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My first thought as I was reading the letter yesterday was to buy what I could now! I used TOG Redesign Yr 1 last year and am not using 2 this year...but I've been thinking about using 3 next year. However, my dh thought digital was a great idea (although he was sorry for the company). He thinks those 4" binders for each unit take up too much space on the bookshelf...


I am not going to buy anything now. Next year, if I decide to go w/ TOG...I'll buy what is available.

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I admired their frankness in sending out the letter and letting us know what they were thinking about doing and why.


I wish I had known they were struggling, I would have tried to order a few more books from them..but then again, the few books probably wouldn't have made much of a diff. for them...


I am not sure how I feel about a digital copy. My first feeling is that I would much prefer a paper copy in front of me to work with. I talked to dh, because I really didn't know what to do, my gut feeling was to pre-order years 2 and 3 (we are in the middle of year 1 right now)..but that is a big chunk of change that wasn't budgeted for. Dh told me to go ahead and pre-order.


Looks like for year 4, I will have to use a digital copy, maybe I will end up liking it better, who knows?


I am greatful that that the company is trying to deliver the curriculum to us, instead of just closing shop, which would be more simple. I have jumped around to many types of curriculum, but Tapestry has been the best fit for me so far.


I am puzzled as to why the letter is buried on their forum boards, I do visit it pretty regularly and I would not have ever seen it if it hadn't been posted here at the hive boards. I did not get the letter. Even after I knew about it, I could not find it on their forums- I had to work hard to find it and get info on how to pre-order.


A part in the letter about the limited pre-order run ending at 450 orders...or maybe not, they may do it again in the future...that part was a little frustrating in trying to decide it I should order now or not...but I guess they are just being completely honest and don't know exactly what they will do.


I did have a big question about what if World book does not give them permission to sell their stuff digitally? That was one reason I went ahead and pre-ordered.


I am sad for them, I can see that things are tough all over.

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I think it depends on how it plays out. I personally think digital is great usually and for TOG it makes alot of sense. It's huge and people get that 'must do everthing' feeling. If you just print out what you plan to use,then you don't have other things staring you in the face.


My question is if it will end up meaning you can't by one unit. I think that would be unfortunate. I can see only getting it on a CD if you buy the whole year, and if you only want one unit, then you must download it. But if they eliminate the ability to do one unit, that could deter people.



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I'm not a TOG user (yet) but have been contemplating it for our 2nd go round through history. I was disapointed to hear it was going digital but my dh thought it was a great idea. *shrug* I guess if it's all one or the other I can deal - I would be really upset to have 1-2 years in print form and then have to use digital for the other 2 years.


Oh - and I assume this will cut down on re-sale, that will help TOG as well but it's a negative for me as a customer.

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I am interested in hearing what others really think and am donning my flame retardant body armor.


No need for a flame-suit! I think it's actually a good thing. Now, I'll admit, when I first read the letter, I thought I was going to have to change my whole plan for the future.


However, I have only one student, and we started in UG/D. So there has always been a fair amount that we never used. I'm hoping to use Yr4 next year, and it will be fine with me to just print what I need.... (Plus, all our old printers are giving up the ghost, so after a great deal of research, we just bought a color laserjet, which will be perfect for printing chunks of TOG.)


Even if they DON'T come to some agreement with WorldBook, they can probably link to topics online, or suggest topics for the teacher to read about, or something like that.


I, too, appreciate that they aren't just closing up shop, but are trying to work things out. I hope that folks will give this a chance, rather than abandon ship. TOG is SUCH a flexible program, and has really deepened everything that we learned about history from SOTW I-IV.

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I think it's fabulous! I used redesign year 1 for 8 weeks this year. It was just TOO much for me to deal with for a 1st and 2nd grader, but it was a great test run for middle school and up. I would definitely consider using it again in the future. I LOVE the idea of it being digital and it actually makes TOG appeal to me even more. Perhaps with some great features it could be the easiest thing in the world to use. I can see it - Week 4 option, print all instructor items, LG lists and UG reading lists and map items. Sweetness for me. No more wading through a ton of daunting information I don't need. No more 50 pound binder to deal with. As a mom with 2 kids in the same history level - I love it and can't wait!


