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Well Trained Bodies - 3/19/17


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Welcome to a new week!


Just a reminder that this thread is for both those wanting to change their bodies through diet and exercise. Please feel free to join in with questions, comments, challenges, etc related to either topic.



Last week was awful for me with this lingering illness. I didn't eat well and ate more sweets than I should have. I also didn't get as much exercise as i would have liked. 


This is my plan for the week: continue with the wall sit challenge, begin a push up challenge, no sweets except for what occurs in my daily cup of chai, increase vegetables and fruits, decrease carbs.


DH and I went for a 3.5 mile walk today. My eating has been good.

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Goals for this week: 


Get enough sleep (adjust to DST)

Continue to eat 8-10 servings of fruit/veges/day

3 strength training workouts 

4+ aerobic workouts 


The weather looks like it should be pretty nice, so I should be able to walk/hike. I may try to make one workout in the pool. 

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Hey, Scout. Are you watching any Indian Wells action during your recovery?  I got to watch the men's final. So great to see Federer playing so well.


This week's plan is to try to squeeze in a few more days cross-country skiing before the snow disappears completely. I am so hooked on being outdoors in the woods that I need to do it everyday.  :001_smile:


I will also be playing tennis twice this week. It seems to be my upper limit during the indoor season, as it's just too pricey to pay court fees more than that. I can't wait for the outdoor season so I'll be able to play everyday (weather permitting). That's the only wonderful thing about indoor tennis - the "weather" is always perfect.  :laugh:



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I did not end up doing my work-out yesterday, I just felt crappy all day, I started my period today so I guess that probably was part of it. I've felt much better today but I painted from 9:30-5:30, with just a 20 min break and I only got the first coat on, with just starting my period all I really wanted to do was lay on the couch, I get these leg cramps and it just hurts to stand but it needed to be done. Soo much squatting and stooping and my right arm started cramping up. After that it was a snack and shower so I could help my husband move some furniture, I got a couch, loveseat, and chair from Ikea and a loft bed from Craigslist. More lifting. By the time we got it in, I got supper on and we put together the couch it was 8pm and I am just too damn wore out. Here's hoping I sleep like a baby.

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Soror - I think you should pace yourself a little more with the painting. You are risking more than just "sleeping like a baby." You could do some major damage to your body with 8 hours of repetitive motions like that. But maybe you are 20 years old and will bounce back just fine. I have to limit my painting to about 2 - 3 hours or my shoulders won't move anymore. I used to do quite a bit of painting with our local community theatre.

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I took an hour and a half walk along the beach with my friend. It hurt. Thirteen mile run equals pain.

This week: continue to eat right, walk at least 3 miles tomorrow, run 2-3 miles on Tuesday, lift on Wednesday and Friday, do something active on Thursday and Saturday. I should do some yoga tomorrow too.

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Well, as is often the case, my report is boring: I did an hour of cardio on the AMT machine in a ridiculously hot gym. And since I had a fairly bad migraine, the heat made me even crankier than usual. It's only March and I'm already wishing for summer to be over!!! It was 83 degrees here today. Makes me want to cry.


Scoutermom, Soror, BooksandBoys, hope you all feel better!

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Well, as is often the case, my report is boring: I did an hour of cardio on the AMT machine in a ridiculously hot gym. And since I had a fairly bad migraine, the heat made me even crankier than usual. It's only March and I'm already wishing for summer to be over!!! It was 83 degrees here today. Makes me want to cry.


Scoutermom, Soror, BooksandBoys, hope you all feel better!


Exercising in the heat is the worst.  It makes me feel really sick.  I could never do it with a migraine.  I won't complain about our cold weather.  Heading out for a run...the other morning it was so cold that my hair and eyelashes froze!

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Yesterday was my first Sunday at the gym.  I did 45 minutes of cardio there and a little body weight stuff at home, but it all felt a bit "off".  I'm tracking my food again this week, which I HATE, but I keep falling into old habits, especially at night, and it's frustrating me.  That may be why I feel blah.


