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Weird unexplainable things that happened to you


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One night I dreamt about an old friend whom I hadn't seen for a year. I dreamt she was having a baby and wanted to ask about cloth nappies (diapers).


In the morning I had a strong feeling she had emailed me. She had, telling me she was having a baby, and asking about cloth nappies.



What's your weird story?


(btw I am a sceptic but I still love these type of stories). 


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I'm a skeptic, too.  Like, majorly.  No gods, no woo, none of it.  Except...


My sisters and I will check in with each other (for each other or about other relatives) when we have weird dreams because too many odd things come up.  For them more than me, but still. The first one I remember:


We were walking around the neighborhood one morning when my middle sister, who was around 4, suddenly asked my mom if Jingles (our grandparents' dog) was in heaven now.  At first, my mom thought she was asking a general "do dogs go to heaven" kind of thing, but she really meant THAT dog.  (Who was evil, so she may have genuinely been wondering if he was destined for the other place!)


Later that day, Grandma called with the news that Jingles had died the day before.


Also, whenever I've had a miscarriage, a relative has had a baby. Whenever I've had a baby, a relative has had a miscarriage.  One time each for each of my sisters and stepsister, the rest were extended family members.  We have a pretty big family, so I know it's just an odds thing, but it's incredibly creepy.

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The first time I was pregnant I told my parents in a letter.  They were overseas and didn't have internet at that time.


About 4 weeks later I got a letter from my dad explaining the percentages of miscarriages in first time pregnancies.  I thought it was so odd.  It was almost like a "don't feel bad, this can be almost normal"thing.  He is a physician, but it was still odd and not his character.


Several days after I got that letter, I had a miscarriage.

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Three times I've gotten an overwhelming, unexplainable urge that I must go visit a relative right now. They each died within 24 hours. 2 were completely unexpected (heart attacks), third was expected anytime, but it could've been a matter of days or weeks. First was my grandma, next two were more distant great aunt/uncle that I didn't even really speak to - I was young.


In a fourth incident, several years after I apparently "blocked my intuition" on this, I was leaving my other grandma's house, but hesitated at the door and thought 'maybe I should stay longer.' This one was a much lesser degree than the first 3, but again she passed unexpectedly that night.

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When I was in eighth grade, I saw an ambulance go by while riding home from school on the bus. I turned to my friend and asked, "When you see an ambulance, do you ever wonder if someone you know is inside?" She gave me a strange look and said no. When I got home, my mom called to say that my grandfather had had a stroke and had been taken in the ambulance to the hospital.

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I'm sorry. :( It sucks, doesn't it? But, in a strange way I'm glad I'm not alone. It is creepy.

Yes. Twice it was preventable, and I carry guilt for that, but what could I do? Once it was a heart attack, and the other was a car wreck (not reckless or alcohol related). I almost said something before they left on their trip, but there was zero reason to think something would happen.

Edited by Guinevere
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Y'all can add me to the list of folks who tend to know when someone is dying or in danger of it. It was far worse as a child but I still get it if it's someone I'm very close to.  Mostly just a feeling but sometimes it's visual snapshots. It makes things interesting when my partner works a very high danger security job. It amazed him the first time when I said he nearly died. He tried to deny it but I told him details from the visual snapshot I had and it was correct. 



I also dreamed of an older DD right after I got pregnant with her. I knew from conception she was a girl - no doubts about it. And as she matures, I see her looking more like the older teen version of her I dreamed of. 

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I am a skeptic as well, so really never have known what to make of this:


I used to work on the surgical floor of a hospital (prior to having any children).  We would sometimes get patients who were just being monitored as they were passing away, who weren't expected to ever make it back home, or even who ended up passing away unexpectedly (though these particular instances always involve the elderly).  On several occasions (probably less than a handful) I had some of these patients comment to me about the little girls with me (there were, of course, no children with me).  The comments varied, but they were always little girls, never little boys.  I brushed it off back them as delirium or other such things.  I now have 4 little girls.


It could be, and probably is, just coincidence, but there were certainly other instances that were equally as strange.  I was never creeped out, just always felt in awe of how little we truly know about the human brain, psyche, etc. 

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I'm also a skeptic and an atheist. I believe a coincidence is just that - a coincidence. That doesn't mean weird unexplainable things don't happen to me. Just that I don't attribute them to anything supernatural.


When my grandmother died, I called my high school friend's mother to let her know (our families had known each other for 20+ years). I told her not to call <friend> but when she talks to her just let her know. The reason I didn't call is that my friend just moved - her dh was in the Navy - and I didn't yet have her new number. Less than 10 minutes later my friend called. When I said "I told your mother she didn't need to call you" my friend was confused. Her mother didn't call her. I was just on her mind and she decided to call me.

