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oh good grief... the cat

Night Elf

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He has disappeared into the room of no return. I live in a split level home and my dd's bedroom is downstairs. It's a big room and it's closet is under the stairs so it's u-shaped. It's full of junk. Her room is full of junk. We always leave the door down there closed but for some reason, it was left open last night. This morning while I was holding the dog, the cat jumped over the barrier in the hallway and went down the stairs. I figured he was just sitting on them so I got up, still carrying the dog, and peered over the bannister and saw the door open. I hear him meowing but I can't find him. So I guess I'll just mind my own business and hope he comes upstairs at some point today. His food and litter pan are up here. I'm not a happy camper right now.

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My cat is worse than a toddler right now. I am constantly finding ornaments from my tree all over the house. She bats them off and chases them all over. She jumps ON the tree, knocking stuff off. She climbs up the inside of the tree and won't come out. I dread putting presents under it because she is in the shredding paper stage.


She's about 17-19 weeks (my best guess). She was an orphan we bottle fed. She was about three weeks old when we found her (again, my best guess). I swear she is not all "there".

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My cat is worse than a toddler right now. I am constantly finding ornaments from my tree all over the house. She bats them off and chases them all over. She jumps ON the tree, knocking stuff off. She climbs up the inside of the tree and won't come out. I dread putting presents under it because she is in the shredding paper stage.


She's about 17-19 weeks (my best guess). She was an orphan we bottle fed. She was about three weeks old when we found her (again, my best guess). I swear she is not all "there".


I thought about that. We're putting our tree up on the 15th so we'll see if he is interested in it. With previous cats, they batted ornaments hanging on the bottom of the tree so we just didn't decorate that far down, but they never tried to climb the tree. I'm prepared to hear a crash in the middle of the night which may set off our house alarm. Gosh I hope not!

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Lol. Our cat will be six-seven months old when we put the tree up. Even our well-mannered older cat (who died last year) would climb the tree, so I can imagine this psycho cat will wreak havoc.


We didn't put up the tree when we had toddlers. I think my toddlers were worse (tree-wise) than this cat, but we'll see!

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Good news! He's back upstairs. I heard him meowing so I put the dog outside and tiptoed downstairs then sat in the hallway. He came out of the room and I was trying to get him to come to me but instead he ran past me really fast back upstairs. I closed the door so we don't have a repeat of that! Now he's safely in the back of the house again.

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He has disappeared into the room of no return. I live in a split level home and my dd's bedroom is downstairs. It's a big room and it's closet is under the stairs so it's u-shaped. It's full of junk. Her room is full of junk. We always leave the door down there closed but for some reason, it was left open last night. This morning while I was holding the dog, the cat jumped over the barrier in the hallway and went down the stairs. I figured he was just sitting on them so I got up, still carrying the dog, and peered over the bannister and saw the door open. I hear him meowing but I can't find him. So I guess I'll just mind my own business and hope he comes upstairs at some point today. His food and litter pan are up here. I'm not a happy camper right now.


We had a closet like this in a previous house.  We named the closet Moria (from LotR). 

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Our full grown cats don't climb a fake tree, but I'd imagine they would climb a real one--all that lovely wood to sink their claws into. I had one cat when he was a kitten who would somehow get into the bottom row of branches and sleep in the tree. Usually, they just bat at the ornaments on the bottom branches, so we don't put any there.

Edited by Garga
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When our youngest cat was about six months old, we put up the fake Christmas tree.  He climbed it obsessively and utterly destroyed it, nearly killing himself after he got VERY tangled in the lights once, as well.  We got a cat tree last year instead of a Christmas tree.  I don't think we'll have a Christmas tree this year, either. 

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The only real Christmas tree issue we've had with my cat is that she chews tinsel (and then barfs on the carpet).  As long as we don't use tinsel or leave dangling curly ribbons for her to eat, we're good.  She goes under the tree, but doesn't climb UP.  

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The cat will come out of there when he is hungry or bored. There are people who call the Fire Department to rescue a cat that went up a tree. The cat went up the tree and the cat can go down the tree. Same thing for your cat. He will come out when he wants to.  Don't worry about him...

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We've had a couple cats that liked to climb in the Christmas tree. We anchor it to the wall with twine now.


These two cats we have now used to climb into the basement ceiling! We have one room without a proper ceiling--dh's workshop. That's also where the litter pan is. Our previous cat was never interested in the ceiling so we never knew we had a problem. We just had insulation and then heavy plastic sheeting stapled up there. Well, the cats figured out how to get into one of the corners where the exposed concrete wall was high enough and the plastic had a small opening. And they'd walk around on the plastic, going from room to room, via the ceiling/floor. When it first happened we could hear weird clunking noises under the dining area--it's right above the workshop--and then we realized that the cats were missing. I think it took 3 or 4 cat-ventures in the ceiling/floor before dh figured out all the points of entry and fixed them up.

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My cat once got into the attic of a rental house we lived in while building our current house.  She fell down INTO the wall, all the way to the floor of the first floor, in the wall between the toilet and the shower.  I happened to be in the master bathroom and heard her crying from inside the wall.  My husband had to cut into the wall to get her out.  She was scared but ok.

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You guys are scaring me. I feel bad enough about Christmas and it will be completely ruined if my cat destroys my tree. Ugh! Here's hoping he'll ignore it. I guess I won't know until I try.


I find it comforting to know that my kitten is not the only psycho one likely to utterly destroy my tree.  At least we can all commiserate together, right?


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You guys are scaring me. I feel bad enough about Christmas and it will be completely ruined if my cat destroys my tree. Ugh! Here's hoping he'll ignore it. I guess I won't know until I try.


I've had 4 cats, and none of them every destroyed the tree.


I've got 5 KIDS, and that's an entirely different story.  It was an honest to goodness tradition to put the tree right at least once a year for a while there.  Christmas was never completely ruined for it, I promise!

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FWIW our trees were never actually destroyed but they did fall over. Getting them straightened up again wasn't too bad--only a few ornaments fell off--but cleaning up the water that spilled out of the bottom part *was* a pain. That's why we now anchor our tree to the wall. If you have an artificial tree it probably won't be so terrible getting them upright again.

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My little manx was apparently attacked by an owl or hawk last week. She’s a fighter, and has bounced back to normal, but has a puncture on her head and slice under her chin. At first I thought she’d gotten shot, but then saw her run into the shed when she heard a hawk screech yesterday. Only 7 lives left now.

I’m glad yours made it out of the no-return room!

Wow, Dot -- how scary!!! I'm so glad she's okay!

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