ETA - You can always print it at a local place, and I suspect the price cut for digital plus local printing will be roughly equal to the cost now.

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Oh - and I assume this will cut down on re-sale, that will help TOG as well but it's a negative for me as a customer.


I asked this question and was told they weren't sure. Whether we can resell TOG or not greatly influences my descison to continue with it or not.


I have been on the fence lately @ TOG anyways and I am leaning towards going with plan b mostly because my kids prefer text books and have asked me to switch. This just comes at the right time to help me make that move with less mom guilt.

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When we first received the email... my heart felt sick... I selfishly thought " Oh no I don't have year 4!!!" (I lamented selling my year 4 classic)


But after reading it, realized they are doing their best in a tough situation. Personally, I love Tapestry of Grace. I have used Classic to date will begin my first year w/ redesign as soon as unit 3 of year 3 is done.... and will gladly use it in the format available. Although I prefer paper. *ĂƒÅ“* They are not closed to having it printed and are trying their best to make this happen... its not all lost just yet....


My reasons I don't mind any of this... because ever since I began using TOG almost 6 years ago now.... Its always been worth effort and price. Its versatile, and can be used by all K-mom.... It has the best unit study based History/Christian world view curriculum I have ever used ( for me). So I am willing to keep using it no matter how it plays out.


The price for Digital will go down and not be "as" expensive as printed. Some wonderful woman on the TOG yahoo groups have even suggested that if people really wanted printed... you can print out teachers notes on plain old white paper like classic and then use the colored paper for what ever else you wanted printed. Yellow being the overview, light blue being student, green supplements. etc, ect.... or keeping in line with the current colors white for teachers, yellow for overview and then use the colors that are now designated for the student pages.... buy your own colored paper and print w/ black ink. ( I buy a card at the ups store every year anyway and it works out to 3 1/2 cents a page I plan on using that if it all stays Digital, but for me it will be year 4, I'm holding out and hopeful U3 and 4 can be printed for year 3. *ĂƒÅ“*) Again another expense, but then if I really want it, I will do it. The majority of what I would print will be a one time deal. Maps etc I would print yearly anyway so thats not even an issue....


I guess what I'm saying is that I love the people at Lampstand, they are people who love the Lord and what they do.... they have integrity and are doing their best to honor the Lord and serve His people with a fantastic product in a very difficult situation. I respect the humbleness of the letter and the fact that they still want to do what they can to make this work. They have obviously explored all options and are willing to keep moving forward....


It is a fantastic product, and those who don't think so or don't like what is happening have the freedom to choose something else... and thats ok. Change is not for every one... but throwing the baby out with the bath water before we even know how this will pan out is to bad.


For those who still want TOG redesign in print... I would take advantage of the sale they are having for years 1 and 2. They are even having a sale on books for those year plans.


I have been blown away by the positive response from all 4 yahoo groups. The folks that use the curriculum know how great it is and we will take it any way we can *ĂƒÅ“* The Loose threads board has been the busiest and had the most chatter....



Oh one more thing...:) the letters to all the yahoogroups were not intended for "inside" information. I posted it on my blog once I received it as a moderator and was given permission from Julie at Lampstand to do so. They want people to know what is going on. They do not want this to be "inside" information,or hide anything.... but are openly sharing what is going on with the company and doing their best in a very sad and difficult time in their lives. All of them... this is not just some fly by company, but a family.... doing the best they can, just like the rest of Americans who are struggling so badly right now.

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Well, I have mixed feelings actually. I really do not like digital curriculum! I need it all sitting in front of me. All of it. But, having said that, I did not dislike what I saw on their link. I think I could work with a digital form of TOG if I have too. I would prefer that to them just closing up shop on me!


I was torn on how to proceed. I was afraid that if I did nothing there was a possibility that I may get nothing should the digital option fail to come to fruition. So, I decided to go ahead and pre-order my Year 2 along with some of the 25% off books to help TOG out. I am still debating the Year 3...to order or to not order. :confused: I just don't know. If I could know FOR SURE that there will definitely be a digital Year 3 to buy in 2010, then I would be content with my Year 2 and not worry over much. But this is all still up in the air, nothing for sure! Conjecture and wishful thinking/hoping at best! So I will continue to pray about (and fret over!) purchasing the Year 3 until my dh makes up my mind for me. Hopefully, if we decide to pre-order it we are not too late in doing so.