I recommitted to working out a little over 2 months ago because I was at my lowest weight in a while, but old aches and pains were coming back, I was having sleep issues, my clothes were tighter, and I just felt overall icky.  I suspected I'd probably gain some pounds getting back into strength training at first, but it happened to coincide with a bunch of celebrations and visits that involved heavy snacking! So I was up as much as 6 pounds.  This morning, I found out I'm only up less than 3, so that was encouraging.  I also lowered my resting heart rate, drastically increased my stamina (which is a very big deal for me), and I can see definition in my arms and legs. And I'm sleeping well more nights than I'm not. Clothes are still a sore spot. :-p


I'm in a weird place right now, because I don't like to use weight as a measurement, and I find calorie and macro counting to be a terrible lifestyle, but I'm also incredibly curious about the science of it all. I'm like my own science fair project!  I want to keep collecting data, but I don't want to make myself insane. And I really don't want to give my kids (especially my teen daughters) the wrong idea. I'm glad they see me going out and taking care of myself, but I don't like them seeing the kitchen scale out, or me passing up their freshly baked cookies. (Why, oh why, do they have to be on a baking spree???)


So that's where I am at the start of this week.



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Exercising in the heat is the worst.  It makes me feel really sick.  I could never do it with a migraine.  I won't complain about our cold weather.  Heading out for a run...the other morning it was so cold that my hair and eyelashes froze!


I'm glad someone understands me!  I have friends who prefer working out in the heat, because they really want to work up a serious sweat.  And we have all of these hot yoga places around here.  Hot yoga?  In the already-hot desert?   :confused1:   And people pay money for this torture?  :lol:


I'm sure I'd complain about frozen hair and eyelashes too, though!!!  My perfect climate would be one that stays between 20 and 65 at all times.  I'm sure no such place exists!  I used to have a much higher heat tolerance, but it disappeared completely with perimenopause and chronic migraines.

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I'm in a weird place right now, because I don't like to use weight as a measurement, and I find calorie and macro counting to be a terrible lifestyle, but I'm also incredibly curious about the science of it all. I'm like my own science fair project!  I want to keep collecting data, but I don't want to make myself insane. And I really don't want to give my kids (especially my teen daughters) the wrong idea. I'm glad they see me going out and taking care of myself, but I don't like them seeing the kitchen scale out, or me passing up their freshly baked cookies. (Why, oh why, do they have to be on a baking spree???)


So that's where I am at the start of this week.


I've been in that place, too.  I'd say go ahead and do your science experiment, because it's probably good for your teen daughters to see you taking good care of yourself, and being happy and healthy.  Surely that outweighs any disappointment they might have from you passing up their cookies?  My dd makes the best cookies and cupcakes from scratch.  (sigh...)


I went through periods when I was really strict and precise about all of the measuring (of my food, of my weight, of everything!).  I needed to do that for a time, and I don't regret it.  And if I don't do some sort of measuring/controlling, I can get completely off track really quickly.  The balance that I've found (for now! always subject to change!) is to just roughly count food servings (e.g. limit of two or three servings of whole grain per day) but not worry about the finer details like calories or carb grams or whatever. So go ahead and do what feels best right now.  It is a season, not forever.  You may stumble upon something else that works better.  Or you may find that you really enjoy the science experiment and want to keep it going.   :001_smile:

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I've been in that place, too.  I'd say go ahead and do your science experiment, because it's probably good for your teen daughters to see you taking good care of yourself, and being happy and healthy.  Surely that outweighs any disappointment they might have from you passing up their cookies?  My dd makes the best cookies and cupcakes from scratch.  (sigh...)


I went through periods when I was really strict and precise about all of the measuring (of my food, of my weight, of everything!).  I needed to do that for a time, and I don't regret it.  And if I don't do some sort of measuring/controlling, I can get completely off track really quickly.  The balance that I've found (for now! always subject to change!) is to just roughly count food servings (e.g. limit of two or three servings of whole grain per day) but not worry about the finer details like calories or carb grams or whatever. So go ahead and do what feels best right now.  It is a season, not forever.  You may stumble upon something else that works better.  Or you may find that you really enjoy the science experiment and want to keep it going.   :001_smile:


Thank you for that!


