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What the heck??


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So this morning I'm loading my car up for the day and I see an older woman, maybe in her 60s walking down my street. She looks kinda familiar, and I think she probably lives in my neighborhood. Lots of people walk around, either for enjoyment or to go to the grocery store at the entrance of the neighborhood. I get in my car and for some reason lock the doors. I don't normally do this right away. I'm looking around, trying to see the woman so I don't hit her when I back out. I can't find her and I'm wondering where she is... when all of a sudden, she's standing in my driveway trying to open the back door of my car! I just stared at her for a second in shock and said "What????". She was smiling and nodding and kept trying to open the door! She started pointing to the door handle, kinda motioning for me to open it. I thought about rolling down the window to see what she wanted but she seemed pretty insistent on getting in. I shook my head kinda frantically and waved her away. She smiled and shrugged and waved bye then left.


Ummmm... what the heck just happened? Lol. If she needed some kind of help, why wouldn't she just tap on the window? My neighbor across the street was on the porch visiting with someone. She didn't stop to ask him for anything, just went down the street. It was so weird!

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That reminds me of this:

On Christmas, with a houseful of people there was a knock on the door and when I answered the door an elderly lady walked in and began to settle in.


It ended up she had dementia and had left her daughter's house down the street.

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I'd definitely give the benefit of the doubt and assume it's dementia and be glad she kept smiling.


(Or she's a dangerous psycho. Pick yer poison.)

Edited by OKBud
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Older? Inappropriate behavior that she seemed bizarrely oblivious to the inappropriateness of? Dementia or the like - age-related cognitive problems. It can happen even to people who still look quite healthy, spry, and put-together. I hope she's all right.

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That reminds me of a time a few years ago when I was up late at night cleaning the kitchen, around 11pm, and our dog started barking.  He was standing in the front hall, and when I caught up with him, a woman probably in her 70's was just standing there inside of our house.  She looked a little bewildered and asked for a name I didn't know, and then she turned around and left.


I would assume some sort of confusion was going on in your situation.

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I wondered about dementia. She seemed a little confused, and very insistent that I open the door! Like I said, I think she lives in the neighborhood so I'm glad she kept going "into" the neighborhood (and hopefully to her home) than back "out" the way she came.

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I would think dementia.  We had an older gentleman in our neighborhood who was quite well known for just tapping on car windows and demanding to be driven to the grocery store or whatever.  And not just neighbors who knew of him, but strangers who were stopped at a stop sign.  It took several calls to his kids for them to get him moved into a safer living situation. 

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We have a young woman who walks about our neighbourhood and town regularly; typically she seems to hold animated and pleasant conversations with herself as she walks, and while she doesn't usually acknowledge others she seems in good spirits. One day I walked by her and out of the blue she started barking like a dog at me. It was rather startling, to say the least.


In your situation I would likely let the across the street neighbor know, just so there can be more eyes out. I generally feel the more we look out for each other, even quietly, the better. I hope she made it home safely.

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Well, now that it's past 7:30 a.m., I'm fully awake, and not startled out of my wits, I feel a bit bad! I did not call the police this morning. She didn't seem intoxicated. Honestly, I thought she was just a weird lady who wanted a ride somewhere. She was acting like she knew me. I do think now it was likely dementia or some other impairment. Hopefully she got home alright. I am fairly confident she was in the right neighborhood, at least. Live and learn.

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Well, now that it's past 7:30 a.m., I'm fully awake, and not startled out of my wits, I feel a bit bad! I did not call the police this morning. She didn't seem intoxicated. Honestly, I thought she was just a weird lady who wanted a ride somewhere. She was acting like she knew me. I do think now it was likely dementia or some other impairment. Hopefully she got home alright. I am fairly confident she was in the right neighborhood, at least. Live and learn.

Eh, don't feel bad. Reasoning through things and making the best decisions when you are startled by an unexpected occurence isn't easy. It's easy for us, sitting at home, to say "oh, that sounds like dementia, call the police"--doesn't mean at least half of us wouldn't have been just as startled and confused as you had it been us in the car this morning! Brains don't function at full rational capacity under those circumstances.


If course you'll be better prepared should a similar circumstance happen again; that's what experience is for :)

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