I am assuming, since they don't plan on Year 3 being finished until January, that I will have until then to make up my mind?? What do you guys think? Let's say there are 450 pre-orders for Year 3 before months end...do you think they will stop taking orders for them even though they cannot go to the printers until 2009? That they will just stop at 450? I can understand Year 2 since it's basically completed...but Year 3?


[sigh] I really dislike change...and making decisions! :)

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This is our second year with TOG and I am sad and quite frankly wondering how other homeschool curriculum producers are doing like MFW, HOD, Chalkdust, etc... I hope to use various things over the next 10 years and wonder if some them will have to close up shop and not be there any more. Makes me want to go on a big shopping spree...LOL!


I had already pretty much decided to not continue with TOG before the announcement and going digital really confirms that for me. I have several things on a disc and I really dislike it. It is not easier...at least for me.


I am really sorry for them and I hope that they are able to keep going just as I hope the same for all homeschoolers who have made a business out of producing curriculum for the homeshcool community.

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I am assuming, since they don't plan on Year 3 being finished until January, that I will have until then to make up my mind?? What do you guys think? Let's say there are 450 pre-orders for Year 3 before months end...do you think they will stop taking orders for them even though they cannot go to the printers until 2009? That they will just stop at 450? I can understand Year 2 since it's basically completed...but Year 3?


[sigh] I really dislike change...and making decisions! :)



I'm sure this is hard... because no one can predict what will happen and if 450 preorders will come through. Although they have had as high as 1000 pre orders in a month before... its just hard to say...


They have received verbal permission from World Book but it will take a few more weeks for the written permission to be worked out.


I'm hopeful. :D

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I think it's fabulous! I LOVE the idea of it being digital and it actually makes TOG appeal to me even more. Perhaps with some great features it could be the easiest thing in the world to use. I can see it - Week 4 option, print all instructor items, LG lists and UG reading lists and map items. Sweetness for me. No more wading through a ton of daunting information I don't need. No more 50 pound binder to deal with. As a mom with 2 kids in the same history level - I love it and can't wait!

This is exactly how I feel. I prefer digital - no reason to have my binder clogged with Lower Grammar or Rhetoric pages when I have UG and Dialectic students. I have no problem reading World Book pages (or whatever resource they come up with) online, and since I make workbooks for my kids it means I can cut & paste and customize their pages.


Plus, I tend to tweak whatever curriculum I'm using, so this makes it even easier for me to plug in something other than what TOG has scheduled.


I'm excited about DE!

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I'll preface this by saying that we used TOG several years ago, and then went back to Sonlight because it works better for us. I feel for them though. Making any profit in the homeschool world is very, very difficult. I personally know several homeschool curriculum writers and speakers, and they are very frank about their profit margins. You don't get rich in the homeschool market, and I can't imagine how they are all suffering now with the downturn in the economy. Sonlight periodically has debated electronic materials too. I'm not sure where they are on this now because I no longer have access to their forums, but I would imagine that it's always on the table. They are a more established company though, so maybe that helps. TOG is still relatively new as a well-known curriculum provider. I don't know about the others. I used to teach local science classes with a custom-developed curriculum, and I did look into publishing it and distributing it myself. I came to the conclusion that it wasn't worth it for our family. Maybe I'll do it someday through Lulu or some other print-it-yourself outlet.


It's a hard market!

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I think the people probably posting about it on the TOG forums, etc. are those that are most comfortable with the internet, forums, blogging, etc. so they'd be more likely to be "ok" with it.


I guess I am a throw-back to earlier days because I love a paper trail of stuff. I'd rather look in a binder than on the computer any day. Plus, I keep paper copies of what we do as a permanent record. For instance, it is probably over-kill but I photocopy each week of Sonlight's lessons and put it in a 3 ring binder as we go along throughout the year. Then, I put that weeks, math, english, etc. sheets behind that weekly plan. Then, at the end of the year I have a perfect paper trail of what we did and I don't have to get together a portfolio. This is probably really extreme, too but I have had major health issues this year and I think ..... well if I dropped dead (hopefully not!) my husband or mother, etc. would know exactly what we did and when we did it. My husband to this day can't do anything online.