Though the cookie thing isn't about hurting their feelings, but about making them think cookies (or whatever) are bad. I've always been pretty careful about not demonizing food.  I mean, we call junk food junk food, but it's been considered a small piece of an overall healthy diet. We generally don't keep packaged junk stocked, but everyone's always free to whip something up from scratch.  And I've wound up with kids who make pretty good choices, for the most part.  I just hear so much about the prevalence of body image issues in teen girls and now I'm paranoid about my influence.  They're about to turn 14 and 15, which is right around when I started to have a negative self-image, so it's VERY possible (probable) that I'm projecting!

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I haven't posted in a while. I had been consistent until I reluctantly took last week off. After missing a couple of days for legitimate reasons, I decided to take off the whole week and enjoy sleeping in with dh. I was supposed to go to cardio workout this morning, but I'm so sleep deprived from driving back from a weekend trip that I went back to bed after dropping off the older kids at school. I need to get groceries and be back in time for dh to go to work. After that I'll probably do a quick HIIT workout.


My goals for the week are to attend boot camp the rest of the week, run sprint intervals on Wednesday, and do a longer run on Saturday. Tuesday I'll work arms in the evening with dh, and Thursday I'll work legs with dh. Finally, I'm committing to doing the 5 minutes of exercises my trainer assigned before bed. I need to remember to bring the 5 pound dumbbells into my room for that. Does that sound like too much?


Diet - scale back on the junk/fast food from this past week. Focus on getting back to my regular diet of no sugar and no processed food, with lean protein and veggies.

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I'm glad someone understands me! I have friends who prefer working out in the heat, because they really want to work up a serious sweat. And we have all of these hot yoga places around here. Hot yoga? In the already-hot desert? :confused1: And people pay money for this torture? :lol:


I'm sure I'd complain about frozen hair and eyelashes too, though!!! My perfect climate would be one that stays between 20 and 65 at all times. I'm sure no such place exists! I used to have a much higher heat tolerance, but it disappeared completely with perimenopause and chronic migraines.

I thought you were working out in a hot gym on purpose like the hot yoga you mentioned. I would die if I did that with a migraine. As it is, I sweat a ton.

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wintermom- yes, ideally i wouldn't be painting near this long but it needed to be done so i got it done, i feel ok this am but sore of course. It took another 2 hrs to finish off the job but I shouldn't have anymore painting to do for a week or so, then it will be wall painting which is at least somewhat different.


carrie- I understand your thoughts about not wanting to send the wrong message to your daughters. I try to guard my words and make sure i talk about not eating foods because they aren't the healthies, not because i am worried about my weight, although i do occasionally indulge, i think that shows some balance. We just got to do our best and hope that it turns out well. 


greta-  I don't tolerate heat well at all, it used to not bother me as much but since I developed thyroid disease I just can't take it well. even in regular yoga class i often skip child's pose because it is too hot for me to sit in it(and that is not even moving. 


All the girls have stuffy noses and sore throats so I bet I was fighting something Sat, hopefully it stays away.


Goals for the week-

M/W/F - bodyweight circuits

3+ walks

yoga- class on Thurs, training on Sat & Sun


We are on spring break this week so i hope to take some time just to enjoy it but we need to make some garden beds and get the garden started. I can't remember what else at the moment. We'll see what happens.  Now to get back to *trying* to put together a loft bed with no instructions.

Edited by soror
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Thank you for that!


Though the cookie thing isn't about hurting their feelings, but about making them think cookies (or whatever) are bad. I've always been pretty careful about not demonizing food.  I mean, we call junk food junk food, but it's been considered a small piece of an overall healthy diet. We generally don't keep packaged junk stocked, but everyone's always free to whip something up from scratch.  And I've wound up with kids who make pretty good choices, for the most part.  I just hear so much about the prevalence of body image issues in teen girls and now I'm paranoid about my influence.  They're about to turn 14 and 15, which is right around when I started to have a negative self-image, so it's VERY possible (probable) that I'm projecting!


