton of trash bags, aluminum foil, parchment paper and ziplock freezer bags. Some I will donate to our church but the rest I will keep and we don't have to buy those things for at least 6 mos..

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So far so good. Only expense that was not a must but planned for was the farm show. We had our usual great time and enjoyed the rodeo.


I need to buy new shoes for me and new snow pants for DS. All his coveralls and snow pants are too shorts. And he apparently outgrew his boots too. Hopefully, I can find a good deal but due to sizing it will be a hunt. DS tried DHĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s boots he doesnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t wear but they are a little small.

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Thursday was grocery shopping day and I got my groceries for the lowest prices I can get them.  Basically, if I walk away with $260 spent in groceries (I go every other week and my groceries include things like paper goods and laundry det.), then I'm happy.  I never manage to spend less than that. 




Friday my son got a shot at the doctor's office and he really freaks out about shots.  He's 12, but when he has to get a shot he turns completely pale and starts sweating (a lot), will shake, and tears spring to his eyes.  He's the sort of person who gets woozy at the sight of blood.  So, I got him a treat at McDs after the shot.  I probably should have taken him home and given him a cookie, but I dunno.  I feel sorry for the kid. 

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Thursday was grocery shopping day and I got my groceries for the lowest prices I can get them. Basically, if I walk away with $260 spent in groceries (I go every other week and my groceries include things like paper goods and laundry det.), then I'm happy. I never manage to spend less than that.




Friday my son got a shot at the doctor's office and he really freaks out about shots. He's 12, but when he has to get a shot he turns completely pale and starts sweating (a lot), will shake, and tears spring to his eyes. He's the sort of person who gets woozy at the sight of blood. So, I got him a treat at McDs after the shot. I probably should have taken him home and given him a cookie, but I dunno. I feel sorry for the kid.


Umm, I say McDonald's after a shot is well deserved and a huge Win! I'm much older than your Ds and still react the same way to shots.

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Day 13... a haiku


Needed two items

So I went into Target

A hundred bucks gone


I did pick up several things on clearance to put back as birthday/Christmas gifts, a new purse that is bigger and the straps aren't threatening to fall off (also on clearance), and a few odds and ends of consumable items that we needed or were cheaper than the grocery store with coupons.


And $200 for baseball and t-ball registrations.  We save $10/kid by signing up in January, plus I get the concession shift that I want, cleaning and stocking before the season.


DH will have to get gas tomorrow, but other than that it'll be no-spend.

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$0 for the last few days. I'm proud of myself about a few things. Every ounce of my being wanted to just get takeout because of all the crazy recently. But that passed and I made a delicious chili in the instant pot that cooked while I picked up my free phone from my dad.


To add to that dh wanted to go out and buy a new pair of tongs and a reusable kcup but instead I borrowed those from my parent's house as well. They're gone until March so they won't be missing them.

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1/14 - projected spend: $35.  DS did fantastic on his test yesterday. Even dh was blown away by the difference in a week of concentrated balance and ab exercise has done for his skill. Unfortunately, when we went to remove his skates we realized he was skating on what appears to be pizza cutter blades.  The front and back had been sharpened so much it was down to the plastic.  Our first attempt was stopping by the used gear store downtown but only one pair in his size and they were worse off.   We found the same skates online for $55, or in the b&m store an hour away on sale for $25.  So while our original plan 3 months ago was to buy used, trade them in when they got small, buy used again...the plan changed somewhat.  Hopefully these will last until he moves up a size...if his feet ever grow. :laugh: But we're getting better at knowing what to look for and his instructors are amazing, helping us along.

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Day 13... a haiku


Needed two items

So I went into Target

A hundred bucks gone


I did pick up several things on clearance to put back as birthday/Christmas gifts, a new purse that is bigger and the straps aren't threatening to fall off (also on clearance), and a few odds and ends of consumable items that we needed or were cheaper than the grocery store with coupons.


And $200 for baseball and t-ball registrations.  We save $10/kid by signing up in January, plus I get the concession shift that I want, cleaning and stocking before the season.


DH will have to get gas tomorrow, but other than that it'll be no-spend.


Love the Haiku and it's so true!



Definitely not a fail Garga.


DS needs new sheets. Both of his are so old and threadbare they tore. Goodbye Star Wars. Lol. But still, heavy sigh, too and feeling a bit melancholy. Getting him sheets and socks tomorrow.


I agree, not a fail, Garga; he totally deserved the treat!


OSAAT, I got really sad when we put up my oldest's American Girl dolls. She has stuff she wants to sell, and I've put her off because *I* can't let go of them...