I guess I am a paper nut. I love electronic things but I would be the person on ebay frantically raising up the bid price trying to win an old paper manual! :tongue_smilie:

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I posted a few posts back that I've already placed my pre-orders for years 2 and 3. I will also purchase year 4 in digital, if that is the only way I can get it. I will take it to a printer and have it {all} printed out. I like to work from my binder. I can see myself maybe using the disk to hop around and print out some extra forms, but I like my binder. Maybe it will be the best of both worlds?

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I'm all for it. As a matter of fact, I've really wanted TOG, and I'm much more likely to get it if it's digital. I love printing things out and having things immediately available. It means I can mark things up and then get rid of them when I am done. Yay!


(However, I love the feel of real print stuff, so I understand where some of you are coming from. It would be nice if they would offer it in both formats.)

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I'm not using TOG (yet) and quick ordered year 1 in case there was a serious delay in getting digital materials available. Otherwise I guess I'll just buy the old paper copy sets used.


I'm a bit confused by some of the comments here - does going digital mean we won't be able to print off whatever pages we want? I do like having actual pages to use. I assumed that you would be able to, which makes the digital move fine with me. Is it's likely they would be able to keep their color coding which means we'd just need a color printer? If it comes to a choice between digital TOG or no TOG, I'd pick digital.

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The folks that use the curriculum know how great it is and we will take it any way we can *ĂƒÅ“*



I completely agree, Lisa.


When I first began reading Marcia's letter yesterday, my heart sank because I thought she was going to announce the shut down of the company, and that Year 4 wouldn't be Redesigned.


After I read a little more, I felt relief wash over me! Even though I have Y4 Classic here on my bookshelves, I want Redesign!!


I felt disappointment about no paper for about 2 seconds, then my mind began racing with all the possibilities with a digital product. I could copy the Teacher Notes onto another file, then insert the applicable student questions in the appropriate spots in the Notes! Making the kids' notebooks for each unit will be a breeze! A little cutting and pasting, and voila! All the LG, UG, D, and R pages nicely formatted with little effort! I could . . . !


Sorry, I got a little carried away. ;)


Anyway, as Lisa said, I'm just happy and thankful that I'll be able to have all 4 years of Redesign. We plan to use Tapestry the rest of the way through with all 4 of our dc. We're using 3 levels this year (LG, UG, and D), and will move into R next year.

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I'm a bit confused by some of the comments here - does going digital mean we won't be able to print off whatever pages we want? I do like having actual pages to use. I assumed that you would be able to, which makes the digital move fine with me. Is it's likely they would be able to keep their color coding which means we'd just need a color printer? If it comes to a choice between digital TOG or no TOG, I'd pick digital.



You will be able to print things out *ĂƒÅ“* We can still have the best of both worlds... some of us have been joking about digital because we are in the page protector group... I'm one of "those" people who place each page in one.... Cant help it... Its a little hard to do that through the pc *ĂƒÅ“*


I will print out things I want... or maybe even be like Jen above and just do it all. For sure the teachers notes and assignment pages will be printed out....:)

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I'm a bit confused by some of the comments here - does going digital mean we won't be able to print off whatever pages we want? I do like having actual pages to use. I assumed that you would be able to, which makes the digital move fine with me. Is it's likely they would be able to keep their color coding which means we'd just need a color printer? If it comes to a choice between digital TOG or no TOG, I'd pick digital.


Yes, you would be able to print off whatever you desired: pages, sections, even the entire year plan if you wanted to do that.


I'm sure they'll be able to color code the pages as they do now, so a color printer would be all that was needed.


You could even take the file to a local printer and have it printed if you wished.

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Partly because I do feel awful for them, it must have been very hard for them to write that letter.


I think I can get "used to" any format. If I like something enough , I'm willing to make it work. I already have the Y1,2 and ordered Y3 some time ago. At least I don't have to cough up a ton of money now:001_smile:


All that to say, I did start with classic , so maybe it's a little tougher pill to swallow.Like Shari said, it WAS supposed to be a one-time purchase:glare:, then the cost of the map-aids, errata pages, writing component (WA), updated reading list pages, and lapbooks. Then the price increase for the re-design, only for it to now come out at a lower cost in digital format. I know these changes are beyond their control, and I know alot of that is supplemental but when your a "gotta have it" gal it just means cha....'ching';). In all fairness to my comments, the price has fluctuated so much over the past 4 years alone, I think I am still digesting it.


