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Downton Abbey, so annoyed


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Plot spoilers if like me you have never seen it!








I never watched any of it while it was airing. I am now binge watching it via Amazon. I loved the first couple seasons but was so upset over lady Sybil dying that I almost gave it up then. Now that Matthew has died I am totally fed up. That is such an incredibly lame thing to do to the show. Should I even bother finishing it? Is it worth it? Ugh.

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IMO fwiw the show should’ve just stopped after baby George was born. There were a few cool little plots, especially among the servants, after that, but Lady Mary’s character starts to make no sense and Lady Edith’s character does some things that I thought were just so incredibly selfish but never really addressed...anyway, I doubt you’ll regret stopping now. The last season in particular was soooooo poorly written.

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I stopped watching after Sybil died too. I knew that Matthew would die in a later episode but I never watched that far. IIRC both actors wanted out but I don't know why the characters had to be killed off. Surely they could have come up with a better exit for both. 


I'm not sorry that I didn't finish. I don't feel like I missed out on anything.

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Plot spoilers if like me you have never seen it!








I never watched any of it while it was airing. I am now binge watching it via Amazon. I loved the first couple seasons but was so upset over lady Sybil dying that I almost gave it up then. Now that Matthew has died I am totally fed up. That is such an incredibly lame thing to do to the show. Should I even bother finishing it? Is it worth it? Ugh.


I had the same reaction when Matthew died. I tried 2-3 episodes after that (months later) and the show had lost its appeal for me. I've considered going back and trying to get into it again but not sure it's worth it. It was my only show. :(


I haven't read any other replies but I think I will now. Maybe someone will have a compelling reason to try again.


I adore John Bates and if anything happens to him I definitely won't go back to the show.

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After watching one episode, I did quit watching for a few weeks. But then I kept going because I wanted to see how it all ended.


I’m glad I finished the show. I have rewtached many parts of it. I like the various fan made YouTube music videos that feature Anna and bates with a long song playing in the background.

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I just watched the very last episode last night! I also didn’t watch it when it first ran, and kind of binge watched it over the past few months. I was sad when Cybil died, and just ticked off with Matthew’s death. However, I loved the show enough to watch it all. :) I agree that Tom’s character really develops beautifully, and I adore Mr. Carson and his storyline, as well as Mr. Bates and Anna’s storyline. That was enough for me to keep going. :) I could take or leave Mary, and I agree with PP that Edith makes some annoying and selfish decisions.

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I am also watching for the first time, and Matthew’s death annoyed me too. I was so sad about Sybil, but Matthews death felt ridiculous.


I am still watching through...😬


My husband literally couldn't sleep for two nights after Matthew's death! He took it really hard. But we're glad we kept watching. I can say that's the end of the tragedy, if that helps. 

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I too was disappointed at the exit of the actress who played Sybil.

However, we recently discovered her starring role in the delightful "This Beautiful Fantastic" (2016).



And yes, our dd always says, "Just turn it off after Baby George is born & consider that the series finale!"

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