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What do you want for Christmas, and help for me too.

Night Elf

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DH and I do not exchange gifts but I told him I want another clothing box. I like using Trunk Club. 


My oldest dd always buys me a present. Two years ago I asked for a wallet and I still use it. Last year I asked for a coffee cup and still use it. I need something less than $20, preferably less than $10, that she can get for me. Her stepmom has instilled in her that it's rude to not give a gift to everyone even if they don't reciprocate, so she spends so much money every year. I feel bad. What could I ask for this year?

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How about asking her to take you out for a nice lunch, or dinner, or movie?   


I love this idea.  Even just a coupon to go for a nature walk or out for a diet coke or ice cream or whatever.  Something to spend time together.  


Otherwise, maybe new fluffy socks or regular socks.  Something to replace stuff you have that is wearing out?  Moisturizer or chapstick?  Some fancy hand soap with a nice scent?  

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Well, what do you enjoy/what would you like?


For me inexpensive options would be a book, a jigsaw puzzle, a video game, a nice soap, favorite candy, bath salts, a notebook/diary to write in, some arts/crafts supplies, a couple of pens, a nice bowl, a calendar, cute socks, a winter hat, a new watch (yes, I generally get ones for less than $10).... yes, I am fairly easy to get a present for! But your interests may be quite different so I would start there.

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I have a regular weekly lunch date with this dd that we both treasure. We also go see occasional movies together. We're planning on seeing a scary movie in November that we're only willing to go see because the other one will be there. :)  And we're going to see Jumanji in December. 


I like the idea of a special tea. I could give her some ideas from Republic of Tea or something. If I just ask for Celestial tea from the grocery store she might not like that because it isn't special.


A special soap would also be good. I could ask for a Lush product because she likes that store.

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Maybe a craft kit, if you do crafts (cross stitch kit or book, knitting patterns, quilling kit, etc).


Maybe tickets to the museum together if it's not expensive.


I would encourage against her step Mom's idea of always giving gifts. Sometimes receiving gifts is tedious or burdensome or embarrassing or stressful. Sometimes the focus should not be on gifts. Sometimes our lives need to be gift free. I dislike getting gifts most of the time from most people, for lots of reasons. We are all different. (Rant over 😆)

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I like getting consumables. Like some sort of treat food. Or books. I maintain a long visible amazon wishlist so that my family can get something and rely on it still being a surprise. 


If you're crafty some sort of craft supplies would be neat too. 

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Throughout the year I jot down things I think are interesting that I might like to have one day.  Below is my list.  I save it for Christmas/Birthday times and if someone asks me what I like, I have this list in hand.  I won't be getting all the things on the list, but they are all possibilities of things I might want:


Silent clock for the bathroom.  I hate the sound of a ticking or humming clock in the bathroom when I'm getting ready for bed at night.

Bubble wand hair curling iron ($23)

Miracurl curling iron ($150--probably won't get this!)

Pink fairy lights for my hallway

A sari silk wrap skirt from darngoodyarn.com (but only on sale.)

I have a list of books I'd like

Real Simple magazine subscription

iTunes gift card

Paint by numbers picture (maxnovelty.com)

Magnetic eyelashes


I don't know if my wish list helps you or not, but as you can see there's an assortment of things I'd like.  It's the sort of stuff I wouldn't always buy for myself on a whim, but would be fun to get as presents.  I don't need any of those things, but they'd be fun to have. When I look at the list, there's an assortment of entertainment (music, books, magazine, paint by numbers), vanity items (curling irons and eyelashes), clothing (the wrap skirt), and décor (the fairy lights and clock.)  Maybe you can think of something in one of those categories?  Food is also a good category if you like some sort of treat (chocolates or coffees.)

Edited by Garga
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Had to google this one. Those are so cool! I love seeing innovative products.


And even though any kind of false eyelashes/eyelash extensions/magic lengthening mascara wasn't on my list before, these might be ...


I think I'll wait a bit for these to see if they really work well.  I "researched" it for like 10 minutes and the reviews I read seemed to be sort of fake (they all sounded as if they were written by the same person--same grammatical errors and style).  I want to wait for more people to review them before I buy them, but if they work, they look like they'd be fun.  :)

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 Sometimes receiving gifts is tedious or burdensome or embarrassing or stressful. Sometimes the focus should not be on gifts. Sometimes our lives need to be gift free. I dislike getting gifts most of the time from most people, for lots of reasons. We are all different. (Rant over 😆)


My dd is like this.  She doesn't like receiving gifts most of the time and says it makes her stressed.  She is an amazing gift-giver, though - very thoughtful and creative, and she makes most of the gifts she gives.  

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I think I'll wait a bit for these to see if they really work well. I "researched" it for like 10 minutes and the reviews I read seemed to be sort of fake (they all sounded as if they were written by the same person--same grammatical errors and style). I want to wait for more people to review them before I buy them, but if they work, they look like they'd be fun. :)

I believe Tati did a YouTube review on them (she did not like them) and Good Mythical Morning tried them on a video recently. The review from Tati might be more helpful, but the GMM one was pretty funny because Rhett and Link.