I will most likely stay with TOG and have my manuals printed up...I am a die hard midnight reader, just give me my nightlight, sofa,cup of tea,TOG manual, acorn socks and fluffy bathrobe....I'll still be burning the midnight oil;) I'm just having a hard time seeing myself curled up with a clunky hot laptop:blink:

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They have received verbal permission from World Book but it will take a few more weeks for the written permission to be worked out.


I'm hopeful. :D


Well, that is good to know! Perhaps I will just wait it out then and be happy with my pre-ordered Year 2. YET, having just typed that, I feel all stressed out thinking about printing out everything from a disc, having to perhaps download my curriculum with our sloooow dial-up, having to [gasp] read my teacher's notes on a computer screen if I choose not to spend money having it all printed out. Goodness, it makes me want to run screaming to the TOG bookshelf and order Year 3!! :blink:


The possibility of not getting Year 4 does not overly concern me. My son will be entering 9th grade at that time and I do have other options for that time period...such as my SL Core 300 that I still own...though if Year 4 is available I will choose that over SL, or maybe try VP's Omnibus instead of SL. It's the getting my son through jr. high that is freaking me out right now. He is really loving TOG year 1, and it's working out great for us. Fits both of our personalities very well. If I had to take a year off of TOG I could live with that. I would then have my TOG Year 1 to do at the RH level the following year. No biggie.


Hmmm....I suppose I just won't sleep well until I pre-order my Year 3 huh? If I don't buy any Christmas presents perhaps I will have the money in Jan/Feb when they actually bill my cc? :D

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Well, that is good to know!


YET, having just typed that, I feel all stressed out thinking about printing out everything from a disc, having to perhaps download my curriculum with our sloooow dial-up, having to [gasp] read my teacher's notes on a computer screen if I choose not to spend money having it all printed out. Goodness, it makes me want to run screaming to the TOG bookshelf and order Year 3!! :blink:





If you don't want to print it out yourself you don't have to... I will send it to the local ups store and have what I want printed. I doubt I will go color, but maybe on some pages.... I would print a unit out at a time since it may only be year 4 I'm having to deal w/ that way... but you wont "have" to print it out from your pc if you dont want to...:)

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I could copy the Teacher Notes onto another file, then insert the applicable student questions in the appropriate spots in the Notes! Making the kids' notebooks for each unit will be a breeze! A little cutting and pasting, and voila! All the LG, UG, D, and R pages nicely formatted with little effort! I could . . . !




OK, Jackie, that does all sound very intriging!


I am a hopeless curriculum tweaker you see, and all that possible 'tweaking' makes my lil ears stand up in attention. :bigear:


Hmmm.... decisions, decisions.

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There is no way I would purchase digital. I like to have hard copies of things and my dh wouldn't be happy if I was printing it out because it will end up being more expensive in the long run to print it all out. Also I need to be able to resale my curriculum to pay for next yrs curriculum.


We can't really know what the total cost would be to purchase digital and print it out since they haven't yet set the price of the digital option. And they haven't yet decided about the resale option.

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I think it depends on how it plays out. I personally think digital is great usually and for TOG it makes alot of sense. It's huge and people get that 'must do everthing' feeling. If you just print out what you plan to use,then you don't have other things staring you in the face.


My question is if it will end up meaning you can't by one unit. I think that would be unfortunate. I can see only getting it on a CD if you buy the whole year, and if you only want one unit, then you must download it. But if they eliminate the ability to do one unit, that could deter people.





Actually there is talk of not only providing units, but allowing you to buy individual levels (LG, UG, D or R).



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I need something physically in my hands. I have seriously considered TOG but I won't get it this way. I think it is great when things have a digital option but if I can't get it in print form I won't usually buy it.


