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ARGH! (reptile mentioned, fair warning!)


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Here's an article giving ideas on how to identify sheds from one of DD's favorite people :)


In general, rafters probably means rat snake. A few other options, but rat snakes tend to be the ones who both climb and are most likely to go in buildings. Venomous in the USA are more fossorial or semi-aquatic, and rarely climb. They're a lot more likely to be in a crawl space than in the rafters.

Edited by dmmetler
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There’s a 5+ foot long snake skin on top of my piano. DD16 is displaying it because it’s apparently nearly perfect.


This is the skin from the snake that lives in the same room and comes out of his hide whenever DD plays piano. Her theory is that he likes piano.

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There’s a 5+ foot long snake skin on top of my piano. DD16 is displaying it because it’s apparently nearly perfect.


This is the skin from the snake that lives in the same room and comes out of his hide whenever DD plays piano. Her theory is that he likes piano.


Please tell me it resides in a cage/aquarium most of the time and not under the piano or in the walls?

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Yeah, not to my heart.

See that is my problem. Intellectually I am pro-benefit of snake. But the brain cannot seem to control the fear factor that says, "Nuke the place!"


It is a good thing we have rational people like Dmmelter's dd and company to prevent people like me from being in charge a committing snake genocide.


I get it from my mom. When I was a kid, she saw a little garden snake in the yard while mowing with a self propelled mower, she screamed, ran down the street, and the mower kept going until it ran into a tree. I blame genetics on my problem!

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How would that work? You put it through the laminator at the local teacher store?

We have a home laminator for small ones, and with pouches, you can just put the shed flat in the pouch, which leaves both sides visible. For big ones that need a roll laminator, mounting them to paper first is a good idea because they're so thin, so we usually slit them so they can be opened and both the scales and belly scutes be visible. Putting them in a picture frame also works, but laminating usually lets the texture still be felt, which is nice for educational purposes.

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Intellectually I am not pro-snake! :lol:


I grew up where 90% of them would kill you on the spot. Those huge black "beneficial" snakes look pretty much just like a black mamba.


:crying: :crying: :crying:

I can see that. It's kind of like the reason why Australian Broadcasting Services won't show kids shows focusing on "spiders are our friends"-because the last thing you want to do in Australia is teach kids to NOT be wary of spiders! It's a lot easier to be calm around a snake in the rafters when there are no venomous arboreal snakes than if your brain knows that what looks like a hanging vine may have fangs!

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I'd rather find the snake skin than the 6 live mice our traps caught last week!


We caught 2 in the last 2 weeks in our kitchen, one of them ran right near my feet one morning.  I lost it!


So, this snake has either been gone a while or is NOT doing its job.

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 It's kind of like the reason why Australian Broadcasting Services won't show kids shows focusing on "spiders are our friends"-



I saw that on the news (that they weren't showing the spider episode from Peppa Pig), but I was perplexed as we've seen it on the ABC heaps of times! Maybe they've decided not to repeat it for the #1000th time??


Here's a snake story - years ago, my little brother reckoned he saw a brown snake in the study in our house. We all pooh-poohed it, why would a brown snake be in the house? (They are highly venomous and basically you won't survive if you get a proper bite). Sure enough though, we later found the skin in the study in the house! 



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I saw that on the news (that they weren't showing the spider episode from Peppa Pig), but I was perplexed as we've seen it on the ABC heaps of times! Maybe they've decided not to repeat it for the #1000th time??


Here's a snake story - years ago, my little brother reckoned he saw a brown snake in the study in our house. We all pooh-poohed it, why would a brown snake be in the house? (They are highly venomous and basically you won't survive if you get a proper bite). Sure enough though, we later found the skin in the study in the house! 



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