Oh, yeah, sorry I misunderstood.  I share that worry (probably every mom of girls does) about body image.  So far, my daughter (who is 17) seems to be doing far, far better in that regard than I did at her age!  I'm so relieved.  And I do regret some of the things that I've done and said over the years, not to her, but about myself.  I wasn't thinking at the time about the bad perspective/behavior that I was modeling.  Luckily it doesn't seem to have affected her.  


I haven't posted in a while. I had been consistent until I reluctantly took last week off. After missing a couple of days for legitimate reasons, I decided to take off the whole week and enjoy sleeping in with dh. I was supposed to go to cardio workout this morning, but I'm so sleep deprived from driving back from a weekend trip that I went back to bed after dropping off the older kids at school. I need to get groceries and be back in time for dh to go to work. After that I'll probably do a quick HIIT workout.


My goals for the week are to attend boot camp the rest of the week, run sprint intervals on Wednesday, and do a longer run on Saturday. Tuesday I'll work arms in the evening with dh, and Thursday I'll work legs with dh. Finally, I'm committing to doing the 5 minutes of exercises my trainer assigned before bed. I need to remember to bring the 5 pound dumbbells into my room for that. Does that sound like too much?


Diet - scale back on the junk/fast food from this past week. Focus on getting back to my regular diet of no sugar and no processed food, with lean protein and veggies.


It sounds like a lot, but not necessarily too much, depending on your fitness level.  I think it sounds like a fun challenge!  I've been curious about trying boot camp classes.  But there's only one per week at my gym and it's at 5am.  So . . . not happening!  :lol:  I'm not much of a morning person to begin with, plus I'm on a medication which makes it very difficult to get up in the morning.  See, I have lots of perfectly valid excuses!



I thought you were working out in a hot gym on purpose like the hot yoga you mentioned. I would die if I did that with a migraine. As it is, I sweat a ton.



Oh, yeah, I guess I wasn't clear!  I'm just whining because my gym does not set the thermostat where I would.  All winter long, they keep the heater so stoked up that it's hotter in there in December than in July.  Irritates me to no end!  And we've had a very sudden warming spell, so they probably don't have the a/c running yet.  So it was brutal in there yesterday.

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greta-  I don't tolerate heat well at all, it used to not bother me as much but since I developed thyroid disease I just can't take it well. even in regular yoga class i often skip child's pose because it is too hot for me to sit in it(and that is not even moving. 




That stinks.  :grouphug:

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Well, as is often the case, my report is boring: I did an hour of cardio on the AMT machine in a ridiculously hot gym. And since I had a fairly bad migraine, the heat made me even crankier than usual. It's only March and I'm already wishing for summer to be over!!! It was 83 degrees here today. Makes me want to cry.


Scoutermom, Soror, BooksandBoys, hope you all feel better!

I'm impressed with you! I despise being hot, and I'll do anything to avoid it. I would have had to find another way to exercise.

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I'm glad someone understands me!  I have friends who prefer working out in the heat, because they really want to work up a serious sweat.  And we have all of these hot yoga places around here.  Hot yoga?  In the already-hot desert?   :confused1:   And people pay money for this torture?   :lol:


I'm sure I'd complain about frozen hair and eyelashes too, though!!!  My perfect climate would be one that stays between 20 and 65 at all times.  I'm sure no such place exists!  I used to have a much higher heat tolerance, but it disappeared completely with perimenopause and chronic migraines.


Hot yoga is mostly stretching rather than moving around, though, so it does make sense to get the muscles nice and warm before and during that kind of activity. More intense exercising in the heat is tougher than in the cool, I find. I can run way faster and easier in the fall and spring than in the summer. And humidity makes things even more uncomfortable. Plus there is only so much clothing one can shed in the heat. ;)  In the cold you can just add on layers (and then take them off again when you work up a sweat!)  :laugh:

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Happy 1st Day of Spring!!    I'm officially doing spring skiing now, which means getting on the snow before it melts too much and gets soft and slow.


