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What do you really want for Mother's Day?


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I always seem to be doing things for my own mother and mother in law so that they aren't forgotten. Sometimes my kids do a little card or craft, but the day doesn't really seem to be about me. Probably because I am the only one who 'does holidays' so if it weren't for me there probably wouldn't be birthday parties, Easter baskets, or Christmas traditions either.


I really want to run away to the beach but that is not an option this year...

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Dream day? Wake up to a spotless house with the little girls' bedroom and my sewing space totally organized. 


What shouldn't be too much to expect but probably won't happen day? I don't want to cook or otherwise prepare or figure out or arrange or schedule or whatever food for myself and all family members. And no wiping anyone else's butt.

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The ideal day for me would be a day alone but it never happens on Mother's Day. Usually we are at the beach with my parents. I still have a nice day with a little time alone. Last year we were here and we went on a walk at a nature preserve that I love...it was especially cool because at the end we saw a mama cardinal in her nest with newly hatched baby birds. This year we will be traveling (in California for a nephew's graduation) so I don't think we will be doing anything MD related. 


I'm fairly low key about getting gifts or doing something on a particular day (birthday or Mother's Day). But for the past five years I have taken a weekend away to myself every year. That has become absolutely essential for me. I go for my birthday but not necessarily on my actual birthday. It started with about 24 hours when I the kids were littler. This year I went for two nights since it's fairly easy for dh and I found a super cheap hotel deal. I read, take baths, watch movies only I like, go for long walks, go to a few museums, etc. I also go on our annual women's retreat and try to finagle a night away for a work conference once a year. Those are nice but I really need the very solitary weekend. 


For all the people who said they would like something similar....ask for it! I waited for years for dh to suggest it because to me it was obviously the perfect gift. Then I realized he would never think of it. So for my 40th birthday I told him that I wanted 24 hours away in a hotel. The kids are fine. My daughter has asked how come I want to go away and I just am honest and tell her that I love her and her brothers dearly but that I like time alone too. 

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Mother's Day will be spent doing something with my mom probably.  I would love a day completely to myself to do whatever I want, but I am going to get that the weekend before Mother's Day.


My early "Mother's Day": 


I'm heading up to Niantic, Connecticut Friday afternoon so I arrive sometime around dinner time.  I will either go out to eat or pick up something to bring back to my hotel room.  After dinner (or during if it's in my room), I will read, maybe watch some movies (there's a Redbox right by the hotel), basically do whatever I want without interruption.


Saturday morning I'll get up, eat breakfast, and head downtown to the Book Barn.  A HUGE used bookstore that offers a homeschooler/teacher discount, has a bunch of curriculum and educational materials, and lots and lots of lovely books.  I will browse, stopping to eat when I feel like it, stopping to rest when I feel like it, returning to my hotel when I feel like.   Saturday evening I will again read and/or watch movies.


Sunday I will wake up, have breakfast, and check-out.  I will go back to the book store to do any additional shopping I want to, then drive home.  

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re "just tell him; he is not ever going to read your mind"

The ideal day for me would be a day alone but it never happens on Mother's Day. Usually we are at the beach with my parents. I still have a nice day with a little time alone. Last year we were here and we went on a walk at a nature preserve that I love...it was especially cool because at the end we saw a mama cardinal in her nest with newly hatched baby birds. This year we will be traveling (in California for a nephew's graduation) so I don't think we will be doing anything MD related. 


I'm fairly low key about getting gifts or doing something on a particular day (birthday or Mother's Day). But for the past five years I have taken a weekend away to myself every year. That has become absolutely essential for me. I go for my birthday but not necessarily on my actual birthday. It started with about 24 hours when I the kids were littler. This year I went for two nights since it's fairly easy for dh and I found a super cheap hotel deal. I read, take baths, watch movies only I like, go for long walks, go to a few museums, etc. I also go on our annual women's retreat and try to finagle a night away for a work conference once a year. Those are nice but I really need the very solitary weekend. 