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I was driving home on highway one night with a friend of mine. We had been to see a homeschool speaker. We saw headlights coming towards us and were confused for a moment before realizing it was a car coming the wrong way towards us. There was a bit of traffic and I was in the fast lane and the car coming towards me was in the next lane over, so I couldn't move into that lane. I think my mind was trying to figure out my options--I am not good under pressure or in an emergency; I tend to panic. All of a sudden my car literally started slowing and very carefully veered into the left breakdown lane. After the car stopped my friend and I looked at each other and were completely dumbfounded, like "How did that happen? How did we not just crash?!" My friend kept saying I handled it just amazingly, but I swear I didn't do anything. The car was literally guided. I can't explain what happened, and I'm not necessarily a believer in these types of stories either.

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Y'all can add me to the list of folks who tend to know when someone is dying or in danger of it. It was far worse as a child but I still get it if it's someone I'm very close to.  Mostly just a feeling but sometimes it's visual snapshots. It makes things interesting when my partner works a very high danger security job. It amazed him the first time when I said he nearly died. He tried to deny it but I told him details from the visual snapshot I had and it was correct. 



I also dreamed of an older DD right after I got pregnant with her. I knew from conception she was a girl - no doubts about it. And as she matures, I see her looking more like the older teen version of her I dreamed of. 


I knew the sex of both my children from the get-go. I wasn't even going to find out from the ultrasound, but DH was adamant that we needed outside confirmation!


Just before dd turned 2, my youngest sister left home for a summer job at a camp about 4 hours away. We were there as she and her boyfriend were leaving, and DD went absolutely HYSTERICAL when it was time for them to go. I'd never seen anything like it. She was not the kind of kid to throw tantrums -- that's the only one she ever had. But she was beyond distraught. A couple of weeks later, both my sister and her boyfriend were killed in a car accident. We never saw them again.


The day after she died, dd told us my sister had been in her room. It was very early in the morning and we'd gone into get dd out of her crib. She wasn't super verbal yet, so we had a hard time piecing together what she was trying to say, but still, it was weird.

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When my dh and I first got married I became a Christian. I told him I wanted to be baptized, but kind of put that idea on hold. I knew my dh was really disappointed.


I was walking down the Main St area of town about a week later and was thinking about his disappointment. I prayed that if God wanted me baptized he would have to put a pastor in front of me. As soon as I prayed that I walked past the bank and one of our pastors walked our of the door in front of me. I got baptized that Sunday :)


Another one was when I was talking to my mom about flying. I have a slight fear of flying. I said, "I want to be on a plane with a Kennedy. They don't die that way." I think it was just a few days later that JFK Jr died in a plane crash.



Edited by SquirrellyMama
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Many years back, we had been dealing with infertility.  With our oldest at the playground, an old man with a heavy foreign accent came up to us, said something about her, and wagging a finger in the air, added "Next year, you will have a boy.  No, two boys!" and then walked away.  His prediction was correct :)

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I remembered another, after thinking about it. 


When I was 6, I was playing in the front yard and a drunk came off the road and hit me. I ended up with a double head concussion, a deep scrape to my face and a muffler pipe up my thigh. And thrown 20 yards into the woods where I landed sitting on a jagged stump. When I came to, I swore up and down that angels had carried me to the edge of the woods to where I could be found. The doctor doubted I could have crawled that far in thick brush and springs. And they ended up full body x-raying me 3 times - the doctor was in disbelief that I had NO broken bones.

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I knew the sex of both my children from the get-go. I wasn't even going to find out from the ultrasound, but DH was adamant that we needed outside confirmation!


Just before dd turned 2, my youngest sister left home for a summer job at a camp about 4 hours away. We were there as she and her boyfriend were leaving, and DD went absolutely HYSTERICAL when it was time for them to go. I'd never seen anything like it. She was not the kind of kid to throw tantrums -- that's the only one she ever had. But she was beyond distraught. A couple of weeks later, both my sister and her boyfriend were killed in a car accident. We never saw them again.


The day after she died, dd told us my sister had been in her room. It was very early in the morning and we'd gone into get dd out of her crib. She wasn't super verbal yet, so we had a hard time piecing together what she was trying to say, but still, it was weird.


My nephew used to see my brother regularly when he was a toddler / small child. Knew his name and details and would regularly say things my brother Mike used to say. He swore up and down as a little kid that Mike took care of him when his daddy couldn't {the mom was neglectful on a good day}. Mike died a good 10+ years before my nephew was born. 

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My husband and I both have had brothers who have died. My brother told me a week before he died that he felt like he wouldn't live much longer. He kept having dreams. He died in a car wreck.


My husband's brother told his mom 2 days before he died (at 11 years old) that he had been visited in a dream by a deceased relative that told him he would die but that he would be fine. He even wrote a paper about it in school. He died a couple days later. He was run over.


When I was 17 my friends and I were messing with an old ouji board and it told one friend he would die via gunshot before 21. That is exactly what happened.


There have been many in my life but these were the three ultra strange ones.

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When I was six years old, my mom, sister, and I were on the way to the next town over. Mom was driving. I begged her not to make a side trip to my uncle's house and told her we would have a wreck. She ignored me and ten minutes later we ran into the back of a truck carrying a telephone pole. Luckily, she had just made us get in the back seat.


She told me years later, she believed me when I said it, not sure why she ignored it though.

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