I went for a really nice ski with ds 11 and 13. We did about 8 km with lots of hill work. We only had 2 pairs of skate skis to share around between the 3 of us, so the unlucky person had to slug along with the skis with fish scales/built-in-brakes. 



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I'm in a weird place right now, because I don't like to use weight as a measurement, and I find calorie and macro counting to be a terrible lifestyle, but I'm also incredibly curious about the science of it all. I'm like my own science fair project!  I want to keep collecting data, but I don't want to make myself insane. And I really don't want to give my kids (especially my teen daughters) the wrong idea. I'm glad they see me going out and taking care of myself, but I don't like them seeing the kitchen scale out, or me passing up their freshly baked cookies. (Why, oh why, do they have to be on a baking spree???)




Sounds like your teenaged girls have gotten lots of good role modeling from you. Our bodies are not all the same and as we age, the margin decreases. If you are worried about it, maybe you could make reference to your body's *unique needs at the moment. *  I think that is a good thing to model as it's a good life time habit. 


Kudos to you for being conscious about what you are modeling!

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As I mentioned earier I finished painting this morning. Then more furniture moving and assembly.  I did get in a walk and just finished my circuit exercises, woot! Everything seems a bit mre reasonable now that I've returned some order to the place, although the list of things to do is still too long, tomorrow will be better, I might see about buying our garden beds tonight so we can build them tomorrow.

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As planned, I did exactly nothing yesterday, unless you count a nap, some grocery shopping, and a nice dinner with friends, wine, and probably more calories than good for me. The plan for today is fix a couple of frayed cords and go to an open fencing session at night.


Speaking of temperatures, we are in 60s now, but heat is coming fast, and given the fencing gear, it is going to be tough when it hits us. Luckily, our club is moving one of the studios again, and this time they promise to install AC. So, yay! The old one has only those huge industrial fans, which don't do much when you are wrapped in layers and layers of synthetic fabric, plus a mask.

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Did weights today, but with my daughter instead of my husband.  It was fun.  I hope I can get her hooked!



I'm impressed with you! I despise being hot, and I'll do anything to avoid it. I would have had to find another way to exercise.


Very kind of you.  But trust me, if you had seen me -- sweaty, red-faced, angry, and grumbling -- you would not have been impressed!   :lol:



Hot yoga is mostly stretching rather than moving around, though, so it does make sense to get the muscles nice and warm before and during that kind of activity. More intense exercising in the heat is tougher than in the cool, I find. I can run way faster and easier in the fall and spring than in the summer. And humidity makes things even more uncomfortable. Plus there is only so much clothing one can shed in the heat. ;)  In the cold you can just add on layers (and then take them off again when you work up a sweat!)  :laugh:



Oh, see, my experience with yoga consists mostly of Ashtanga so that's what I was picturing.  You get hot enough doing Ashtanga without any additional heat needed!  But if the emphasis is on stretching then I can see why people do it.  I still don't have any interest!  But I can see why others would choose to do it.   :D


I definitely agree with you:  you can dress for cold weather, but there's only so much undressing you can do for hot weather.  And at temps higher than 75 or so, I just feel so weak!

Edited by Greta
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Finished an hour hike with my son, but it's kinda late. I had started my strength-training routine and gotten a couple sets of push-ups and rows in. It remains to be seen whether I finish tonight or decide to punt till tomorrow.  :tongue_smilie:  I didn't do so much upper body that I couldn't do it tomorrow.... so we shall see.

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The past week and a half have not been great. Not a total fail but definitely less than ideal. There were so many extra events going on and then the kids started getting sick. Perfect meals and exercise were the first things to go. I ate ok but not great and only got in two workout days last week. Today I still have a few sick ones, including DH now, but I was determined not to let that get in the way. I did my RevAbs workout (only a 30 minute one today) and went for a 25 minute walk with two healthy kids. I ate really well and drank tons of water and gingerroot tea. I took extra vitamin C and D too so that I can hopefully avoid whatever it is that they're all passing around. I'm hungry tonight but just had some tea and now am heading to bed. Hoping everyone here is healthy tomorrow and we can start getting back into our routine. It seems like someone has had a cough, cold, or sore throat since January!

