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Yeah!!!!! He did it!!!! He got accepted!...

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My middle son was accepted to college today! There is a condition - he has to get a C in his CC pre-calc class, but he doesn't think that will be a problem. (After a rather rocky first week, he has settled down and been able to do it completely independently, by no means acing it, but not doing too badly, either. For this child, that is fantastic.) We were expecting this provision. We are very excited. His older brother went this fall and this is the only college he wants to go to, so we are also extremely relieved. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!


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He wants to be a ship's captain. So you can see why we are relieved; there aren't all that many places to go for that. His brother is in the engineering/tech program. Aside from being worried about pirates and storms, worried about their family life, and worried about them missing them, we're pleased at where they've landed.

At the moment, the poor lamb is trying not to throw up. We got the mail on the way to the oral surgeon to get his wisdom teeth removed. He made a few hasty phone calls to spread the good news before he could only mumble. My parents want to take him out to eat to celebrate, but I guess that is going to have to wait a bit. I wish he'd had longer than 20 minutes to be happy before being in pain. His brother is very excited, though. He's been counting on his getting in, so we're doubly relieved. We think they will both have a better chance of getting through if they are together. I'm sure part of the reason we heard so quickly is that MMA already have his brother and know that he survived RPT and MUG month.


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Shipping out means he'll work a schedule that is something like 4 months on, 4 months off, so he'll have large chunks of time free in order to continue to peacewalk, if he wants to. People like our minister assumed that he'd major in something having to do with peace, but his answer was, in a funny way, very classical education-ish. He said that he has already found a really good way to learn about peace, being taught by people who have devoted their whole lives to peace, so he'd rather learn something else at school. I guess one of the results of teaching them to teach themselves and be life-long learners is that they look at college a bit differently. My son was very clear that he wanted to go to college to learn a profession, because he can continue his education on his own. He says he learns best by traveling and next best by talking to people, and also by reading, and he can keep doing that on his own. As you can probably tell, there have been some discussions about the narrowness of the education he will get at this college GRIN. His answers were good ones, though. And now I'm really, really glad we decided to do TWTM, and chose to provide the best education for him as a person and not just the best education to get into college, thinking the "real" education would take place there. We did take what colleges want into consideration, but when we had to choose, we always chose best-education-for-this-person over college req's. And fortunately, TWTM gives a person the skills they need to survive in college if they choose to go, so we didn't really have to take that into account.


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