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$200 for baby when you have most things....


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I received a very generous gift card for Amazon, and now I have to spend it wisely.


If you already had most things that were necessary for a new baby, what would you spend the money on?


We have: pack and play, bouncy seat, high chair, changing table, activity mat, swing, blankets, bibs, burp cloths, pump, ergo, moby wrap, car seat, basic clothes for 0-3 months, a few packs of diapers/wipes, feeding pillow.

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I think I would just load the gift card on the account and use it as needed.   I don't buy diapers anymore, but I understand many people use subscribe and save to get diapers at a good price.  


Or, I might buy something I want for myself.  Depends on what you mean by "spend it wisely."

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Do you need to spend the money because the person who gave it to you will ask you what you bought with it?


If not, I agree with everyone who has said to save it in your Amazon account and use it as needed. You'll be glad to have the extra money as the baby gets a little older and you start realizing that you need certain things. Every time I buy things in advance because I "know" I'll need them later... those items are never actually needed and end up in a closet somewhere.

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Thanks for all the suggestions, ladies! It's been 11 years since our first baby (the second and third shared her stuff), so I didn't know if some new amazing item had popped up. Thanks for helping me brainstorm. In the cart now I have a backpack diaper bag, a summer infant pop n jump portable activity center, a fisher-price infant to toddler rocker, an oversized diaper changing pad (20" x 30"), and a newborn boppy lounger. I'm not so sure the boppy lounger is a go, but a friend highly recommended it, so I'm considering. 



Woolino sleep sack. So lovely, so expensive. Perfect for a gift card.



Wow, those look so wonderful. None of my other babies liked being swaddled, and they all slept near me, so I don't know that we would need it. But it does look like a great product. 



If you are using sposies, you can ALWAYS use more diapers and wipes.  Babies go through them so fast.  You say you have a car seat, you might consider getting the next one up for when baby outgrows the current one.


Yes, diapers and wipes ARE always needed! I thought about cloth diapering for about a week, based on the other thread about sewing them, and thought the money could help us start. In reality, though, the last time I tried CD it didn't go well, and dh really likes the disposables. Plus this is probably our last baby, so the investment won't take us as far. 

(Car seat is a graco convertible- we should be good for many years. Thanks for that suggestion, too.)


Do you need to spend the money because the person who gave it to you will ask you what you bought with it?

If not, I agree with everyone who has said to save it in your Amazon account and use it as needed. You'll be glad to have the extra money as the baby gets a little older and you start realizing that you need certain things. Every time I buy things in advance because I "know" I'll need them later... those items are never actually needed and end up in a closet somewhere.


It was a group gift, so I'm sure there will be some inquiries. I'd like to be able to identify what we used it for. Plus, I'm afraid if I don't spend it all at one time, it will get frittered away on all the other household "stuff". We purchase a lot of things from Amazon. 

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I'd save it, personally.  You never know what little stuff might come up.  I wasn't expecting to have a preemie last time, but when I did, I found myself needing a pump for the first time (after breastfeeding five other babies), and while insurance covered the pump, it was nice to have some gift cards/cash gifts to buy supplies to make pumping much easier (like a hands-free pumping bra).  Here's hoping you aren't in that particular circumstance, but stuff comes up.


Are any clothes worn out?  Washcloths, towels?  An additional baby carrier?  Those are things I replaced with the third, fourth, and fifth babies.


Special toy like a wooden activity cube -- something just for that baby?


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