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Day 8: Gas

Day 9: Gas

Day 10: $0

Day 11: household stuff, kitchenaid attachment

Day 12: Gas

Day 13: Groceries (more than I wanted, but lots of household stuff needed)


Day 14: I'm skipping church and staying in today. Windchill is -10 currently, and I have to go somewhere every day this week, so I'm taking the day off. Going to make some food up for the week ahead and the freezer. Should be a $0 day. 


I've been doing really well making sure I'm using up ingredients. Last night's dinner was a sausage-shrimp skillet which used up some last-day spinach and a soon-to-die bell pepper. A few days ago, I made a delicious Italian pasta dish in the Instant Pot using up the last bit of Italian sausage, even used up the last of the Texas Toast with garlic bread on the side. Tonight I'm using up the very last bit of spinach in lasagna rolls. 

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Placed a grocery order for $112 but I don't think that actually gets charged until I pick up tomorrow. I'm loving this grocery pick up option. Our grocery spending has consistently been down since starting 3 weeks ago. I'm using up everything we get just in time for the next order and we've been great about not eating out.

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OSAAT, I got really sad when we put up my oldest's American Girl dolls. She has stuff she wants to sell, and I've put her off because *I* can't let go of them...

:grouphug:   I so totally get that.  :)


I remember when my best friend from childhood decided to have a garage sale.  She was trying to raise money to go to Africa.  She pretty much cleaned out everything from her childhood except for a very small set of items.  I kept going over to her house and buying more things, using all the fun money I had saved up.  Her mom finally made me leave, LOL.  I just kept seeing so many things we had loved playing with or sharing or wearing or reading together over the years that I wasn't ready to have them gone from our lives.  My family moved around a lot but I had been very fortunate in that my best friend had been my best friend twice.  Once as a upper elementary age and pre-teen kid and years later as an older teen/college student.  And she was leaving, going overseas for maybe years.  Childhood felt like it was truly ending with us both graduating college and moving on with our lives.  I needed to hold on to something concrete from our shared lives for a bit longer.  Bless my mom, she didn't gripe, she just got me a box to put stuff in that I couldn't actually use and the rest I incorporated into my own life.  I really appreciated her understanding.


What's funny is years later I pulled out that box of memorabilia and my friend was THRILLED that we could go through them all again, laughing and crying and remembering.  She has the box now.  :)

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Placed a grocery order for $112 but I don't think that actually gets charged until I pick up tomorrow. I'm loving this grocery pick up option. Our grocery spending has consistently been down since starting 3 weeks ago. I'm using up everything we get just in time for the next order and we've been great about not eating out.

Yes!  I am spending less, being more intentional in my purchases, shopping bargains/discounts/coupons much more effectively, cutting out all the time I was wasting trying to find things (our grocery store is NOTORIOUS for shifting locations around on a regular basis) and I can time the pickups to coincide with other trips I am making so I don't waste time or gas.  I am so pleased with this.  

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Day 13... a haiku


Needed two items

So I went into Target

A hundred bucks gone


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  I love that it still works if you substitute "BJ's" or "Costco," which is where I usually have that problem. I've even tried not getting a cart, which usually just ends up with me carrying 5-6 gigantic items, all carefully balanced in an attempt to avoid disaster!




We went into the city to see a show on Friday, so I knew we'd have expenses there (tolls, parking, dinner). The one unexpected expense was that DD was very thirsty during the intermission, so DH took her out to get a bottle of water, and they came back with four bottles...at $5 a pop  :svengo: I wasn't even thirsty! That kind of thing is a rare event for us, though, so I'm going to have to try not to hyperventilate too much. Between that and the science center, I think that's our family entertainment budget for the next few months.


Yesterday DD had a friend come over, so I spent some money on groceries, but it was all fruit and stuff I made stretch really well, so not a problem. Today we're home all day, so no spending unless I need to go out for something to add to dinner (which I think I might, I have main ingredients but may need a few other components). 


9: Groceries (budgeted): $47

10: Disappointing pizza: $27

11: Class fee: $50 (budgeted); Science center entry and lunch: $90 (three admissions plus lunch)

12: Big $$ spent on family outing, mostly planned. I didn't even keep track.

13: Groceries: $34


ETA: I just looked at our budgets in Mint, and we're halfway through the month but nowhere near the halfway points on both our Grocery and Eating Out budgets. Those are our two biggest money wasters, so I'm doing a happy dance! Of course, this is probably because I've been running to the store every day to get the day's food rather than doing big "stock-up" trips, and I hate having to run to the store so much. I'm going to have to find some kind of balance there. Hmmm...

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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