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Just came home from fencing. So tired, and my shoulder hurts. The epee is not that heavy, but after an hour of mostly holding it with your arm extended, it feels like it weighs a ton.


Today in the middle of being pummeled by a lady about my mom's age, I thought that maybe I have no business even considering competing, but then I will lose such a great incentive. On the other hand, getting beaten probably won't make me wish to come back again soon. Sigh. Well, since I paid already, I will obviously go, but today my spirits are pretty low.

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Just came home from fencing. So tired, and my shoulder hurts. The epee is not that heavy, but after an hour of mostly holding it with your arm extended, it feels like it weighs a ton.


Today in the middle of being pummeled by a lady about my mom's age, I thought that maybe I have no business even considering competing, but then I will lose such a great incentive. On the other hand, getting beaten probably won't make me wish to come back again soon. Sigh. Well, since I paid already, I will obviously go, but today my spirits are pretty low.


I get beaten in tennis OFTEN by people older than me; sometimes much older. It gives me hope that in time I can improve to their level. ;) The older competitors have usually refined their technique and strengths to focus in on getting points in their strength area. If you can force them into their weakness area and/or into your strength area, you can slow them down.


In tennis, it usually means making the older person move around a lot more. Everyone has more trouble executing a skill when they have to move more to do it.  Perhaps you can find out some strategies to capitalize on your strengths.


Just keep training, though! You will only get better and better.  :hurray:

Edited by wintermom
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I didn't do anything over the weekend exercise wise, still recovering from Friday's workout. Yesterday I did a Leslie Sansone workout, one of her faster pace ones which was nice. It is amazing to me how simple those workouts are but how affective they are, at least until my body gets used to them.


I'm going to try to do another one today but I've got a sick kids who is quite clingy.

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I get beaten in tennis OFTEN by people older than me; sometimes much older. It gives me hope that in time I can improve to their level. ;) The older competitors have usually refined their technique and strengths to focus in on getting points in their strength area. If you can force them into their weakness area and/or into your strength area, you can slow them down.


In tennis, it usually means making the older person move around a lot more. Everyone has more trouble executing a skill when they have to move more to do it.  Perhaps you can find out some strategies to capitalize on your strengths.


Just keep training, though! You will only get better and better.  :hurray:


Thanks! I also keep telling myself that they were training since I was in high school, so they had time to improve :) On the other hand, I feel like I can't win against teens, because they just have much more energy, speed, flexibility, etc, and I lose against veterans because they have more experience and better techniques. Oh well, there is no shortcuts here. Anyway, I still enjoy fencing, it is the competition aspect I am second-guessing.


Or maybe it is just cloudy weather. I am lucky that we have just a few days a year like this here, but when they come, I immediately feel a bit depressed.

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Just came home from fencing. So tired, and my shoulder hurts. The epee is not that heavy, but after an hour of mostly holding it with your arm extended, it feels like it weighs a ton.


Today in the middle of being pummeled by a lady about my mom's age, I thought that maybe I have no business even considering competing, but then I will lose such a great incentive. On the other hand, getting beaten probably won't make me wish to come back again soon. Sigh. Well, since I paid already, I will obviously go, but today my spirits are pretty low.


I'm sorry. Competing with people who are better than you is tough but good, because it'll help you improve. I hope your shoulder feels better!

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I woke up at 3 am with the start of a migraine. Silly me decided to try to sleep through it and hope for the best. I woke up in so much pain! Needless to say I didn't attend bootcamp again. I NEED to do something today. Oh, and I never got around to doing my HIIT yesterday either. Kids got needy before I got a chance to do it. Hopefully I can report back next time with something I accomplished.