I think there are a few brands out there so check out the many YouTube for reviews for the brand you were considering.

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I have a regular weekly lunch date with this dd that we both treasure. We also go see occasional movies together. We're planning on seeing a scary movie in November that we're only willing to go see because the other one will be there. :)  And we're going to see Jumanji in December. 


I like the idea of a special tea. I could give her some ideas from Republic of Tea or something. If I just ask for Celestial tea from the grocery store she might not like that because it isn't special.


A special soap would also be good. I could ask for a Lush product because she likes that store.


One of our favorite stocking stuffers are the Lush lip scrubs, which are about $10-ish. They're great for winter! 


A magazine subscription might be a nice treat, too. They can be had in the $10-20 range. Is there a hobby magazine you'd like? 


You can't go wrong with a great tea, either - she can add fancy sugar rocks and a strainer for a special touch. 


I loved the suggestion of some fuzzy socks. And also for consumables - a treat you wouldn't make for yourself. 


Is there a hobby or interest of hers that she can share with you? E.g., my BIL is very very very into music. His music collection rivals my book collection (I envy that his shelving needs are far less than mine!)  A few years ago I gave him a few names of artists and genres I liked, and he burned me some CDs. Platonic, grown-up mix tapes! :) Like, does she knit? (Hat.) Does she read? (Recommend book.) Craft? (Holiday decoration.) Play an instrument? (Burn a CD.) Garden? (Plant.) Etc. 


Or maybe give her a hint, and let her hunt for something fun.  Ask for something "musical" (could be a CD, wind chimes, whoopee cushion LOL), for example. Or "something for the kitchen" (could be specialty tea, pot holders, apron.) 

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I would encourage against her step Mom's idea of always giving gifts. Sometimes receiving gifts is tedious or burdensome or embarrassing or stressful. Sometimes the focus should not be on gifts. Sometimes our lives need to be gift free. I dislike getting gifts most of the time from most people, for lots of reasons. We are all different. (Rant over 😆)

Yes to this.  I'd explain that my own preferences have nothing to do with her stepmother's.   And, give a gift to "everyone?"  Everyone in the family? Everyone she knows?   LOL.  


But I do get the desire to give gifts.  My MIL will not stop giving us gifts, even when we have asked her to stop.  (If she gave us consumables that'd be fine, but she doesn't... except for scented lotions which no one can use due to allergies... mainly her's son's allergies...)

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As for dd's stepmom, that's a whole other story! I've tried to explain to dd that buying us gifts isn't necessary. That we don't want gifts. She feels really bad if she doesn't buy us at least a little something. She buys for everyone who means something to her. She has a few friends she buys for but I think there are friends that she doesn't. So I give her ideas for cheap gifts for us at least. I've talked her into a $10 gift card for ds, a candle for dd, a book for DH and whatever I can think of for me that isn't expensive.

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I have mentioned several times to my family that a good gift for me would be to detail my 15 yo car (to the best of their ability). There's no way getting it done somewhere is in the budget and I'd probably be embarrassed to take it somewhere since it shows every second of those 15 years, but it could sure use it.


Photo books assembled from candids are great, look nice, are easy to do online, and there are often really good coupons from places like Walgreens to do them very inexpensively. We've done these as gifts for grandparents.

Edited by KarenNC
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I believe Tati did a YouTube review on them (she did not like them) and Good Mythical Morning tried them on a video recently. The review from Tati might be more helpful, but the GMM one was pretty funny because Rhett and Link.

Did you know GMM has a book out now? Saw it in B&N recently and snagged it for ds. Figured I would mention it for fans of Rhett and Link.

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A special soap would also be good. I could ask for a Lush product because she likes that store.


That would be a fun gift for her to buy. If she likes the store then she'd probably love buying you something from there. I love buying my friends something to get them hooked on my latest favorite thing.

Tea from Harney and Sons is really special


Ditto this. Hot Cinnamon Spice is a favorite of everybody I know.

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Things I like in that price range...


Crossword or other puzzle book


Soaps I like from Bath & Body Works

A bunch of flowers from the grocery store

A new lipstick

A small bag of a specialty coffee (new flavor to try) or tea or hot chocolate

Wall calendar for my kitchen

A couple of magazines (not a subscription, just get a few that look fun at the store)

Some washi tape (because I thought of a craft project I want to do & need washi tape for it)


Something for the animals (cat treats, laser pointer toy, bird seed, etc...)


Since you guys routinely meet for lunch, is there an arcade near you? (Dave & Buster's or something like that?) You could ask for $10 in tokens & then you guys could go to the arcade after lunch & play a couple of games. Personally, I love driving games & it's fun to compete against someone I know.



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