For all the people who said they would like something similar....ask for it! I waited for years for dh to suggest it because to me it was obviously the perfect gift. Then I realized he would never think of it. So for my 40th birthday I told him that I wanted 24 hours away in a hotel. The kids are fine. My daughter has asked how come I want to go away and I just am honest and tell her that I love her and her brothers dearly but that I like time alone too. 


The bolded is such an essential life lesson, that I also came to years too late.  My husband loves me.  He isn't me.  He thinks differently, he processes input differently, he has different priorities, his "ideal day" looks different than mine.  The years I wasted longing for him to read my mind before I worked out I needed to Just.Tell.Him.  Oy.




Your birthday weekends sound lovely, btw.  Very restorative.

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To not spend all day/weekend at a soccer tournament. Except the club always schedules the tournament for Mother's Day weekend and I have three kids in soccer, one of which is just starting. Stupid soccer.


Oh that sounds like my personal version of hell.


But it reminds me of something.  Every couple of months we have a pot luck lunch at church. It's generally on the 2nd Sunday of the month.   Last May I decided I was not spending part of Mother's Day at a lunch that I had to prepare for and didn't particularly enjoy.  (I don't mind potlucks but we don't have a real kitchen so everything that's not salad or chips is in a crockpot and I have issues with wet runny food.)  I'll do it the other months but not on Mother's Day. Anyway, a lot of people skipped it last year for the same reason my family did. The admin (who is also a friend) was so disappointed by the low turnout and didn't seem to understand when I told her that most women want less work, not more, on Mother's Day. Anyway, this year the May lunch is not on the second Sunday.   :thumbup1:


The best Mother's Days are the ones when the food prep is simple and/or done by someone else (pizza or something my husband grills), we all go for a hike, and I have some time to read.   

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re "just tell him; he is not ever going to read your mind"


The bolded is such an essential life lesson, that I also came to years too late.  My husband loves me.  He isn't me.  He thinks differently, he processes input differently, he has different priorities, his "ideal day" looks different than mine.  The years I wasted longing for him to read my mind before I worked out I needed to Just.Tell.Him.  Oy.




Oh my gosh, this.  Please, ladies, take this to heart.


"If he loved me, he'd know what I want" is a lie.  I don't know how that lie got started (romance novels or movies?) but it is a lie.  In my experience, men want to know what their wives/girlfriends/lovers would like.  They don't want to have to try to guess and then find they have disappointed their loved one.   There is no "it should be obvious to him" in this matter.  


(My experience is not limited to my husband, but coworkers and other men I have known, who have expressed to me their frustration that they can't seem to please their women, and wish the women would just tell them what they'd like.)  

Edited by marbel
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Because of this thread, last night I randomly declared to the room at large "You know what I want to do for Mother's Day?  Wake up to a tidy house, skip church and go to the zoo, and eat out."  Two of my daughters looked like they were synthesizing the information...


Really though, I like it when they plan stuff that I don't have to ask for.  I really like being surprised and the effort to do that means A LOT to me.


Honestly though, I am just glad that Mothers Day is finally about me and not about MIL.  A few years back (after talking about it repeatedly over the years) I just threw a fit and refused to participate.  He and the kids went alone that year, and it has never happened again.  Every year, I organize a week night before Mothers Day to go over to her house and eat pizza and weed her flower beds/ plant flowers.  We both seem happy with that now.  My mother has always said not to worry about her on the day.  That day is for me.  So we always travel up to her house on the Monday after and take her out to lunch and bring her a little something. I am finally happy with Mothers Day.

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An entire day to myself, in my house, and, the next morning when I emerge, to find that the house didn't descend into a disaster and chaos while I was hiding. Housework must be at least at the state it was in when I went into hiding.

DH and I are in talks about this right now actually. He wa gone on a very long business trip and some of us got sick as soon as he returned (me and the youngest, not him) but all commitments continued as usual, so I am very, very, very DONE and need a break this weekend before I crack. :-)

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