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It's cold :( I'm a wimp


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We have “feels like†6* right now. That’s supposed to drop to -15*.


For the past couple of years, I’ve been trying to embrace winter. It’s not working right now!

One year I realized that I did lots of cold weather complaining and resolved to stop.  We had the coldest winter ever that year!  So, yeah, now I just complain.  :)

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Today is fantastically BALMY at -17C! :)  No, really - it feels like I could be outside in short sleeves.  It's bizarre how one's body adjusts to the cold temps and how relative different temps can feel.  Saturday night is calling for -36C before wind chill.  I dunno - I guess one just grins and bears it. :)


And my Great Pyrs love this weather! :)

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It was like 3 above this morning and we all walked outside and thought it felt warm after the last couple days.  :lol:  We heard on the radio we are going to have the coldest NYE since 1973. 


I much prefer dealing with January than dealing with too much high temps and humidity.  The high temps make me crabbier than January.  And that's really the only month of the year that annoys me.  December is too busy to think about it.  And February is short and the days are noticeably getting longer.  I would appreciate it if we had enough snow to shuffle around on.  We do have ground cover but not quite enough. 

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I’m cold, too, and I know this is not so bad and that other people eat this kind of cold for breakfast but I’m bloody freezing. When it is this cold, my heat zone in the Master cannot compensate and it is too cold in my bedroom. I am wearing leggings and fleece pants over them, fuzzy socks, a fleece top and I have flannel sheets, a down comforter, a quilt and a fleece blanket on top of me and I’M STILL COLD!

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Single digits Fahrenheit are enough to make me cry. I broke out the longjohns today. I can’t call it seasonal depression because I’m not sad or upset. I’m just completely apathetic and moving at 1/4 my normal speed. It’s like my body is trying to hibernate but I’m moving forward out of habit.


I despise this weather. I don’t know that I’d make it through a Canadian winter without intense therapy. The dark and cold makes me so sluggish and joyless and I’m usually a bouncy person.

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Today is fantastically BALMY at -17C! :) No, really - it feels like I could be outside in short sleeves. It's bizarre how one's body adjusts to the cold temps and how relative different temps can feel. Saturday night is calling for -36C before wind chill. I dunno - I guess one just grins and bears it. :)


And my Great Pyrs love this weather! :)

Yes -17C is really cold in late fall (winter coats), and really warm in early spring (t-shirt... honest!)



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Procrastination bit me in the butt last night.  With single digits (my car reported -1F for a few minutes,) I finally had to leave the house, which necessitated putting air in my tires, which I should have done last week.  I thought my fingers might fall off.  Plus, I fell down when climbing over the plowed snow pile to put the air hose back, lol.  The teens in my car thought that was hysterical.  I should have made them do it!

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Procrastination bit me in the butt last night. With single digits (my car reported -1F for a few minutes,) I finally had to leave the house, which necessitated putting air in my tires, which I should have done last week. I thought my fingers might fall off. Plus, I fell down when climbing over the plowed snow pile to put the air hose back, lol. The teens in my car thought that was hysterical. I should have made them do it!

I usually put off getting gas until it's cold, raining, or snowing. Last month it was gorgeous, and I kept putting it off until the night the temperature plummeted and had 40 mi/hr winds.


Glad I got gas early this week. The wind chill today is -28F.



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