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Thanks! I also keep telling myself that they were training since I was in high school, so they had time to improve :) On the other hand, I feel like I can't win against teens, because they just have much more energy, speed, flexibility, etc, and I lose against veterans because they have more experience and better techniques. Oh well, there is no shortcuts here. Anyway, I still enjoy fencing, it is the competition aspect I am second-guessing.


Or maybe it is just cloudy weather. I am lucky that we have just a few days a year like this here, but when they come, I immediately feel a bit depressed.


You can learn different aspects from the veterans and the teens. The veterans will learn how to conserve energy and focus on making points. They will probably have more refined strategies and a stronger more focused mental game.  The teens will have that speed, energy and flexibility advantage.  So take what you can from both sides, and use it to improve your performance.


Personally, I'd rather play against a younger player because I like the movement and speed. The veterans who don't move tend to use strategies that I find annoying now, such as lobbing the ball. They intentionally slow the game down, when I'd like to keep it going.

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Yoga is going better this week. I'm walking less, which makes finding time to do yoga easier, and doing yoga helps the aches more anyway. The kids generally don't do yoga with me, so it's hard to get a full practice done, but I've done at least some each day. We hiked only 2.5 miles this morning, but walking still causes so much pressure. I need to find my woven wrap: a lot of my friends swear that belly wrapping will help with the pressure. I've never done it previously, but I only had this level of intense pressure in the last few weeks of my pregnancy with my third baby, not for the last couple of months like this baby (number five). 

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I woke up at 3 am with the start of a migraine. Silly me decided to try to sleep through it and hope for the best. I woke up in so much pain! Needless to say I didn't attend bootcamp again. I NEED to do something today. Oh, and I never got around to doing my HIIT yesterday either. Kids got needy before I got a chance to do it. Hopefully I can report back next time with something I accomplished.

:grouphug: I know that scenario well! I'm so sorry. I started keeping some migraine meds and a bottle of water by my bed because 2-4am seems to be the time they're most likely to strike. The combination of the medication and getting back to sleep (when possible) seems to help more than meds alone. I sure hope you feel better.

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30-40 min walk up and down the steep hill in the neighborhood for cardio. Left the dog home after a guilt-laden debate with myself. Just didn't feel like adding that to the workout!


Most of my strength-training is done: Double dumbbell squats, push-ups, pulls. Need to do clamshells and probably should add some more push-and-pull. Plus I want to try out some more bodyweight moves. 


Sleeping was good last night. Eating was good today. Scale not being very attentive to my efforts, though.  :glare:

Edited by Laurie4b
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I'm still getting my exercise in!  Has anyone taken pilates?  I did a class yesterday and my neck hurts from the strain.  Is that normal?  Are the exercise suppose to work the neck like that?  


Per the advice of the personal trainer last week, I decided to change the ratio of strength to cardio workouts a bit.  I'm hoping that it'll help me with my goals.  


Eating.... well I'm still eating better, but it's getting boring.  I'm a foodie at heart so I really miss the stuff I used to eat and I'm dying for a glass or two of red wine! 

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Today's workouts were karate class (1.5 hours) and a 1.5 mile walk with my DDs. I'd like to get a longer walk in but we've been starting too late. I've enjoyed the past couple of days of walking with my girls. They have too and we'd like to make it a regular part of our day. The warmer spring sun and fresh air feel amazing and it's so quiet and peaceful. It's been a great chance to talk too which is something I've wanted to find a way to do more of as they get older.


I ate well today too. I had lots of vegetables with each meal and resisted the temptation to eat things I shouldn't. I remembered my vitamins too. I didn't drink quite 64oz of water but was pretty close. I'll work on that for tomorrow.

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I'm still getting my exercise in! Has anyone taken pilates? I did a class yesterday and my neck hurts from the strain. Is that normal? Are the exercise suppose to work the neck like that?

I took a series of Pilates classes many years ago, every week for a couple of months, and had the same problem. The instructor kept telling me to hang in there because as my abdominal muscles got stronger, the neck strain would get better. Instead, it got progressively worse. Until I quit the class, then it got better. Sorry to sound so negative, I would just hate for you to suffer for as long as I did. Obviously it doesn't affect everyone that way or people wouldn't still be going. But for some of us, I guess it's just not a good fit.