Ditto. I think it's great if there's a digital and hard copy option, like SL is contemplating, but I won't buy anything that is only available in digital format. I've looked at TOG off and on, and this move totally eliminates it from my radar now. I'm sure it's different if you've already been using and loving it though.

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OK, Jackie, that does all sound very intriging!


I am a hopeless curriculum tweaker you see, and all that possible 'tweaking' makes my lil ears stand up in attention. :bigear:


Hmmm.... decisions, decisions.




I have a lot of ideas, Melissa; they just don't always come to fruition. :D

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I have all 4 yrs classic, as well as the 1 and 2 redesigned which I'm looking forward to starting next year. I feel bad for the company, but I think digital is great! I have often wished the student assignment pages were digital so I could do my own thing to them!




The student assignment pages for Redesign are digital now; they are included on The Loom at the Tapestry website. If you've purchased a Redesign year plan, you will be granted access to that particular year of The Loom.


(You probably already know that, Mary. I just thought I would post for readers who might not know.)

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There is no way I would purchase digital. I like to have hard copies of things and my dh wouldn't be happy if I was printing it out because it will end up being more expensive in the long run to print it all out. Also I need to be able to resale my curriculum to pay for next yrs curriculum.



Oh yes, then TOG is really not for you. Its not something to be sold every year.... once you have your guide its used till graduation or you decide to use something else... books for levels like grammar levels can be sold... but not the guide.


I used classic up till last year and would have continued to use it had I not like redesigns layout better... and dialect and Rhetoric were enhanced....other than that I could have stayed w/ classic and wouldn't even need to think about digital at all.:)

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My first thought was that I felt terrible for them. How hard it must have been for them to write that letter!!!! My second thought was to pray that God will lead them as they make these difficult decisions of what to do and how to do it.


Honestly, I don't care all that much. I like the printed copy, but it does take up a lot of room and there are definitely pieces that I don't use or could just as easily (maybe even easier) use on the computer. I also like being able to print the reading charts. I also like the cutting and pasting I'll be able to do.


I just REALLY, REALLY want them to redesign year 4 no matter how they end up selling it. :-)


I really love TOG!!

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I am in the camp that probably would've not tried TOG, given these new facts and changes.... HOWEVER, someone loaned me Classic Y4 about one month ago and now I am hooked!! I wish that everyone could have the opportunity that was dropped in my lap, because I don't think anyone should give up on TOG just because of these new circumstances. God will find a way where there seems to be no way!


I happened to have ordered Redesigned Y1 about 2 weeks ago, right before this news. I spoke with my dh last night, and he supports me pre-ordering Y2 and Y3.... hurray! If times really get tough, it is nice to have a curriculum at my fingertips that I could conceivably use all the way up to and through high school!



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I will most likely stay with TOG and have my manuals printed up...I am a die hard midnight reader, just give me my nightlight, sofa,cup of tea,TOG manual, acorn socks and fluffy bathrobe....I'll still be burning the midnight oil;) I'm just having a hard time seeing myself curled up with a clunky hot laptop:blink:



:D I agree. I'm a read and nurse the baby gal myself. My computer chair is quite uncomfortable and honestly I just hate looking at the computer screen for too long. I think it does bad things for my brain ;). I would print the whole thing out if necessary.



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I think this will help me be able to use it much more efficiently. I tend to get sidetracked in all that paper sometimes. It will be great to be able to just go to what I need, and focus on that. We can all customize it to use just the way we like it now.


I really don't see my printing costs going up, because I think reading the teacher's notes on the computer will be easier for me than wrassling with my gigantic binders (which I've already split into eight, from four). I've thought before about just putting the teacher's notes and discussion outlines into one binder/bound book, in essence making my own TE without having to flip all over the place. I might just do that.


I've already taken to having dd read some things online, just because I'm not keen on printing lots of pages out (the loom, government, etc. ) I do wish those were printed and bound, but I may be able to afford to do that myself now, if the price is decreased significantly.


I'm sorry they are having such financial difficulty, and I certainly hope this helps them to be able to continue. But for me personally, this is a real silver lining. The main problems I've had adjusting to TOG this year had to do with too much paper.


I'll have my Year 2 (first printing, scribbled in quite a bit) for sale as soon as it's available in the digital format. Who wants dibs? Melissa?

