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JAWM, 3 year olds


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My youngest is a typical 3 year old.


I had planned to go for a run right after work (before coming home). I realized I forgot to pack a few things and Imissed my kids, so I thought, "hey, I'll take the kids for a walk with the dog!"


Why am I so stupid?? Of course the 3 year old threw a fit about something indecipherable. I tried to go and leave her at home. She threw bigger fit and started walking. Then laid on the ground and refused to move. Then when I said we're going home (we'd okay made it 3 houses away) she ran away from me. So I had to carry her back.


I just want to get some exercise to help my depression. I also want to see my kids.


Now I'm laying on the couch trying not to cry and to not snap at the kids.

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I can't remember my children ever misbehaving at that age. 




Mind you, I can't remember them being that age.


Perhaps I blocked it out for a reason? 


They are currently 11 and 12, so they both must have been 3 at some time. Right? 

Edited by Julie Smith
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My just about two year old is screaming for some unknown reason right now while my four year old is sobbing uncontrollably because I made her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

She asked for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


I am convinced that God made these kids so cute so we'd still love them through the ages of 2-4.

Edited by MedicMom
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DH walked the boys, ages 8, 5, and days-away-from-3, to McDonalds the other day for lunch. DH noticed a man having trouble with the ketchup dispensor and offered him one of their packets of ketchup. The almost-3yr old screamed hysterically for that ketchup packet back for NINETY MINUTES. 90. An hour and a freaking half.



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DH walked the boys, ages 8, 5, and days-away-from-3, to McDonalds the other day for lunch. DH noticed a man having trouble with the ketchup dispensor and offered him one of their packets of ketchup. The almost-3yr old screamed hysterically for that ketchup packet back for NINETY MINUTES. 90. An hour and a freaking half.



This could so be my DD. Yup. Kids.

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My just about two year old is screaming for some unknown reason right now while my four year old is sobbing uncontrollably because I made her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

She asked for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


I am convinced that God made these kids so cute so we'd still love them through the ages of 2-4.

I'm positive that's why they're cute. It's for the benefit of their survival until adulthood.

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Hugs from a distance! Depression sucks, three year olds are adorable but impossible and yep been asked when the baby is due when it was just weight gain! When will people learn that that is never a good question to ask?!


Good on you for making the effort to get some exercise to help the depression though. That's great! Hopefully it goes better next time.

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Aaaand the dude at the restaurant just asked me when I was due. What a f$@@@ing day.

What a dope. Some questions should never be asked. Also, it seems to always be guys who foolishly ask this question.


Sorry about the meltdown. BTDT. Everything was so much better after 4. I never was a big infant/toddler person.

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I'm positive that's why they're cute. It's for the benefit of their survival until adulthood.

I used to say this about my child with beauitful blue eyes. I only have one blue-eyed child and it is a recessive gene that neither I nor DH have expressed. (Mine are brown/green, DH's are hazel/green.) I always said God gave this child the beautiful eyes in order to offset the maddening behavior. ðŸ˜

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Every time I say "Ugh, 12" to myself (okay, sometimes to anyone within earshot) these days, the thought is quickly followed by, "but thank goodness not three."


About a year ago, someone at a auto repair shop asked me how many kids we had, and I said two, and they said, "And when's your third due?" And I must say, I was extra speechless because it was a WOMAN, and she should know better!!! Especially since I could have asked her the same question,!!

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My kid was so difficult at 3yo.  Worst thing about that was that nobody believed me.  "Not Miss E, she's sooooo sweet!"  :P  The super cute photos from those days totally camouflage actual history.


Take lots of photos so you can enjoy your kid "memories" after they aren't so little any more.  :P

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Luckily my memories are kind of blur about that time in my life with so many little ones all packed together. Maybe they are suppressed memories for self-preservation.  :laugh:  I do recall many, many moments thinking, "Would you just please pick between these 2 simple options (food, clothes, books, anything) so I can get on with my life?!" 

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