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Yesterday was a rest day, but our co-op is in a maze-like building with tons of stairs, so I did have lots of steps/steps!  And I wasn't huffing and puffing at the top of the 3rd floor, so yay!!!


I didn't feel very well, though. I was having cold sweats yesterday, and was rather sore and achy since the day before, even though I haven't done any serious lifting since Friday. One of my students cracked a menopause joke and I almost lost it!  By almost lost it, I mean I had to bite my tongue to keep from sharing my relatively regular menstrual cycle with a classroom full of teenagers.  It was weird. 


I feel better so far this morning, so I'm hoping it's no big deal. I'll be leaving for the gym in a little while, and we'll see what feels good when I get there.


Strange question:  Anyone know how to safely "bleed" fabric?  My favorite sports bra has been washed at least 10 times, but I still get a band of pink dye around myself when I sweat, and it's making me crazy!  The other day, it actually seeped into my black and grey top during the drive home, when it shifted under my sweatshirt!  But I love that stupid bra.

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...and I'm done working out for today...Ă°Å¸Ëœâ€™

Today was an Insanity workout. I made it about 4 minutes into the warm-up before rolling my ankle. This movement was accompanied by a loud pop. It's not feeling great right now but not swollen at this point so I guess that's a good sign. Guess I'll just have to wait and see how it is as the day goes on.

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We went to the Zumba class last night. Last week, on Tuesday it was rained out (this is our "Winter", a rainy season, with frequent rain and thunderstorms) and on Friday we were exhausted, after what we did in the afternoon. My wife had missed the previous Friday, because she was working on a project with a Niece.  So, DD I thought did really good last night. My wife, who was in excellent shape when she went to a gym,  is really out of shape now.  As for me, after we got home I told my wife, "I'm not coordinated and don't have the rhythm", etc.  I asked her if the other man who was there is the DH of "M". He's an M.D.  Yes, that's him.  I told her he moves a lot better than I do. She said that I'm old enough to be his father and should compare myself to other Gringos my age, who live in our subdivision.  I wonder if there are any others here now?    So, my wife said during or after the class that she is going to begin exercising with DD, when DD exercises. We have a Stair Stepper I think it's called and an AB King Pro.    My wife had told the Instructor a few weeks ago who my favorite singer/band is and each night during the classes we've been to, he plays one song by them.    :-)


There was quite a bit of discussion last night about starting a Yoga class on Thursday nights, but I think for us, Tuesdays and Fridays in Zumba is enough. Plus the bicycle riding I do and the other exercising DD does (and that hopefully my wife will begin doing with her).  

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I have completely stalled over here. I cannot shake this illness and pretty much everything has come to a standstill. Other than my walk on Sunday, I haven't done any exercise. I did work yesterday for 7 hours (5.5 unpaid)and then went to a painting party my DD hosted as a fundraiser for lymphoma.


I'm still not sleeping more than a couple of hours at a time and am constantly fatigued. It's been a week and a half and I'm almost to the point of going to a doctor. I'm supposed to play tennis this evening so I'll see how I feel afterward.


The good thing is that now that I haven't been doing any exercise all of my foot pain has gone away. That lets me know without a doubt that it's my cheap running shoes causing the discomfort. I've also noticed that I am tending toward melancholy these past few days. I haven't been sad since I began my intense exercise regimen in January. It's good to know that I was able to find the level of daily exercise I need to fight depression. Now if i could only find a job that actually pays...

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...and I'm done working out for today...Ă°Å¸Ëœâ€™

Today was an Insanity workout. I made it about 4 minutes into the warm-up before rolling my ankle. This movement was accompanied by a loud pop. It's not feeling great right now but not swollen at this point so I guess that's a good sign. Guess I'll just have to wait and see how it is as the day goes on.





I hope it's just a minor bump in the road!

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