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I'll have my Year 2 (first printing, scribbled in quite a bit) for sale as soon as it's available in the digital format. Who wants dibs? Melissa?


LOL! Nora, if I had not JUST purchased the Year 2 this morning I would have jumped on your Year 2 in a heartbeat...scribbled notes and all! The scribbled notes make it a priceless treasure to be sure! :D Little glimpses into the mind of Nora...:lol:

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Here are my honest thoughts and concerns:


I like the paper format. I "need" to have it printed out, so I can flip back and forth and take in the big picture. I can recheck things easily and so on. I print out most stuff on the Loom, because I don't like to read large chunks of material on a screen. It bothered me that when we got the Classic the intro pages on the Loom were printed, but when you bought Redesigned, you had to print them off yourself. That was more cost for me and I felt those pages should have been printed for the price that was paid.


It bugs me that I pre-paid for a printed product almost a year ago and now I'm "hoping" that it comes in print at some point in the future. Fortunately, I'm not on Year 3 and I bought ahead, so if things go according to Lampstand's plan, I should get my printed copy prayerfully at some point in the future.


Sometimes TOG feels like a rich person's product. It's expensive (I'm not saying it isn't worth it - just stating it's expensive). The discussion in the letter about toting around my TOG on my laptop bugged me. Not everyone has a laptop and frankly, I don't forsee that we'll be able to afford one anytime this year or next. I only have one computer that I have to share with ds and hubby. It's hard enought to get the time I need on it. I feel for those of you who have one computer and multiple children.


Also, I don't know if it is me, but I'm always having trouble getting the Loom, evaluations and Map Aids CD's to work properly. They freeze up a lot and I have to start over. I don't have trouble with other disks, just these, so more TOG CD's sound like a pain for me.


I'm concerned that DE will still be expensive when I factor in the price of printing out Year 4. I will want it in color. That was one of the benefits and improvements in the Redesign and I use those colored corners, all the time to get where I need quickly. I like it the way it is and don't want black and white or colored paper.


In conclusion, I hope I won't have to put the fire extinguisher on myself after saying all of this. I've seen all the positive comments on the the TOG forum and here. I almost feel guilty that I'm not as happy as everyone else. I love the TOG products. I love the Redesigned. We are using the Dialectic level and I think it's awesome. Yes, I will still buy Year 4 if it goes DE, but I will have to print it at home or have it printed somewhere. My prayer is that if they do DE only, that the price will be low enough for me to print it and not go over the huge price a year plan is already costing. I do not want to see the company go under. I've invested in three year plans and will hopefully do so a 4th time and again, we love the products and I love the support of their website. My prayers and wishes are for their continued success in the future and that they'll get through these tough times. I really do understand the situation and the why's, but I guess these were the honest thoughts and pet peeves asked for.


BTW- while I don't normally post these type of comments, I felt a need to let it be known that not everyone was excited about the DE (although I do see the advantages for many). In fairness though, I did submit a respectful e-mail to their customer service to let them know my concerns. I felt that they should know there are some who would prefer the option of a printed plan.


O.k. I'm standing back and preparing to hose myself down.

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Good news to Zee and anyone else that still would like the printed copies. I just read that, if there is enough interest, TOG may print out Y4 Redesigned in the Spring of 2010... or something like that.... it all depends on lots of factors, of course, but it still sounds hopeful! :D



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I'm more likely to buy anything in digital form than in paper form.


And I am just the opposite! :D


Well, ladies I did it! I just pre-ordered my Year 3 too (ordered my Year 2 this morning). As nice as digital MIGHT be, the cons outweighed the pros for me. I'll deal with a digital Year 4, but I really prefer to have my year all on-hand so I can see the big picture. The items that are already digital, those included on the Loom disc, are the only digital items I need. Everything else I prefer having on-hand in my handy dandy notebook. :D


I feel soooooo much better! Of course my kids don't get Christmas presents now... :blink:



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I was earnestly excited. I'm more likely to buy anything in digital form than in paper form.


Same here.


I've let them know that too - that going Digital is likely to get me as a customer.


I haven't decided if we are going with TOG or not for the oldest, but a cheaper entry into it will allow me to probably plan on buying it even if we won't use it all.


I"m excited!!!

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